1. what are the two ends of the continuum that represent the range of discussions in this course?

by Eriberto Franecki 4 min read

What are the endpoints of the continuum?

Sep 01, 2019 · The mental health continuum is a range having mental health and mental illness at the two extreme ends. Depending on the internal and external faculties of a person at any time, he can lie at one point of the continuum and shift position as his situation improves or deteriorates. There are distinct markers within the mental health continuum:

How does this point on the continuum differ from previous four?

1 Robotics and Autonomous Systems White (2003) considers dialogic expansion and contraction as two ends of a continuum which describes discourse and how open or closed it is to considering the opinions of others. 2 Functional Linguistics

Where does the leadership style fall on the continuum?

Title: Microsoft Word - The Continuum of Means and Ends 3.docx Author: Paul Tatter Created Date: 3/26/2014 10:13:39 PM

What is a continuum?

Measure, with a middle point of 0, the two end points of 30 and another marker for a net score of 5. h Taking each of the four measures in turn, ask the group to place themselves on the scale according to their net scores. Point out their net scores represent a central point in their range or continuum of work preference. Have them spread their ...

What is the continuum of teaching practice?

Continuum: a document describing different levels of practice or knowledge along various stages of development. Teaching Practice. Profession (CSTP). Element: a sub-area or sub-domain of teaching practice within any of the six CSTP standards.

What is the continuum of services for students with disabilities?

The continuum of services identifies different service delivery models to provide specially designed instruction to a student with a disability. Some of the services such as consultation and co-teaching services are directly designed to support the student in his/her general education class.

What is the learning continuum in Nwea?

Identifies learning statements corresponding to RIT scores so you can plan scaffolding and differentiated instruction. MAP Growth and MAP Growth K–2.

What is a learning continuum?

The Learning Continuum recognizes that each individual is engaged in a personal lifelong learning process. It conceives of the learner's path as continuous, forward-moving and sequential. This view of learning is based on Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit beliefs.Apr 10, 2016

What is continuum of placement and services?

The continuum refers to the entire spectrum of placements where a student's special education program can be implemented. (3) Provide access to general State-wide and district-wide assessment programs, with appropriate accommodations, where necessary.

What does continuum of placement mean?

The continuum is a spectrum of placements where an IEP can be implemented. It ranges from less restrictive (from all regular education with monitoring services) to more restrictive (homebound), as well as placements between those two points as shown in the example below.

What is continuum of assessment?

The continuum is not an evaluation tool; it does not include descriptors of success. It is a way to frame important conversations about how an assessment is used to improve student learning. Purpose. Alignment. Instruction.

How do you use Nwea learning continuum video?

0:001:02NWEA Learning Continuum - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipGo to the nwea. Website click on view reports then map reports.MoreGo to the nwea. Website click on view reports then map reports.

How do you use MAP continuum?

To Access the Learning Continuum:Log in to the NWEA reports website where you access your students' MAP scores.Select “View Reports,” then “MAP Growth Reports”From the list of MAP Growth Reports, select “Learning Continuum”

What is a continuum assessment in education?

The Learning Continuum lets teachers see what students performing at a given RIT level on the MAP assessments are typically ready to learn. Then teachers can use the learning statements within the continuum to drive their instruction.Oct 22, 2015

What is developmental continuum?

The primary purpose of the Developmental Continuum is to help teachers determine what individual children know and are able to do. With that information, teachers can plan a program that will help children continue to develop and learn.

How many points are there on the continuum?

However, Tannenbaum and Schmidt described seven points on the continuum to make it easy to understand how different leaders behave at different points on the continuum. 1. Tells. The leader that tells is an authoritarian leader. They tell their team what to do and expect them to do it.

Who developed the leadership continuum?

Most managers and leaders will lie somewhere in the middle between these two extremes. The Leadership Continuum was developed by Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt in their 1958 HBR article, “How to Choose a Leadership Pattern”. Tannenbaum was an organizational psychologist and Professor at the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

What does an autocratic leader do?

Autocratic leaders act like dictators and tell their team what to do. On the other extreme, the leader removes themselves fully from all decision making giving complete freedom to the team. Within these two extremes, the leadership style a manager uses can fall at any point on the continuum. However, Tannenbaum and Schmidt described seven points on ...

What is the Tannenbaum-Schmidt continuum?

The Tannenbaum-Schmidt Leadership Continuum shows the relationship between the level of authority you use and the freedom this allows your team. If you exercise total authority you give your team no freedom. Conversely, if you exercise no authority you give your team total freedom.

Who is Warren Smith?

Warren Smith is also the name of the fictional character played by Jack Nicholson in the 2002 film, About Schmidt. The Warren Smith who developed the Leadership Continuum won an Oscar in 1970! An Op-Ed he wrote for the LA Times was turned into a short animated movie which won the Oscar for Best Short Animated Film.

Examples of continuum in a Sentence

Recent Examples on the Web One of the most impressive aspects of Time is how something that breaks so thoroughly from what fans had come to expect of ELO also exists on a continuum with the band’s earlier work. — Jack Butler, National Review, 8 Aug.

English Language Learners Definition of continuum

What made you want to look up continuum? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

How are continuum and discontinuum related?

The continuum and discontinuum are closely related to wholeness and fragmentation that I discussed in Chapter 1 of this book. As I pointed out in that chapter, because of language we tend to see the world as a discontinuum. We have words for this and that, for a river and the ocean, red and yellow, spring and summer, light and darkness, good and evil, pleasure and pain, true and false, etc. And thus, using words, we divide a continuum into discontinuous fragments, into this and that. Often we even become oblivious of the underlying continuity and take it for granted that the fragments referred to by words actually exist independently of our thinking mind that divides and fragments and reinforces this fragmentation through the use of words.#N#In this chapter I shall illustrate this process of fragmentation first by the way we often view plants (my research specialty), and then I shall point out the underlying continuum that besides plants also includes animals, human beings and the rest of the world in may ways. I shall emphasize the importance and significance of an awareness of the continuum.

What is the joke that Hymie Goldberg told?

Osho (1999: 408) told the following joke:#N#Hymie Goldberg on a visit to India is appalled by the country’s chaotic traffic. He asks his host why it was so disorderly.#N#“In some countries,” his host replies, “they drive on the right side, in others on the left. Here we drive in the shade.”

What are the three organs of a plant?

Plants, such as flowering plants, are usually said to consist of three fundamental categories of organs: root, stem, and leaf. These categories are often considered mutually exclusive, but since they are linked through intermediate forms, a continuum between these organ categories can be recognized ( Sattler 1996, Sattler and Jeune 1992, Rutishauser and Isler 2001 ). Morphology that acknowledges this continuum is referred to as continuum morphology (see also Chapter 3 of this book: fuzziness in science ).#N#Besides the continuum between organ categories (a conceptual continuum), continuum morphology also acknowledges a spatio-temporal continuum within individual plants: the root is continuous with the stem and the stem with the leaves (see, for example, Sattler 1986, Chapter 5). Thus, the plant can be seen as a root-stem-leaf continuum. There is no natural break or discontinuity between these three organs. The internal tissues of the root gradually change their arrangement in the root-stem transition region. Therefore, it is impossible to say where exactly the root ends and the stem begins. The same is the case for the stem and the leaf: the tissues of the stem gradually enter into the leaf and for this reason we cannot find a boundary between stem and leaf.#N#Now, because we can perceive the plant as a continuum does not mean that therefore the notions of root, stem and leaf are totally arbitrary or fictitious. These notions appear relatively adequate because they are based on observable differences in three areas that we call root, stem and leaf. But these areas are not disjointed. They flow into each other as a river flows into the ocean, thus creating a continuum between the river and the ocean. As it would be artificial to draw a boundary between the river and the ocean, so it seems artificial to delimit root and stem or stem and leaf. Nonetheless, it can be useful to refer to roots, stems and leaves. A problem arises only when we assume or take it for granted that these organs (as entities) exist independently of us drawing boundaries around them. When we fail to recognize that we created a discontinuum by drawing boundaries, then we become unconscious prisoners of the fragmented world that we created. And worse: we have endless futile discussions - that we have had for centuries - about where one organ ends and the other one begins.

What is the web of life?

In a scientific context, the web of life refers to the integration of living organisms with their environment that according to Gaia theory includes the whole earth. Since the earth is integrated into the universe, the web of life may be considered to include the whole universe. In any case, the web of life is a continuous whole. Its strands are interconnected. As a result of this interconnectedness the web has properties that we do not find in its strands. For example, a spider web can catch insects, whereas one of its strands alone cannot. Therefore, the whole is more than the sum of its parts (see Chapter 5). We can, of course, refer to individual strands of the web. But in doing so, we have already cut up the continuum of the web into a discontinuum of strands. And even strands have been cut out from their environment. For practical purposes of communication, this may often be necessary. However, we have to remain aware of the underlying continuum because life pulses through it. If we lose that awareness, we cut ourselves off from the wholeness and holiness of life and create endless problems in us and our environment (see Chapter 10). For example, not being sufficiently aware of the interconnections between tropical and temperate forests with the rest of the biosphere and ourselves, we have brutally cut down forests. If we continue this blind destruction, it may amount to cutting out our lungs and the lungs of our children.

Is the soil a continuum?

Not only can we perceive the plant as a continuum, we can also see it as an integral part of a much more inclusive continuum, the Soil-Plant-Air-Continuum (SPAC) (see, for example, Sattler 1986, Chapter 5). As the root and the stem are continuous with each other, so the soil is continuous with the root. Microscopically, there is no boundary that clearly separates the soil from the root. The water and the minerals of the soil gradually enter the root and thus become part of the root and the whole plant as they move up to the stem and into the leaves. The leaves have microscopic openings, called stomata, which create a continuum between the air outside and inside the plant.#N#More poetically, we could say that the sky and the earth are in the plant. There is an interpenetration of earth, plant, and sky, a continuum, a wholeness. For example, look at trees:

The Leadership Continuum

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • The advantages of the Tannenbaum-Schmidt Leadership Continuum include: 1. As a leader, it gives you a range of ways in which to involve and interact with your team. 2. Allows you to understand how your approach should change over time as the situation changes. 3. Allows experimentation. You can try giving more responsibility to your team, but if th...
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Leadership Continuum Summary

  • The Tannenbaum-Schmidt Leadership Continuum shows the relationship between the level of authority you use and the freedom this allows your team. If you exercise total authority you give your team no freedom. Conversely, if you exercise no authority you give your team total freedom. Both of these approaches can be useful under certain circumstances, however, most leaders op…
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