at lbcc, which course numbers are applicable for an aa/as degree?

by Hans Olson I 10 min read

These forms are available in the Admissions and Records office or online at . For Graduation: Complete a minimum of 60 AA/AS applicable units (LBCC courses numbered 1- 599).

How many units do you need for an AA degree?

Jun 15, 2017 · Long Beach City College provides students with an instructional program in higher education that may culminate in a Certificate of Accomplishment, a Certificate of Achievement, an Associate in Arts or Science Degree (AA/AS), Associate in Arts or Science for Transfer Degree (AA-T/AS-T), as well as appropriate preparation for transfer to a four-year college or university.

Can I transfer to LBCC After completing Plan C?

LONG BEACH CITY COLLEGE 2019-2020 ASSOCIATE DEGREE (A.A./A.S.) GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS ... based on all grades from all colleges from which courses are applied to LBCC degree. Some fields may have additional G.P.A. requirements; check the appropri- ... minimum of 60 AA/AS applicable units (LBCC courses numbered 1-599). Some fields of ...

What are the general education requirements for the ABCs?

Jun 15, 2017 · The Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) or the Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) is intended for students who plan to complete a bachelor’s degree in a similar major at a CSU campus. Students completing these degrees (AA-T or AS-T) are guaranteed admission to the CSU system, but not to a particular campus or major. In order to earn ...

What are the AA and as core requir​​Ements?

Jun 15, 2017 · Requirements for AA Degree & Certificates Additional requirements for completing degree programs ... It is recommended that the requirement for courses in DS 1* and DS 2* be satisfied with at least 3-semester units in each category. ... Long Beach City College is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to ...

How many degree applicable units are required to earn an associate's degree at College of San Mateo?

60 degree applicable unitsA minimum of 60 degree applicable units is required for an associate degree. At least 12 units must be completed in residence at College of San Mateo. Also, refer to residence information listed under D-MAJOR below. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required in all degree applicable coursework.May 1, 2020

How many units do you need for an AA as degree Fullerton College?

Students completing these degrees (AA-T or AS-T) are guaranteed admission to the CSU system, but not to a particular campus or major. In order to earn one of these degrees, students must complete: a minimum of 60 semester units of CSU-transferable coursework. a minimum GPA of 2.0.

How many credits is an AA degree Broward College?

36 creditsFor AA and Baccalaureate degrees, Broward College requires a total of 36 credits of General Education coursework in five areas – Communications, Humanities, Social/Behavioral Sciences, Biological/Physical Sciences, and Mathematics.

How many credits do you need to graduate LBCC?

You need to earn a minimum of 24 LBCC credits of which at least 15 must be in your major field; for the AAOT, a minimum of 12 LBCC credits, of which 8 must meet General Education requirements (The second part of these requirements may be waived in some instances).

Which courses at Cypress College do not count toward the AA as degree?

(The Liberal Arts Areas of Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Human Communication, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Math and Science and the AA-T and AS-T are excluded from the 50% policy.)

How do I apply for Fullerton College graduation?

Applications for graduation are available online or available online at: If a student has taken courses at other colleges, official transcripts must be on file in the Admissions and Records Office by the graduation application deadline.

Does Broward have masters programs?

Students at Broward College will graduate with their bachelor's degree in supervision management and go on to finish with a master's degree in hospitality and tourism management at FIU.Apr 9, 2021

Where do you find information about a student work study at Broward College?

You must submit the Work Study Job Request Form that is located on our website - - for all changes. Can supervisors see a student's eligibility? Supervisors are not able to see a student's eligibility but should request the information from the student.

How many units can you take per semester LBCC?

High School Students - During the academic year, eligible high school students may enroll in a maximum of 8 units for fall and spring semesters and 5 units for summer terms and winter intersession.

How many general education patterns are there at LBCC?

39 unit patternWhen a transcript is certified by LBCC, it is marked to indicate that the lower-division general education requirements for CSU have been met. Completion of the full 39 unit pattern is recommended.

How many times are students allowed to repeat a course at LBCC?

Courses that may be repeated up to three times (meaning a course may be taken a total of four times). A withdrawal (W) counts as a repeat attempt.

How many units do you need to transfer to CSU?

Students transferring to a CSU campus that does accept the AA-T or AS-T will be required to complete no more than 60 unit s after transfer to earn a bachelor’s degree (unless the major is a designated “high-unit” major).

What is an associate degree for transfer?

The Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act (Senate Bill 1440, now codified in California Education Code sections 66746-66749) guarantees admission to a California State University (CSU) campus for any community college student who completes an “ associate degree for transfer”, ...

How many units are in the Early Childhood Certificate program?

The Early Childhood Certificate program, plus 16 units in general education including one course in humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and/or science, and English, and an experience component, satisfies the requirements for a Teacher level Child Development Permit required to teach in subsidized early childhood education programs (State or Headstart preschool programs run by school districts). To apply for your state Child Development Permit, contact Julie Frumkin for an appointment.

How many units are needed for DS 3?

It is also recommended that a minimum of 6-semester units be taken in the DS 3* Program/Curriculum with the option that if the person is working specifically with infants or school-age children that they should apply three units in DS 4* or DS 5* towards these six units.

How many units are required for a Title 22 license?

The minimum Title 22 licensing requirement to work as a teacher is that six units be completed before employment and that an additional six units be completed immediately thereafter. It is recommended that the requirement for courses in DS 1* and DS 2* be satisfied with at least 3-semester units in each category.