according to course heroes chewer the state in which susan lives has a statute prohibiting dogs

by Cathrine Stanton 8 min read

What did Robert find out about the dog?

Robert found out that the dog had carried away a number of shoes and other articles in the neighborhood , chewing them to pieces. Susan did nothing to warn anyone. Robert thinks that she should be punished for her activities, which would perhaps deter her from allowing the dog to run loose. a.

What is the usual trend of the defendant?

ation as the defendant. The usual trend is the worse the action, and the more wealth the defendant has, the higher the amount to be paid by the defendant. The defendants are required to pay large sums to punish them and attempt to hurt them to prevent these actions in the future. 2.

Why is it important to prove negligence per se?

Proving negligence per se requires less work than typical negligence cases. It is often easier for the victim to recover compensation for. damages. Negligence per se eliminates the need for a judge or jury to decide whether the defendant was reasonable in his or her actions.

Does Susan have a dog?

The state in which Susan lives has a statute prohibiting dogs running loose. All dogs are required to be on a leash whenever they are off the owner's premises. Susan's dog, while not on a leash, visits the home of a neighbor down the street.

What did James and Jenny sign up for?

James and Jenny signed up for an expedition, they were warned that rock-climbing was a dangerous activity. Additionally, James and Jenny. signed a contract stating that during the climbing, they could possibly suffer from injury and, in the worst case scenario, death.

Why did James take Rocky's to court?

James decided to take Rocky's to court, alleging that the company had been negligent, by having not paid sufficient attention to the quality of. the climbing rope they had used. Further, James' attorney argued that it was a foreseeable result of the rock climbing expedition that James. might suffer harm.

What is the ritual of identifying and exposing a wrongdoing?

Durkheim argued that the ritual of identifying and exposing a wrongdoing is an emotional experience that gives a sense of order to the community. The idea suggests that: a) behavior that is unthinkable when an individual is acting on his or her own may be executed without hesitation when carried out under orders.

What is minority status?

a) A minority may be the numerical majority in a society. a) Minority status is a sociological term that applies exclusively to racial and ethnic groups.