according to your course notes, which of the following is the intended purpose for marriage

by Stella Beahan 10 min read

Full Answer

What is the purpose of marriage?

The purpose of marriage is to give us an opportunity to grow in maturity. To learn how to work together as partners. How to deal with conflic t. How to l ove sacrificially. How to serve others. And how to live out faithfulness. We explore these ideas more in other articles.

What is the principle behind enjoyment in marriage?

The principle behind enjoyment is self-control. “Marriage is honorable [precious] in all, and the bed [should be kept] undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4). 3. Completeness God designed Eve to complete that which was lacking in Adam’s life. “And Adam said, …

Does the Bible give the purpose for marriage?

Scripture does not give the purpose for marriage false Marriage was ordained first to serve God's purpose and second, man's. true Part of God's judgment upon Adam was brought about because Adam put his wife's will before God's. true God's purpose for marriage changed after the Fall of man

What are the needs of a Christian marriage?

Both the husband and the wife have many needs that the marriage relationship meets true God's stated purpose for marriage is to: be fruitful, to multiply, to replenish (fill) the earth, to subdue the earth According to Scripture, woman was created for man, from man, and after man Roles in Christian marriage are based upon:

What is the intended purpose of marriage?

Marriage is a commitment God considers marriage to be an agreement between a husband and a wife as well as a commitment between the couple and Him. He expects us to dedicate ourselves to the relationship, and to recognize our responsibilities, duties, and loyalties both to our spouse and to God.

What are the 3 purpose of marriage?

Three Gifts of Marriage: Companionship, Passion and Purpose.

What are the four purposes of marriage?

What is the Purpose of Marriage?For reflecting the image of God. “In the image of God he created them, male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). ... For partnership. ... For redemptive purposes. ... For reflecting God's relationship to the church. ... For intimacy and pleasure. ... For procreation. ... For child rearing.

What are the two purposes of marriage?

1. Unity - marriage unites a couple in a life long relationship of love a faithfulness. 2. Creation - marriage is the best place for procreation and bringing up Christian children.

What is the purpose of marriage quizlet?

The purpose of Marriage is: Mutual perfection and sanctification of the spouses and the procreation and raising of children.

What is the purpose of marriage in Catholic Church?

The Sacrament of Matrimony enables man and woman to enter into Christ's fidelity for his Church. Through conjugal chastity, they bear witness to this mystery before the world.

What is the purpose of marriage in the state 1984?

The only recognized purpose of marriage was to beget children for the service of the Party.

What is the purpose of marriage in Christianity PDF?

The purpose of marriage is primarily mutual help and guidance (Eph 5:23-25), physical and spiritual fulfilment and the prevention of immorality (1 Chr 7:1-7). According to Köstenberger (2004:98) procreation was also considered as an integral part of God's plan for marriage.

What is the true meaning of marriage?

A commonly accepted and encompassing definition of marriage is the following: a formal union and social and legal contract between two individuals that unites their lives legally, economically, and emotionally.

1. Companionship

True companionship grows out of a oneness of spirit. This occurs in marriage when both the husband and wife can say, “My spouse is my best friend.” “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3).

2. Enjoyment

The principle behind enjoyment is self-control. “Marriage is honorable [precious] in all, and the bed [should be kept] undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4).

3. Completeness

God designed Eve to complete that which was lacking in Adam’s life. “And Adam said, … She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:23).

4. Fruitfulness

God’s first command in Scripture is this: “… Be fruitful [bear fruit], and multiply [increase], and replenish [fill] the earth …” (Genesis 1:28).

5. Protection

A husband is to protect his wife by laying down his life for her. (See Ephesians 5:25.) A wife is to protect the interests of her home. (See Titus 2:4–5.) Parents are to protect their children to raise up a Godly seed.

6. Typify Christ and the Church

Marriage is to be a human object lesson of the divine relationship between Christ and believers. (See Ephesians 5:31–33.)

What is the second purpose of marriage?

The second purpose of marriage is obedience. After creating the first pair, God issued them with the first command, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Gen. 1:28). This command, given at the time of ...

What is the purpose of interacting with marriage?

When interacting with marriage, we will serve those we counsel well if we remind them of the threefold purpose of marriage, educate them of the effects sin has on marriage, and help them to regularly assess their marriage based on these three areas. Such an assessment can be done routinely by asking questions to test our hearts within marriage, to explore concerns related to opportunities to serve together as a union, and examine issues related to growth, especially in our walk with Christ.

What About Singleness?

Under the new covenant, in union with Christ, it is possible for a single person to live so as to develop a godly heritage through evangelism and the church. This was not the case prior to the indwelling Holy Spirit, and so union with Christ legitimizes singleness in the church age. [9]

Why is it possible to be single in the New Covenant?

Under the new covenant, in union with Christ, it is possible for a single person to live so as to develop a godly heritage through evangelism and the church. This was not the case prior to the indwelling Holy Spirit, and so union with Christ legitimizes singleness in the church age. [9]

What is intimacy in the Bible?

Intimacy is the revelation of oneself to another in all our aspects. Being made in the image of the trinitarian God, the creation of mankind was not complete without marriage. Just as God exists as a plural union, so too through marriage, humanity is intended to exist in plural unions. Personhood, intimacy, and relationships are interdependent ...

What is the development of complementarity?

The development of the complementarity of each spouse contributes to the uniqueness of each union, and in turn, means each marriage develops its own sense of place in the world to fulfill the dominion mandate and reflect the image of God.

Was marriage instituted before the fall?

While there is certainly truth to this, marriage was instituted before the fall and, therefore, has a greater purpose than only those made evident by the effects of the fall. Many argue that marriage “was designed to be a reflection of the saving love of God for us in Jesus Christ.”. [2] There is also truth to this, though again, ...

What is God's second purpose for marriage?

God’s second purpose for marriage is to reproduce: number; fill the earth and subdue it.”. Genesis 1:28 a. God wants married couples to reproduce children – in His “likeness.”. Couples who are competitive, angry and divided, are not fully able to nurture children in God’s image.

How to accomplish God's purposes for marriage?

To accomplish God’s purposes for your marriage – to reflect, reproduce and reign together – you must be at one with your spouse and with God. Oneness happens as a result of believing that God has uniquely placed you together in agreement with God’s will and with each other.

What is the spiritual battle between couples?

A spiritual battle goes on in every heart. Only as couples come together in unity and oneness will the enemy of our souls be defeated. Just as the Godhead represents perfect unity and is a force for God’s will in His universe, the Christian couple is to pray and discern God’s will in all situations.

What are the three mandates of marriage?

In this context, God gives three mandates for Christian marriage: to reflect, reign, and reproduce. And, because of the importance of these purposes, Satan works hard to keep Christians from accomplishing them.

What does it mean when a Christian couple does not have children?

The Christian couple who does not have children can fulfill this purpose by making others disciples of Jesus Christ. 3. Reign in Spiritual Warfare.

Why is marriage designed by God?

Likewise, your marriage is designed by God to only run smoothly and properly when you love and enjoy each other in all areas of your marriage. Your sexual relationship is one of those important areas. You were created by God with a body, a soul, and a spirit.

How to grow companionship in marriage?

If you want companionship to grow in your marriage, then make spiritual fellowship a priority. Determine the best time of day to pray and talk together. At times in your relationship, such as before children arrive or during retirement, it’s easy to be spontaneous and take time to pray and fellowship with each other.

Why do we need to knit together?

The need for knitting. If you desire to keep yourself from loneliness or temptation in your marriage then purpose in your heart to allow God to change anything in your relationship that hinders companionship. You must be knit together in every area of your relationship.

How to build companionship with a mate?

The easiest way to begin building companionship is to reverse course and simply do the opposite behavior in love. If you have been stubborn, yield your rights and seek a compromise. If you have been insensitive and harsh with your words, choose to speak kindly and listen more. The intimacy and friendship you desire and long for will result.

Why must you be knit together in every area of your relationship?

You must be knit together in every area of your relationship. I say this because any area in your marriage left undone, will become the weak link in your defense. This is the very place Satan will tempt you and seek to divide you and your spouse.

What is the covenant of companionship?

Once again the marital union is depicted as a covenant of companionship. There are two different Hebrew words used in these passages for the word companion. Both words suggest an intimate friendship that occurs as two people are knit together in love.

What is the key to becoming one flesh?

The key to the mystery of becoming one flesh is really wrapped up in another word that is used to describe marriage: companionship. Becoming your mate’s companion is the way God intended for you to become one-flesh with your spouse.


Three Purposes of Marriage

The first purpose of marriage is intimacy. Intimacy is the revelation of oneself to another in all our aspects. Being made in the image of the trinitarian God, the creation of mankind was not complete without marriage. Just as God exists as a plural union, so too through marriage, humanity is intended to exist in plural union…
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The Effect of Sin on Marriage

  • Sin undermines each of these three purposes. Intimacy is interrupted as we hide ourselves from others as a result of shame, fear, and selfishness (e.g., Gen. 3:8-10). Obedience to the dominion mandate is compromised as the relational integrity of the union is undermined and the work of the couple becomes more individualistic. The interruption of relational intimacy impacts sexual inti…
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What About Singleness?

  • Under the new covenant, marriage is also influenced by our union with Christ. Prior to the new covenant, the Old Testament emphasizes marriage as the sole way to create a godly heritage. Under the new covenant, in union with Christ, it is possible for a single person to live so as to develop a godly heritage through evangelism and the church. This was not the case prior to the i…
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  • When interacting with marriage, we will serve those we counsel well if we remind them of the threefold purpose of marriage, educate them of the effects sin has on marriage, and help them to regularly assess their marriage based on these three areas. Such an assessment can be done routinely by asking questions to test our hearts within marriage, to explore concerns related to o…
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Questions For Reflection

  1. How do these three purposes apply to your marriage?
  2. Can you think of questions related to these three purposes that you can ask your spouse to start a discussion?
  3. How do these three purposes of marriage help you think about marriage counseling?
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