The California Virtual Campus (CVC) Exchange is an innovative, student-centered tool that allows students currently enrolled in a California Community College to instantly enroll in online courses offered at eligible colleges without filling out a separate application.
Complete a FAFSA or California Dream Act application. Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. Remain a California community college student. Receive funds from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment, or general assistance.
Calbright is a public community college established by the state of California. In that sense, we're a traditional institution: a public, non-profit college responsible to the state and residents of California for our conduct and results.
The Foundation for California Community Colleges, on behalf of California Department of Social Services (CDSS), will be sending these one-time relief payments to recipients of SSI/SSP and CAPI program recipients to ensure that Californians get the relief they need to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
All California community colleges waive tuition for low-income students via the California College Promise Grant. You can get this grant if you're a California resident (or, if you're undocumented, you can qualify as a resident for tuition purposes — read more about that here).
“The two governing boards reaffirm the long established principle that state colleges and the University of California shall be free to all residents of the state.”
Though currently in the process of accreditation, Calbright is currently not accredited. As an unaccredited institution, certificates earned from the College may be subject to the following limitations: A student enrolled in an unaccredited institution may not be able to sit for some applicable licensure examinations.
The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) oversees the community college system, which consists of 112 community colleges in 72 districts.
Offers a one-time $600 grant to low-income Californians....Program Delivery.Eligibility:California residents who are in an eligible CalWORKs Assistance Case active on March 27, 2021, or recipients of the SSI/SSP or CAPI benefits.Program Fees:No feeDocuments Required:None6 more rows
Seniors and People with Disabilities Who Receive SSI Will Receive One-Time $600 Golden State Grant. The Golden State Grant is part of California's recent COVID-19 relief bill and provides direct aid to those most impacted by the pandemic.
The Golden State Teacher Grant program (GSTG) is for students who are currently enrolled in a teacher preparation program to earn a credential in a high-need field and commit to teaching at a priority school, in California for four years, within five years after completing a teacher preparation program.