a patient who was found with an empty bottle of bironate is unresponsive course hero

by Santina Welch 6 min read

What does an unconscious 26 year old male patient present with?

An unconscious 26 year old male patient presents with slow, shallow respirations and constricted pupils. You should suspect that the patient is suffering from: You are caring for a patient who is a known alcoholic.

How is hypovolemia assessed during the emergent phase of burn injury?

During the emergent phase of burn injury, the nurse assesses for the presence of hypovolemia. In burns, hypovolemia occurs primarily as a result of a. blood loss from injured tissue. b. third spacing of fluid into fluid-filled vesicles. c. evaporation of fluid from denuded body surfaces.

What is the nurse’s first action when she sees 142?

The nurse finds a heart rate of 142, BP of 100/60, and respirations of 42. The nurse’s first action should be to a. elevate the head of the bed.

Why does the nurse encourage Mr Brown to pursed lip breathing?

Mr. Brown, diagnosed with COPD, is admitted with increasing shortness of breath, productive cough with thick sputum, and wheezing. The nurse encourages him to do pursed lip breathing in order to: a. Increase oxygen supply to the lungs b. Prevent airway closure and air trapping d. Promote rapid exhalation of air .

When treating a patient for poisoning, should you keep in mind that: Your treatment will benefit asked on the?

When treating a patient for a poisoning, you should keep in mind that: Your treatment will benefit asked on the presenting signs and symptoms . After administering activated charcoal to a patient, you are explaining some of the side effects the patient may experience.

What happens if you breathe in alcohol?

One or two breaths of the air inside the home could render you unconscious. When a person abstains for a period of time from a drug or alcohol to which the body has become accustomed, the individual might experience: Withdrawal symptoms, which can be a serious emergency.

What does an EMT find when treating a patient who was assaulted by a mob of angry people?

While treating a patient who was assaulted by a mob of angry people in a​ bar, the EMT finds the patient to be​ confused, tachycardic, with cool skin and a poor capillary refill. Based on this​ information, how would you categorize this​ patient?

Why did a 69 year old call 911?

Stop your exam and evaluate the​ patient's new complaint. A​ 69-year-old male patient called 911 because of a sudden onset of pain and then numbness in his left leg. He states that he has a history of blood clots that form in the leg and the pain feels exactly as it did the last time that this occurred.

Why call for backup ambulance?

Call for backup ambulance so that you can use their suctioning unit.

How to tilt a patient's head back?

Tilt the​ patient's head back by applying pressure to the forehead.

Is the airway partially occluded by fluid?

the airway is partially occluded by fluid.