at what age does intestinal surface area match that of adults? course hero

by Miss Fatima Rempel Jr. 3 min read

When does gastrointestinal (GI) microbial colonization reach adult levels?

When does gastrointestinal (GI) microbial colonization reach adult levels? GI microbial colonization reaches adult levels in adolescence. Intestinal microbial colonization begins in the first few hours after birth.

How big is the mucosa of the digestive tract?

The mean total mucosal surface of the digestive tract interior averages ∼32 m(2), of which about 2 m(2) refers to the large intestine. Conclusion: The total area of the human adult gut mucosa is not in the order of tennis lawn, rather is that of half a badminton court.

What age do adults start emptying their stomachs?

Gastric emptying and gastrointestinal (GI) motility are unpredictable in neonates and infants; however, these processes approach that of adults by what age? Gastric emptying and GI motility are unpredictable in neonates and infants, but they approach that of adults by 6 to 8 months of age.

What is the diameter of the small intestine and large intestine?

The inner diameter of the small intestine averages 2.5 cm and that of the large intestine averages 4.8 cm. The mucosa of the small intestine is enlarged ∼1.6 times by the plicae circulares.

How many methods of patient identification should a nurse use?

The nurse should use at least two methods of patient identification prior to drug administration. The nurse should follow the organization's protocol, but generally, one method is not enough, and three and four are more than necessary. p 50. The nurse is caring for a 2-year-old infant suffering from constipation.

What is the proportion of body fluid in neonates?

Higher proportion of body fluid. 4. In neonates and infants, the body is about 75% water compared with 60% in adults. This increased body fluid proportion allows for a greater volume of fluid in which to distribute drugs, which results in a lower drug concentration.

Which organs are involved in the excretion of water soluble drugs?

The lungs are mainly involved in the excretion of water-soluble medications. The kidneys eliminate drug molecules along with urine. The pancreas is a mixed gland that secretes insulin in the body and promotes glucose metabolism, but is not involved in the metabolism and excretion of drugs. p 45.