35 : using the "loaded weapon" metaphor, the course suggests who or what is the bullet?

by Tod Runolfsdottir 8 min read

What is a weapon metaphor?

Weapon metaphors are common throughout our language. Whether they are based on guns, knives or bow and arrows, these metaphors are so commonplace you might not even notice that you’re using them. Here are a few great gun metaphors and idioms:

What are some gun metaphors and idioms?

Here are a few great gun metaphors and idioms: Bite the bullet. Ride shotgun. You shot me down. And here are some knife metaphors and idioms: Take a stab at it. Stabbed in the back. Bring a knife to a gunfight.

Do metaphors associated with gun use sneak through the back door?

We should be watchful that, while we argue in the front yard about gun-control laws today, the metaphors associated with gun use don’t sneak through the back door.

What is a good metaphor for a knife?

And here are some knife metaphors and idioms: Take a stab at it. Stabbed in the back. Bring a knife to a gunfight. Below I’ll outline and explain a list of all the metaphors, idioms and similes for weapons I could come up with today!

What do you call a loaded bullet?

Ammunition: One or more loaded cartridges consisting of a primed case, propellant, and projectile(s). Three main types are rimfire, centerfire, and shotshell. Barrel: The metal tube through which a projectile or shot charge is fired. May be rifled or smooth. Base: 1.

What does it mean when something is a loaded gun?

“Loaded firearm” means any firearm loaded with ammunition or any firearm which is possessed by one who, at the same time, possesses a quantity of ammunition which may be used to discharge such firearm.

Is a bullet loaded in a gun potential energy?

When a bullet is fired from a gun, its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. When a bullet fired the chemical energy is in form of potential energy is converted in kinetic energy and heat thereby moving bullet out of the barrel. The sum of potential and Kinetic energy is known as Mechanical energy.

Does loaded mean round in the chamber?

Loaded firearm means a firearm that has a live round of ammunition, or any component thereof, in the chamber or cylinder or in a magazine inserted in the firearm.

What is the meaning of loaded?

Definition of loaded a : having a large amount of money : wealthy She left them a fortune and the family is now loaded. b : equipped with an abundance of features a fully loaded car. c : filled or topped with many things a loaded baked potato.

What does a loaded statement mean?

Loaded words and phrases have significant emotional implications and involve strongly positive or negative reactions beyond their literal meaning.

What is energy in a bullet?

Muzzle energy is the kinetic energy of a bullet as it is expelled from the muzzle of a firearm. Without consideration of factors such as aerodynamics and gravity for the sake of comparison, muzzle energy is used as a rough indication of the destructive potential of a given firearm or cartridge.

What does the caliber of a bullet tell you about the firearm?

Caliber is used to describe the size of a rifle or handgun bore and the size of cartridges designed for different bores. Caliber usually is measured as the diameter of the bore from land to opposite land and is expressed in hundredths of an inch, thousandths of an inch, or millimeters.

What is the physics behind a bullet?

Once the bullet is fired, it remains in motion from its momentum. The momentum will carry the bullet until it strikes an object or gravity pulls the bullet towards the earth. Firearms change potential chemical energy into kinetic energy in the actual firing of the gun.

What does it mean to have a round in the chamber?

The act of chambering a cartridge means the insertion of a round into the chamber, either manually or through the action of the weapon, e.g., pump-action, lever-action, bolt action, or Autoloading operation generally in anticipation of firing the weapon, without need to "load" the weapon upon decision to use it ( ...

Do you keep a bullet in the chamber?

It's surprising how many people believe their firearm will be safe simply tucked into their pocket. This is not the case. A loaded firearm should always be carried in a holster. The holster should be made from a material that will protect the trigger guard, and securely retain your firearm.

How many bullets are in a chamber?

The typical number is 6, which is the reason for the nickname Six Shooter and indicates the cylinder has six chambers each holding one cartridge.

Why do soldiers use bullets?

Supposedly, soldiers inured in battle used to be given a bullet to bite while medics were working on their wounds. The bullet, like a leather strap, was used as something to clench to help endure pain. Today, we use the saying when we want to refer to doing something painful in order to get it over and done with.

What does "found the murder weapon" mean?

This means that you’ve found some evidence of something that is undeniable. It comes from the idea that a detective who finds a gun that’s still got smoking coming out of it has found the murder weapon. Today, we will often use this phrase in political contexts when evidence of a bribe or misbehavior is found.

What does it mean to stare down the barrel of a gun?

This means to do something dangerous or be in a dangerous situation. If you were to literally stare down the barrell of a gun, it means it’s being pointed right at you and you could die at any moment. In everyday life, you might say this if someone is taking extreme risks. 2.

How to ride a shotgun?

To ride shotgun is to sit in the front passenger seat of a car. In war, you could imagine the person sitting in the passenger seat to be the person holding the shotgun and shooting out the window at enemies. Today, someone will yell “shotgun” to claim the front seat as theirs. 8. Shoot First, Aim Later.

What does "shoot from the hip" mean?

9. Shoot from the Hip. To shoot from the hip means to make decisions rashly or impulsively. It refers to the idea of someone from old Westerns who pulls their gun from the holster and shoots at their enemy without even taking a pause to aim.

What does it mean to aim before you shoot?

People who shoot first and aim later might end up killing someone who they didn’t mean to. It’s of course better to aim before you shoot! Today, we use this phrase when talking about someone who says and does things before thinking. For example, if a police officer arrested someone and then realized they had gotten the wrong person, you could accuse them of shooting first and aiming later – leading to bad consequences!

What does it mean when you're locked and loaded?

If you’re locked and loaded, it means you’re ready to get going! It refers to the idea that your ammunition has been locked and loaded into a gun, ready to fire. You’ll often hear this term when people are in the car and ensuring everyone has put their seatbelts on. The driver might say to the passengers: “Are we all locked and loaded?” to check with everyone before driving.

How fast can a bullet move?

It’s so fast you can’t really dodge it, and you can’t even see it flying through the sky. In fact, bullets move at about 2,600 feet per second. Just imagine looking 2,600 feet (that’s 792 meters) into the distance.

How far would a bullet travel in a second?

Just imagine looking 2,600 feet (that’s 792 meters) into the distance. That’s how far a bullet would travel in just one second! In fact, bullets are so fast that speed trains are often colloquially called ‘bullet trains’. So to say that someone is a speeding bullet is to say that it’s incredibly fast.

Why do people call anything that's fast a rocket ship?

At this sort of speed, you can imagine why people metaphorically call anything that’s fast a ‘rocket ship’, referring to the similarity between a rocket ship and that thing you’re saying is quick.

What does it mean to say someone is a speeding bullet?

So to say that someone is a speeding bullet is to say that it’s incredibly fast. You might say, for example, that someone who runs really fast is a “speeding bullet”.

How fast can a rocket ship go?

According to UC Santa Barbara, a rocket ship will travel up to 25,000 miles per hour in order to escape the pull of gravity and get into space beyond. Even at this speed, it takes about 3 days to get from earth to the moon.

What does Malcolm X use the metaphor of jail for?

Malcolm X uses the metaphor of a jail to describe the experience of African-Americans born into a system of oppression from which there is seemingly no escape. Study Guide Navigation. About The Ballot or the Bullet. The Ballot or the Bullet Summary. Character List.

What does Malcolm X mean by "powder keg"?

Malcolm X describes the righteous anger of African-Americans as a "powder keg," or a barrel of gunpowder, to indicate the strength of this anger and the danger it contains, because if it goes off, it will have tremendous destructive power.


Wheeler's movements can be compared to a wall or cell where the person is trapped with no way of being free unless said blockade is removed.


His blocking the person with a chair is meant as some type of blockade like a wall.

New questions in English

help is appreciated (30 pts)write a meaningful sentence using the verb in the voice indicated in the parentheses. Be mindful of the tense of the verb. …

Which line in the book does the speaker use the sense of sight in saying that the Captain's lips are pale and?

b. The speaker uses the sense of sight in saying that the Captain's "lips are pale and still" (line 19).

What does the speaker say in the book "Exult O Shores and Ring O Bells"?

The speaker seems to feel that the crowd's celebrations are necessary. The speaker tells people to keep on celebrating: "Exult O shores, and ring O bells!" (line 23) while he or she stays with the dead Captain.

What does the speaker feel when he hears the captain's death?

The speaker feels as if the captain's death is unbelievable; he feels in his state of shock that it surely can't be reality. He wishes the Captain's death were a dream

What does the speaker feel about the Captain?

The speaker feels very loyal to the Captain.