1. what emotions do you think hamlet experiences over the course of this speech

by Josh Gerhold 6 min read

What conclusion does Hamlet reach, or what does he realize, over the course of this speech? The primary emotions that Hamlet experiences in his soliloquy in act 4, scene 4 are shame and determination. Hamlet realizes that he's been a fool and an embarrassment to himself all along.

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What conclusion does Hamlet reach or what does Hamlet realize over the course of this speech answer?

Hamlet finally realizes that his duty to revenge is so great that the end must justify the means.

What emotions does Hamlet experience in act 4 scene 4?

He is perhaps feeling anger and even embarrassment at how this “tender prince” is so willing to risk his life without being stirred by “great argument” — whilst he is doing nothing with his own situation.

What does Hamlet's soliloquy in Act 4 Scene 4 mean?

In this soliloquy, Hamlet shows that he is not fully driven by his id, but contemplates to act upon it. Hamlet's desires is to seek revenge for his father's death, and his passion to do so sprung out from the passion he saw within Fortinbras. "Witness this army of such mass and charge.

What conclusion does Hamlet reach in to be or not to be?

Conclusion: The Legacy of Hamlet's "To Be or Not to Be" Hamlet discusses how painful and miserable human life is, and how death (specifically suicide) would be preferable, would it not be for the fearful uncertainty of what comes after death.

How does Hamlet feel at the beginning of the soliloquy?

This soliloquy begins with Hamlet desiring death, saying, 'this too solid flesh would melt', but this desire comes coupled with the fear that God does not condone 'self-slaughter'. This reveals that Hamlet is feeling melancholic.

What specifically has happened in Scene 4 to prompt the thoughts Hamlet expresses in his soliloquy?

1 Answer. In scene IV to prompt the thoughts Hamlet expresses in his soliloquy: He found out that Claudius sent Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to have Hamlet killed. Hamlet now knows that he must kill Claudius or be killed himself.

Which Hamlet soliloquy is most important?

Hamlet: 'To Be Or Not To Be, That Is The Question' 'To be or not to be, that is the question' is the most famous soliloquy in the works of Shakespeare – quite possibly the most famous soliloquy in literature.

What is the overall tone of Hamlet's soliloquy?

The tone of Hamlet's first soliloquy begins as sad and depressed as Hamlet contemplates suicide. The tone changes to angry and bitter while Hamlet ponders the relationship between his mother and his uncle. Through Shakespeare's use of diction and syntax he shows Hamlet's disapproval of this relationship.

Who dies in Act 4 of Hamlet?

Summary and Analysis Act IV: Scene 7. Claudius confirms that Hamlet killed Polonius, though seeking to take Claudius' life.

What is the main message of Hamlet?

Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare around 1600, is a tragedy that explores themes of friendship, madness, and revenge.

Did Hamlet end his life or not?

Then both Laertes and Hamlet are wounded by the poisoned blade, and Laertes dies. Hamlet, in his death throes, kills Claudius. Hamlet dies, leaving only his friend Horatio to explain the truth to the new king, Fortinbras, as he returns in victory from the Polish wars.

What is the purpose of Hamlet's soliloquy?

The function and purpose of these soliloquies in the play Hamlet is for the audience to develop a further understanding of a character's thoughts, to advance the storyline and create a general mood for the play.

What happens in Scene 4 of Hamlet?

Summary: Act I, scene iv Hamlet keeps watch outside the castle with Horatio and Marcellus, waiting in the cold for the ghost to appear. Shortly after midnight, trumpets and gunfire sound from the castle, and Hamlet explains that the new king is spending the night carousing, as is the Danish custom.

What happens in Act 4 of Hamlet?

Gertrude informs Claudius of Polonius's death and Claudius realises that it could have been him if he had been there (L13). Claudius is more fearful that he will be blamed for Hamlets actions rather than showing emotion at the death of Polonius (L16-18).

How does Hamlet react to killing Polonius by mistake?

Hamlet, thinking that Polonius is actually Claudius, stabs blindly through the curtain, killing Polonius on the spot. Instead of feeling any remorse, Hamlet turns on his mother, attacking her for marrying Claudius so soon after her husband's death.

What happens to Ophelia at the end of Act 4?

Ophelia, mad with grief, has drowned in the river. Anguished to have lost his sister so soon after his father's death, Laertes flees the room.

What is Hamlet's emotion?

Emotions. In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the main character Hamlet is seen as a very emotional person. His emotions change all the time throughout the play so he attempts to act crazy so nobody knows what’s going on with him. When he acts crazy to hide his emotions, it affects everyone else but, Hamlet does not realize it.

How does Hamlet show sorrow?

Hamlet shows sorrow after his fathers death, when his mother re married 2 months after the death of his father and he shows sorrow when he finds out that Ophelia died . In the beginning of the play, you see Hamlet as the only one still grieving over his father while everyone else enjoys the ceremony.

What does Hamlet say to Laertes?

He comes out of hiding and Laertes chokes him. Hamlet threatens Laertes by saying “Thou pray’st not well. / I prithee take thy fingers from my throat,/ For though I am not spleritive and ras,/ Yet have I in me something dangerous,/ Which let thy wisdom fear hold off thy hand. ” (5. 1. 250-254) Therefore Gertrude, Claudius and Laertes’ actions bring anger to Hamlet. Hamlet shows quilt when he’s on the ship to England, when he apologizes to

What does Hamlet show when he is on the ship to England?

Hamlet shows quilt when he’s on the ship to England, when he apologizes to. Laertes and when Horatio tries killing himself. When Hamlet is on the ship to England, he does to speak with the captain and he finds out why they are going to attack a small piece of Poland.

What does the Queen tell Hamlet to do?

The Queen confronts Hamlet first and tells him to stop mourning over his father. “Good Hamlet, cast thy knighted colour off… do not for ever with thy vailed lids/ Seek for thy noble father in the dust. ” (1. 2. 69-72) She than tells him that everybody dies.

What does Hamlet show when the ghost looks like his father told him Claudius killed him?

Therefore the Queens actions and death’s of his father and Ophelia bring sorrow to Hamlet. Hamlet shows anger when the ghost that looks like his father told him that Claudius killed him, when he talks to his mother about how wrong it was to move on so quickly and when Laertes chokes him at Ophelia’s funeral.