a female client who wants to deliver at home course hero

by Mrs. Maya Schuster 4 min read

Can a nurse administer Demerol to a laboring client?

Although the client's partner should be instructed to stay for the delivery, the nurse should assess the client first. The nurse administers meperidine (Demerol) 25 mg IV push to a laboring client, who delivers the infant 90 minutes later. What medication should the nurse anticipate administering to the infant?

What do clients want from their clients?

Clients want to know that you get them, get their business, get their industry, get their challenges, and get what they want to achieve. That you seriously get it. They expect that your team has some experience or specialized knowledge, and that you’ve conducted your own research.

Are your clients difficult to please?

It can be quite common within agencies—or any business, for that matter—to complain about how difficult clients are to please. And while I agree clients can sometimes be very challenging, it is, without a doubt, your responsibility to satisfy your clients.

How do you make your clients happy?

They’re looking to grow their business. The easiest way to think about how to make clients happy is stop thinking about them as another species. We tend to talk about clients and customers like they’re the “other”. We’ve all been clients to somebody at some point. How do you like to be treated as a client?

How important is it for clients to understand their business objectives?

In fact, according to the Domus Client Needs Poll conducted by Harris Interactive in 2014, when clients were asked just how important it is that their business objectives are understood by their agency, 71% answered “extremely important”.

Why do clients leave an agency?

According to the 2015 SoDA report on digital marketing, the #2 reason why clients left an agency was due to cost overruns on projects. Clients don’t want surprises when it comes to anything unless it’s the runaway success of their campaign. They especially don’t want money surprises.

How to make clients happy?

The easiest way to think about how to make clients happy is stop thinking about them as another species. We tend to talk about clients and customers like they’re the “other”.

What do clients want to know?

Clients want to know that you get them, get their business, get their industry, get their challenges, and get what they want to achieve. That you seriously get it.

Why are clients' businesses so rigid?

Due to their size, the internal structure of a lot of client businesses tend to be more rigid, hierarchical and bureaucratic. So they look to their agencies to be the antithesis of that.

Do ideas matter in a team?

Your team can do great work, have brilliant ideas but if you don’t take that call when your client really needs to talk to you, ideas almost don’t matter.

Can you complain about difficult clients?

It can be quite common within agencies—or any business, for that matter—to complain about how difficult clients are to please. And while I agree clients can sometimes be very challenging, it is, without a doubt, your responsibility to satisfy your clients. One that you and everyone on your team need to figure out if you want your business to thrive.

What about cycles?

Block periodization is inefficient for a number of reasons, but to read more about why you shouldn’t program cycles to check this article out here.

High-Intensity All the time

Look, more is not more – if it was you’d have 3-4 Rich Froning-like members. The body simply does not respond to stress the way your members think it does and when we consider things the SAID Principle and General Adaptation Syndrome it makes sense that there is a point of diminishing returns.

Closing thoughts

There are a few things all box owners should know and be comfortable with:


In short, I hope this article makes you feel a little better about not pleasing everyone. Affiliate owners often take feedback to heart as we put our hearts and soles into our boxes!
