a booster engages in which kind of crime course hero

by Trudie Kuphal 3 min read

What happened to Course Hero?

Course Hero officials at the time said that they responded aggressively to complaints brought under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, but that “as a user-generated content site, we don’t review the content … Unfortunately, at times we recognize that users may submit materials that they don’t have rights to.”

What is Course Hero doing with its huge data base?

Building out the website’s resource-sharing platform remains Course Hero’s top priority. But its other two “big bets,” Grauer says, are (1) using the vast data at its disposal (in terms of the sorts of content and help students are looking for) to create its own content and (2) building out its portal for educators.

How does Course Hero help students with their homework?

Visitors also can tap into Course Hero’s tutoring network to get “24/7 homework help.” “Everything we do is designed to help students practice, learn and get unstuck,” says Grauer, who co-founded the company as a student at Cornell University. Building out the website’s resource-sharing platform remains Course Hero’s top priority.

Is Course Hero really worth $1 billion?

Course Hero made news in business and technology publications last week by becoming the latest education technology company to see its value soar past $1 billion. This column explores an issue altogether different from Course Hero's valuation: Has the company become a valued player in the learning ecosystem in the eyes of faculty members?

What is the difference between professional crime and occupational crime?

The main distinction between occupational/corporate crime and professional crime is that in occupational/corporate crime, the crime is incidental to a legitimate business, whereas in professional crime, the business is to perform criminal activity.

Why are burglars different from criminals?

Burglars are distinctive from most professional criminals for their willingness to use force.

Why do people burglarize cars?

An individual, who usually does not engage in crime, burglarizes a car because the opportunity presents itself. This describes which of the following types of burglars?

What is a sabotage arsonist?

Sabotage arsonists describe those individuals who have a morbid fascination with setting and observing fires.

What is a pickpocket called?

Professional pickpockets are also known as "boosters."

Is arson a juvenile crime?

Arson has a higher rate of juvenile offenders than any other index crime.

What is Course Hero's top priority?

But its other two “big bets,” Grauer says, are (1) using the vast data at its disposal (in terms of the sorts of content and help students are looking for) to create its own content and (2) building out its portal for educators.

What is the philosophical premise behind sharing websites like Course Hero?

The philosophical premise behind sharing websites like Course Hero -- and behind getting a higher education, for that matter -- is that "there’s some pedagogical learning value that comes out" of exploring the educational materials you might find on such sites, Rettinger says.

What does Rettinger believe about transparency?

Rettinger ultimately believes that transparency is at the core of this problem. "If students knew where faculty were getting the resources we were using, and students were transparent about where they were getting their answers, this wouldn't really be an issue," he says.

How much is Course Hero worth?

Course Hero made news in business and technology publications last week by becoming the latest education technology company to see its value soar past $1 billion. This column explores an issue altogether different from Course Hero's valuation: Has the company become a valued player in the learning ecosystem in the eyes of faculty members? Have concerns about copyright and cheating dissipated?

Why did Oakley fail the circuits test?

Oakley failed an early test in a course on circuits, she says, because she didn't understand a concept the professor had never introduced in class. Other students didn't fail -- and when she pressed, she learned that most of them had had an old exam of his that revealed the trick.

How many faculty members are in Course Hero?

Johnson says Course Hero has helped her embrace that change. She is not only one of the 30,000 faculty participants in Course Hero's instructor portal (the " faculty club "), but she also enthusiastically attends the company's annual educator conference and has had her teaching profiled on the company’s website.

What did the angry faculty members complain about?

Aggrieved faculty members complained that students were sharing instructors' intellectual property without their permission and enabling the sort of questionable sharing of academic work that previously was available only in a fraternity-house basement or a quiet meeting amid the campus library stacks.