based on the intro video, which of the following is a theme of this course?

by Summer Hodkiewicz 6 min read

Why create module introduction videos for online classes?

Chief among them is the ability to establish instructor presence. Though there are many strategies to create a sense of presence in online courses, creating module introduction videos is a key way to establish what Teven and McCroskey (1997) identify as the three main factors in instructor presence: caring, competence, and trustworthiness.

How to make an appropriate introduction video for your YouTube videos?

Here are some tips that might help you in making an appropriate introduction video without any hassle. Your video should be about yourself, your interests, your experience, and your education. It would help if you convinced others why you are worth following and what benefits the audience can get from your videos.

What equipment do I need to film my module introductions?

Many LED lamps nowadays offer adjustable levels of light, which can come in handy for filming your module introductions, as well as any other videos you might want to film. The most important thing about your sound levels is that they shouldn’t be too loud or too quiet.

How do I write a module Introduction for my course?

Your module introductions should focus on providing context. When completed, your module introductions will help highlight the narrative arc of your course: how each module builds toward those after it and how each serves a vital role in the students’ achievement of the course objectives.

What doesn't belong in an intro video?

Some information isn't necessary in a welcome video. Add these specific details in the syllabus:

Why do you need an introduction video?

Your introduction video can humanize the online experience for all students, but especially for the more hesitant and new users. You can help students realize that their instructor is a real person with enthusiasm for the subject matter. When you establish a social presence with videos, you build rapport with students and foster a sense ...

What is instructor video?

Instructor videos can replicate the face-to-face interactions in the traditional classroom. You can ignite excitement about your course and explain how relevant the content is to them. You can give students a taste of your personality and dispel fears about the online learning environment.

Why do we need module introductions?

Chief among them is the ability to establish instructor presence. Though there are many strategies to create a sense of presence in online courses, creating module introduction videos is a key way to establish what Teven and McCroskey (1997) identify as the three main factors in instructor presence: caring, competence, and trustworthiness. Though these can be communicated somewhat via text, tone can often be lost in the written word, and caring and trustworthiness are arguably better established through video.

Why is it important to create a module introduction?

Perhaps the most important benefit of creating module introductions, however, is to help your students understand why they’re doing what you’re asking them to do. This brings us to our recommendation with respect to where to focus their content.

Why should videos be accompanied by transcripts?

Given that videos for educational purposes should be accompanied by a transcript and captions, your module introduction will provide a valuable opportunity for students to identify and select their preferred learning path.

How is motivation influenced by the value students see in the material?

Motivation is strongly influenced by the value students see in the material as it relates to their academic, personal, or professional lives. Taking this approach to the content of your module introductions will help ensure their utility to your students.

What is a review in a course?

Review: Activate students’ relevant prior knowledge and connect the module to material from earlier in the course. This helps students build stronger, more-connected knowledge structures.

Why is it important to be aware of your background?

Part of the reason it’s essential to be aware of your background is because of cognitive load theory. Anything that can distract your viewers from what you’re attempting to communicate may serve to increase extraneous load, and thus hinder their ability to retain or even pay attention to your content.

Why is it important to preview?

Previewing helps students “prime the pump” and integrate new information more effectively—and retain it longer. It also helps students engage with the material more actively and focus their energy appropriately.

What is the definition of "anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or?

Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need

What is promotion mix?

promotion mix (marketing communications mix) the specific blend of promotion tools that the company uses to persuasively communicate customer value and build customer relationships. Advertising. any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.

What is the strategy of advertising?

The strategy by which the company accomplishes its advertising objectives. It consists of two major elements: creating advertising messages and selecting advertising media.


Title sequence from Saul bass used the green color from the Metro Goldwyn Mayer screen to transition a reflection of everyday life from a glass building. The text is aligned to the building and slides down after a few seconds letting the viewer read. The music also swells in the background as the text moves.


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What Should I Include in An Intro video?

What Doesn't Belong in An Intro video?

  • Some information isn't necessary in a welcome video. Add these specific details in the syllabus: 1. Course times and meeting places 2. All the details of your contact information 3. University rules 4. Plagiarism and netiquette guidelines 5. Grading policies 6. Textbooks 7. Specific assignment list and important due dates
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Tips For Success

  • With a little effort and planning, you can produce a high-quality video. Also, many institutions have video recording studios with teleprompters. You might feel more comfortable reading your script or referring to it as needed. With a full script, you can easily add captions to your video. To make multimedia in your course accessible to people who have disabilities, you must add captions. 1. …
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Suggested Reading

  • Building Community in Your Online Course - Introduction Video Introduction Video: Why Your Online Course Needs One 1Abramovich, Giselle. "15 Stats Brands Should Know About Online Video - Digiday." Digiday. N.p., 3 Apr. 2013. Web. 05 May 2014.
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The Benefits of Module Introduction Videos

With respect to effective uses of video in online courses, module introductions have several benefits. Chief among them is the ability to establish instructor presence. Though there are many strategies to create a sense of presence in online courses, creating module introduction videos is a key way to establish what Teve
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  • Your module introductions should focus on providing context. When completed, your module introductions will help highlight the narrative arc of your course: how each module builds toward those after it and how each serves a vital role in the students’ achievement of the course objectives. While thoughtfully constructed module titles and an explicitly narrative-based structu…
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Filming Your Module Introduction

  • It’s certainly challenging to attempt to cover the technical details of filming for all audiences. Given the tremendous variability in operating systems, and software, we won’t be addressing things like specific equipment recommendations or software. Instead, we’ll focus on more logistical items.
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Presenting Your Module Introduction

  • While we won’t be going into any technical details (such as postproduction software, recommended output settings, or video delivery services), it’s important to consider where your video will end up and how it will be presented. If you’re a course writer, the most straightforward method to present your module introductions is to include them as the first component within y…
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  • It may be the case that your institution may have a recording studio available on request or support staff who can assist you with some of the more technical details. But with a little bit of technical know-how, you can produce module video introductions yourself with little effort. Using the equipment you already likely possess, you can easily create short, engaging videos that can …
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  • CAST. (2014, November 12). UDL guidelines: Theory & practice. Retrieved from Guo, P. J., Kim, J., & Rubin, R. (2014). How video production affects student engagement: An empirical study of MOOC videos.Paper presented at ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, Atlanta, GA. doi:10.1145/2556…
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