D. not allocate any resources to the achievement of strategic objectives until it is very clear that the company can meet or beat its stretch financial performance targets.
In most companies, strategy-making is the exclusive province of top management—owner-entrepreneurs, CEOs, and other very senior executives. B.
"What business model should we employ to achieve our objectives and our vision?" A. A mission statement typically concerns a company's present business scope ("who we are and what we do") whereas the principal concern of a strategic vision is with the company's long term direction and future product-market-customer-technology focus
A. Developing a strategic vision of where the company needs to head and what its future business makeup will be. B. Setting objectives to convert the strategic vision into specific strategic and financial performance outcomes for the company to achieve.
A. Corporate strategy and a group of business strategies (one for each line of business the corporation has diversified into) B. Corporate or managerial strategy, a set of business strategies and divisional strategies within each business. C. Business strategies, functional strategies and operating strategies.
A. A mission statement typically concerns a company's present business scope ("who we are and what we do") whereas the principal concern of a strategic vision is with the company's long term direction and future product-market-customer-technology focus
A. a mission statement explains why it is essential to make a profit, whereas the strategic vision explains how the company will be a moneymaker. B. a mission statement typically concerns a company's present business scope and purpose, ...
9. A strategic vision constitutes management's view and conclusions about the company's
Strategic Management, developing a business model, crafting a strategy, and deciding how much of the company's resources to employ in the pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage.
A. management's storyline of how it intends to make a profit with the chosen strategy "who we are and what we do."