12. what is bell hooks’ main point in this article? course hero

by Prof. Ryley Casper PhD 4 min read

Does Hooks think power has to function this way?

however, hooks doesn't think power has to function this way. we must formulate new theoretical perspectives that dont frame power as dominating, hierarchical, or competitive. if we're ever going to resist systems of oppression, we will need to re conceptualize power--> this is vital to any social justice movement.

What does hooks do?

hooks tries to push against this existing feminist theory and tries to create a more inclusive form. producing change. reform will not eliminate patriarchy, it will just shift the way patriarchy functions within the existing power structure. you need structural change: make power not hierarchically-based.

What does Hooks argue about feminism?

hooks argues that fem theory and practice traditionally has been carried out in a way that actually reinforces the patriarchy that feminism is supposed to work against (the downfall of separatist feminism) small victories.

What did Hooks call for in the feminist movement?

hooks calls for a revised, more effective, more diverse, and more inclusive women's movement.

What is the core of feminism?

feminism at its core: understands and treats every person as human beings. we should all be treated with similar respect. notices a lack of diversity in the feminist movement and feminist theory (her major critique of feminism) suggested changes to the women's movement.

What is bell hooks essay?

In her essay called "Postmodern Blackness," bell hooks begins the argument for what will come to be known as intersectionality, by challenging the dominant narrative in favor of not just including,...

What does Bell Hooks write about in Bone Black?

In Bone Black: Memories of Girlhood, bell hooks writes about having to leave her all-black school and transfer to a school in a white neighborhood. She says none of the children who had to transfer...
