how to handle a full course load and a job

by Dr. Rolando Ondricka 7 min read

Work Hard – You really do need to bring your A-game when you are managing a heavy course load. Always be sure to get assignments completed at least a few days before they are due. That way, you won’t end up stressing out because you have to cram in order to get things done.

10 Tips for Surviving College While Working Full Time
  1. Schedule, Schedule, Schedule. ...
  2. But be Flexible, Because $&%# Happens. ...
  3. Make Sacrifices (It's Only Temporary) ...
  4. But Also Take a Break. ...
  5. Find Some Cheerleaders. ...
  6. But Treat Yo' Self Too. ...
  7. Change It Up. ...
  8. But Be Consistent About Your Health.
Aug 26, 2020

Full Answer

How can I handle a heavy course load?

Nov 10, 2017 · Juggling a full course load (12 units or more) and a job of over 30 plus hours is incredibly hard to do. In fact, it's highly discouraged by college counselors who insist focusing on your studies is the best move you can make. Unfortunately, some college students don't have a …

Is your course load stressing you out?

Oct 24, 2016 · Get Organized – This is a pretty obvious tip, but an important one. Set aside certain times each day for study, recreation, rest, etc. The better organized you are, the better you are going to be able to handle a heavy course load. Byline: Jane Hurst has been working in education for over 5 years as a teacher.

Do you have trouble balancing your course load?

May 28, 2021 · 5. Take less courses. While this might seem counterintuitive to the point of this blog post, sometimes the best thing you can do is to reduce your course load. Extracurricular activities, work and other obligations on top of a heavy course load may cause you to spread yourself too thin.

Why can’t I keep up with my course load?

Set aside some time each day to go over the things you don’t understand and perfect what you do. Going over what you have just learned is the best way to retain information. If you do these things, your course load should begin to feel lighter and you will gradually feel better about everything. Featured image source:

How do I manage work and study full-time?

If you've stuck to your study plan, then take the time out to relax with family and friends, or even do something for yourself....Psychology Today recommends a number of positive ways one can take a break to reduce fatigue and stress:Exercise.Change of working space.Meditation.A tea/coffee break.A healthy lunch break.Apr 9, 2018

Can you full-time study and work?

Undoubtedly, it will be challenging to work and study full time, but it can be done. It requires strategic use of your time, dedication and sacrifice, but if you're willing to make the effort, you can succeed. As noted at the beginning, keep the endgame in mind. It's hard work, but the results are wonderful.Mar 10, 2017

How do you handle a job and study at the same time?

How to Manage Stress When You Study and Work at the Same TimeHave A Plan And Be Organized. ... Find Ways To Create A Flexible Schedule. ... Prioritize And Be Realistic. ... Avoid Time Wasting. ... Learn How To Manage Stress. ... Communicate With Your Boss And Advisor.Aug 8, 2019

How do you survive working and studying?

When you're studying and working, it's important not to forget about your health.Take breaks. Set time to step away from work and study every few hours. ... Eat well. Eating well is also key to staying healthy. ... Keep fit. Keeping fit helps keep you healthy and on track with work and study.

How do you balance work and uni?

5 Tips For Balancing Work And UniversityEstablish a good relationship with your manager. Whether you're working in retail, hospitality or within the field you're studying, you'll need the support of your manager. ... Create a study plan. ... Make sure you have “me” time. ... Don't take on too much. ... Avoid procrastination.

How can I focus on study without getting distracted?

7 Ways to Avoid Distractions and Stay Focused on StudyingGet organized with a to-do list.Silence alerts and keep open Internet tabs to a minimum.Break big projects into small pieces.Use music and headphones to cut down noise.Find the best environment for efficient studying.Clean up and organize your work space.More items...•Aug 6, 2021

How to not overextend yourself?

Don’t Overextend Yourself – Many students have the tendency to stretch themselves way too thin, and they end up getting stressed out because they have taken on more than they can handle. Don’t do this to yourself. If you don’t think you can handle a heavy course load, cut back on the classes you are taking.

Do you need to bring your A game?

Work Hard – You really do need to bring your A-game when you are managing a heavy course load. Always be sure to get assignments completed at least a few days before they are due. That way, you won’t end up stressing out because you have to cram in order to get things done.

Do you take notes during lectures?

Take Plenty of Notes– All students know that it is important to take lots of notes. But, not all students take notes the right way. Be sure to take notes both during and after lectures. The notes you take during the lecture will get the ideas into your head, and later notes will help you to expand on those ideas.

Identify the core of the problem

A couple of weeks into the semester I felt like I was drowning in tests and class assignments. And to top it all off, I had tests in both of my hardest classes on the same day, multiple times. I found myself focusing more on one class and neglecting to study for the others. This ultimately became my downfall.

Fix the issue

I ended up having to drop the chemistry class because I just couldn’t keep up anymore. After dropping the chemistry classes, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Not only did I stress less, but my grades began improving because I could focus on one class at a time.

Get organized

When you do have a large course load, and you do not want to drop the class, it is best to make a plan on how to divide your time between all your classes. I personally study a little each day, so when the test comes I am not cramming all the information at one time.
