course hero when a society excludes women from institutions in that society, it is practicing:

by Dee Hermann 5 min read

Which of the following is an example of a sexist institution?

The social institutions of a patriarchal society create and reinforce gender inequality in the society. This means that the basic structure of the society functions to keep women in a subordinate position. Disadvantages women experience in a patriarchal society can include many things: fewer opportunities to advance their education

Why did women not study sociology in the 19th century?

Shklyarevsky 1 Mirabelle Shklyarevsky Ms. Scott EWRT 1A 26 October 2020 Institutionalized Conformity Discrimination is a prevalent issue in today’s society. There are many kinds of discrimination, including that against race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age. Both men and women experience this intolerance in establishments such as schools and the …

What does the gender and society tackle about?

Course Hero. "The Sociological Imagination Study Guide." ... He is writing well before the women's movement of the 1970s and the public acknowledgement of how sexist language excludes women from history and from the public arena. ... and it includes all the institutions of society along with their functions, organized under the nation-state. ...

What are the social institutions of a patriarchal society?

What I'm expecting in this subject is to learn if our society are treating both men and women fairly or equally especially in the workplace because in other country women don't work or go to school because they are bound to work in their husband's house. And also, I want to learn if our society treating the other gender or what we called the “LGBT Community” right and fairly.


After having explored in the previous chapters what he believes to be negative tendencies in the social sciences, the author now turns to what he sees as the promise of its various disciplines.


In this chapter C.

What are some examples of ageism?

Another outstanding and pressingly current example of legal ageism is the rash of curfew laws which is presently sweeping the nation. While crime rates hover at mid-1970s levels, violent incidences have become increasingly concentrated among the young community, particularly in urban areas.

What is an oppressed group?

The oppressed group is that of young people — all young people. As we will further demonstrate, adults and adult institutions in our society regularly commit acts of abuse, coercion, deprivation, indoctrination and invalidation against young people. From the moment of conception, young people are oppressed by their elders, ...

How old do you have to be to work in a family?

And while family incomes vary, they are hardly indicative of the amount of money children will be allowed. Still, when children below age 16 are permitted to work, most commonly in the family business or farm, their labor is heavily exploited by parents who treat them as capital.

Is ageism universal?

Among those oppressions which help maintain the power positions of the wealthy white Christian heterosexual male elitist adult, ageism is universal. It is also, unlike the others which are interchangeable, completely indispensable to society’s maintenance of individual apathy.

What does school teach us?

School teaches people to fall into line, obey rules and, most of all, to qualify. Whether one learns anything or not, one had better pass the final; whether one works a fulfilling job as an adult, one had better bring home a paycheck. Other government institutions practice ageism as well.

Is this indictment of adult society, the first part to a manifesto of sorts, complete?

This indictment of adult society, the first part to a manifesto of sorts, is by no means complete. Many volumes could (and hopefully will) be written on these matters. There is much more to discuss and investigate regarding ageism in theory and practice. For now, identifying the most glaring applications and most basic theories will have to suffice.

What is the difference between young people and adults?

Namely, young people are still socializing (or being socialized) at a rapid pace, and thus schooling is of greater importance than the production, through labor, of other goods.