according to the course, what are the two most dangerous habits of young drivers

by Jordan Botsford 5 min read

1) According to the Course, what are the two most dangerous habits of young drivers? A: cell phone usage and eating in the car B: speeding and tailgating

Speeding and tailgating are at the top of the list. Those two behaviors combined spell CRASH. Teen drivers account for a majority of intersection collisions. This is because they are more likely to run yellow/red lights.

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What is the most extreme example of aggressive driving?

Teens (especially boys) may have a heavy foot and a tendency to speed. This is a bad, bad decision. According to State Farm, speeding is one of the major factors in fatal crashes involving young people. New drivers are more likely to speed at night and when other passengers are present in the car.

What is the definition of distracted driving Quizlet?

Nov 15, 2010 · Habits and dangerous side effects can last an entire lifetime for most, though. What is the most common age group of drivers who commit road rage? Young males (can range from ages 18-26).

What occurs when a driver engages in any non driving activity?

Oct 01, 2014 · Outlined here will be several examples of bad habits exhibited while driving such as cell phone usage, transporting loud passengers, playing music at very high levels, eating while driving, and under the influence of drug or alcohol. The most prominent distraction for a Teen driver is cell phone usage.

How dangerous is distracted driving for kids?

According to the Course, what are the two most dangerous habits of young drivers? A.) cell phone usage and eating in the car B.) speeding and tailgating C.) excessively loud music and speeding D.) hyper-awareness and tailgating E.) drinking and other passengers

What is the biggest problem for young drivers?

Teen drivers have a higher rate of fatal crashes, mainly because of their immaturity, lack of skills, and lack of experience. They speed, they make mistakes, and they get distracted easily – especially if their friends are in the car.

What risks do young drivers face?

Eight Danger ZonesDriver inexperience.Driving with teen passengers.Nighttime driving.Not using seat belts.Distracted driving.Drowsy driving.Reckless driving.Impaired driving.

What are the 8 risk factors for young drivers?

Knowing these risk factors will help you, as parents, to set guidelines for your teens as they start to drive on their own.Texting and Driving. Texting and driving is the ultimate distraction. ... Alcohol. ... Other Teens. ... Speeding. ... Drowsy Driving. ... Bad Weather. ... Time of Day. ... Failure to Use a Seatbelt.More items...

Why are young people worse drivers?

Why teen drivers have higher risk Teens are more likely to underestimate dangerous driving situations or may not recognize them at all. They are more likely to speed, while not leaving adequate stopping distances. Teens are less inclined to use seatbelts than any other age group.Feb 28, 2019

What are the risks of driving?

The 9 Most Dangerous Things Drivers DoDriving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. NHTSA data paints a clear picture: drunk driving causes accidents. ... Driving tired. ... Speeding. ... Distracted driving. ... Driving too fast for the weather conditions. ... Drafting tractor trailers. ... Reckless driving. ... Not wearing a seat belt.More items...•May 6, 2013

What are the risk drivers?

Preston Smith and Guy Merritt, in their book, Proactive Risk Management define a Risk Driver as: "Something existing in the project environment that leads one to believe that a particular risk would occur." We describe them as the specific concerns which make us feel like this is a risk.

What are the four major risk factors for young drivers?

Driving risks found to be more common among young drivers include: excessive speeding, speeding for the thrill or simply driving too fast for the conditions; driving too close to the vehicle they are following; using a mobile phone while driving (including text messaging); violating traffic rules; and driving at night.Feb 6, 2009

What are three common risk factors for young drivers?

Risk factors for motor vehicle crashes that are particularly elevated among teenage drivers include:Inexperience. ... Teenage passengers. ... Distraction while driving, including from using cell phones and texting. ... Driving at excessive speeds, close following, and other risky driving. ... Drinking and driving. ... Driving at night.More items...•Dec 1, 2016

Who are the highest risk drivers?

Some of the most common higher-risk categories include:Young drivers under the age of 25.Drivers with a history of speeding tickets.Drivers with one or more auto accidents.Drivers with a DUI.Drivers with low credit scores.

What are the dangers of teenage driving?

Distracted driving, drowsy driving, and driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs raise the risk of teen drivers crashing. Other behaviors, such as not wearing a seat belt or speeding, are known to increase the likelihood of injury or death if a crash occurs.

Who has more accidents young or old?

Older Drivers Have Fewer Accidents Drivers 19 and under accounted for 4.9% of all car accidents, while drivers 75 and older accounted for 6.5%.Jul 16, 2021

Why are young drivers better?

The study showed that teen drivers who participated in sports were quicker on the brake when an accident was about to happen. Almost any type of sports activity improved peripheral vision, which is key to seeing what's taking place on either side of the vehicle, especially in heavy traffic.Mar 8, 2018

How many people die from drunk driving every day?

Alcohol-impaired driving crashes also cause almost a third of all traffic-related deaths. But people drive drunk nearly 300,000 times every day, and 4,000 people are arrested for drunk driving daily. There’s no question that drunk driving ...

What is aggressive driving?

Aggressive driving and road rage: Aggressive driving doesn’t just drive other drivers crazy; it can kill you, too. In 56% of fatal crashes, aggressive driving is to blame. This can include driving recklessly, improper following, erratic lane changing, or failure to observe traffic laws.

How many people are killed by distracted driving?

In fact, 3,154 people are killed, and 424,000 people are injured annually by distracted driving accidents. Commit to focusing on the road, and pull over if you have any pressing distractions that need your attention immediately. Speeding: Everyone knows this one: speeding is an obvious way to drive dangerously.

How many car lengths should I keep in front of my car?

Get distracted for a moment, or need to stop at any moment suddenly, and you might find yourself in someone else’s backseat. It’s safest to keep two car lengths in between you and the vehicle in front of you. You should leave even more room if you’re driving during inclement weather or following a large truck.

How many times can you text while driving?

Texting while driving: One in four motor vehicle crashes now involves a cell phone, and texting or using your phone can increase your risk of crashing by three times . Texting takes your attention and eyes off the road, whether you’re on the freeway or in a neighborhood.

Can you text while driving?

Or, if you can’t wait, pull over to answer a text, then get back to driving safely with your full attention. Distracted driving: Texting while driving is one form of distracted driving, but distracted driving can include many more dangerous habits, such as eating while driving, putting on makeup, daydreaming, or engaging in intense conversations.

Is it safe to drive under the influence?

It’s also costly and hazardous to your freedom, with a DUI or conviction for a drunk driving death costing thousands and potentially landing you in jail for an extended period of time. To stay safe, it’s best to avoid driving under the influence at all.

What is aggressive driving?

Aggressive driving is using vehicle as a weapon or in a manner to physically assault a driver on the road way. ➜ Aggressive driving is the use of a vehicle as a weapon or in a manner to physically assault a driver or their vehicle while on the road way. A.) TRUE.

How to use hands free while driving?

EXPLANATION: Use a hands-free device while driving, Use their hand to make/receive a phone call or to activate/deactivate a feature on the device as long as it may be done with the motion of a single swipe or tap of the driver's finger. Newer Post Older Post Home.

Can you use a cell phone while driving?

EXPLANATION: Minors (a person under the age of 18 years) may not use any type of cell phone while driving except in certain emergencies (when you must contact law enforcement, a health care provider, the fire department or another emergency entity). Convictions for violations of the law are subject to fines.

What are the most dangerous habits of drivers?

Although it is possible to identify different habits and risky behaviors that are typical of many drivers, the most dangerous habits are the use of mobile phones, speeding, and alcohol abuse.

What is a good driver?

Updated: May 10th, 2020. A good driver is a skilled and concentrated person who is responsible for one’s life, as well as the life of passengers and pedestrians. However, today drivers have many dangerous habits that can cause tragic situations and accidents. When a person becomes a witness to the accident and the pain of victims ...

Why do speeding contests result in accidents?

Such contests often result in accidents because drivers lose control over the car. However, the problem is in the fact that speeding can be characteristic of drivers of all ages and statuses because the causes of speeding include rush, affairs, or excitement.

Why do young drivers organize contests on the roads?

It seems that many young drivers are inclined to organize contests on the roads to assert themselves with the help of speeding. An important example is when a young driver having a good car intends to demonstrate all its powers on the city’s roads without remembering about other people in the streets.

Is it safe to drink alcohol before driving?

It is important to state that drinking alcohol before driving is usually forbidden. However, the examples of accidents caused by drunk drivers are numerous. A person thinks that he drank only a glass of wine, and he is rather sober now. He chooses to drive home at night.

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Many of Today`s Drivers Have Dangerous Habits. (2017, Mar 18). Retrieved from

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Many of Today`s Drivers Have Dangerous Habits. (2017, Mar 18). Retrieved from
