The course schedule displays classes for the current and future semesters. Click on the course title to view a description. You can also view course descriptions in the ACC catalog.
Full Answer
Instruction and testing are fully online without required class times. Instruction is fully online with required online meetings during the specified days and times listed. Instruction is mostly online with some on-campus meetings. An ACC ID card and personal safety measures will be required when on campus.
Instruction is mostly online with some on-campus meetings. An ACC ID card and personal safety measures will be required when on campus. Instruction is mostly on-campus with remaining instruction online.
Academic Programs Offered at ACC Accreditation & Licensure Annual Security Report/Clery Act Copyright Infringement Discrimination Prohibited Drug-Free Schools & Communities Act Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act Financial Aid Graduation, Retention & Transfer Rates
Not all courses listed in this catalog are offered each semester. This information is made available to students as early as possible prior to the beginning of each semester. Please frequently refer to the online 2021-22 ACC Catalog so you are aware of the latest and most accurate information.
The following course schedules are available for Austin Community College’s online classes. New semester schedules are posted as they become available and are subject to change. For any questions regarding the schedule, please contact your program advisor.
Some classes have online meetings, on-campus requirements, or a combination of both. When selecting your classes, look for the following information in the course listing, including location, course notes, and syllabus. Note that all online classes require an orientation.
If you need help reading the class schedule or making sense of all the codes, download this guide. Here are some other helpful tips:
AA = Annex ACC CCC Online = CCC Online Class ACR = Castle Rock Campus / Sturm Collaboration Campus at Castle Rock AD = Art and Design Center AM = Main Building AN = North Building AON ACC = ACC Online Class APRK = Parker Campus CSB = Church Street Building
U = Sunday M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday S = Saturday
You can visit the student development course catalog to learn more details on our courses.
Student Development courses focus on a broad range of knowledge, skills, mindsets, and behaviors that support the learning and success of our students in school and in life. While not all of these elements may be covered in each course, this grid of key topics is intended to reflect an overall framework within which each course is developed.
The Transition course is a developmental level one-credit/1 lab hour course generally taught over an 8-week sessions and available on all campuses at a variety of times. It is mandated for incoming first-time college students who have experienced difficulty in passing two or more of the assessment tests at a college-level.
This one credit, workforce course provides students with strategies and knowledge which will increase their job readiness, employability, and success in college and career, it covers:
Many courses are offered in both online and face-to-face formats, with classes generally meeting one evening a week. Some courses are offered only once a year.
Some capstone classes require as many as 128 hours of fieldwork per semester.