youtube crash course literature how and why we read

by Miss Christina Brown I 5 min read

How and why do we read literature?

Reading great literature exercises the imagination. We enjoy stories; it is a pleasure to meet characters and to live in their world, to experience their joys and sorrows. In a practical sense, an active imagination helps us perceive truth, make value judgments, and deal with the complexities of life in creative ways.

What is the point of learning literature?

It helps people figure out what the truth is and work through problems. Literature is an excellent way for students to learn how to think critically. To fully understand what's going on in the book, readers must pay attention to details, form relationships, and develop their individual ideas.

How do you understand literature?

How to read and understand classic literatureLearn about the historical period of a book.Read summaries of the work. ... Ask questions. ... Consider reading an annotated edition. ... Don't stop reading. ... Make comments in the margins of the text. ... Try reading and learning with a group. ... Tell someone what you have read.More items...•

Why do we read?

Reading is good for you because it improves your focus, memory, empathy, and communication skills. It can reduce stress, improve your mental health, and help you live longer. Reading also allows you to learn new things to help you succeed in your work and relationships. The best part?

What are the 10 reasons why literature is important?

Expanding Thought And Understanding. ... Develops Critical Thinking Skills. ... Glimpse Of The Past. ... Understanding Others Culture and Beliefs. ... Polishes Writing Skills. ... Cultivates Wisdom. ... Knowledge Of Human Psyche. ... Helps to Understand Ourselves.More items...•

What are the benefits of reading literature?

The takeawayimproves brain connectivity.increases your vocabulary and comprehension.empowers you to empathize with other people.aids in sleep readiness.reduces stress.lowers blood pressure and heart rate.fights depression symptoms.prevents cognitive decline as you age.More items...

What is the simple meaning of literature?

literature, a body of written works. The name has traditionally been applied to those imaginative works of poetry and prose distinguished by the intentions of their authors and the perceived aesthetic excellence of their execution.

How can I improve my reading literature?

7 Reading Hacks To Improve Your Literary SkillsDon't read in bed. Okay, we all love reading in bed. ... Read alone. Reading isn't a group activity, and it certainly isn't one facilitated by Gchat or Twitter. ... Read in print if possible. ... Underline. ... Take notes. ... Reread for clarity. ... Read aloud, or mouth along.

What are the two major form of literature?

Several commonly recognized different types of literature are: nonfiction prose. fiction prose.

What are the 6 reason why we should read literature?

There are innumerable reasons why one should strive to read literature, and some of the reasons are; provision of pleasure, a building of experience, information, provoking of thought, entertainment or even imparting feelings of empathy besides the ability to infer other peoples' thoughts.

What are the 3 purpose of reading?

The purposes of reading are to gain information, better writing, learn about relevant news, and scan for quick facts.

What are 4 types of reading skills?

4 Different Types of Reading TechniquesSkimming. Skimming, sometimes referred to as gist reading, means going through the text to grasp the main idea. ... Scanning. Here, the reader quickly scuttles across sentences to get to a particular piece of information. ... Intensive Reading. ... Extensive reading.

Why is it important to study the literatures of the world?

World Literature Gives Us Context for Other Studies: World literature brings studies in history, geography, and foreign language to life. Stories are memorable because they take us into specific characters' lives and their experiences in time, allowing us to live through them.

What does literature teach us about life?

Literature opens us up to a wider range of emotions. We learn to shift our perspective by putting ourselves in the shoes of others. We learn about who we are and who we want to be. And we experience the second-order consequences of choices without having to live them ourselves.

Why do we study literature in English?

Studying for an English Literature degree allows you to develop a thorough knowledge of literary history, theory, and criticism, and enhances your understanding of a wide range of cultures and intellectual traditions.

What is the importance of literature in English?

English Literature Enhances Awareness of Human History We learn about people who came before us and revolutionized the world with their thinking. Literature helps us to compare the past and present ages and be aware of the reason for change. It also helps us to understand why and how the world has evolved till now.

How and Why We Read: Crash Course English Literature

In which John Green concludes the Crash Course Literature mini-series with an examination of the poetry of Emily Dickinson. Sure, John explores the creepy biographical details of Dickinson's life, but he also gets into why her poems have remained relevant over the decades.

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Why do we read the Crash Course Literature mini series?

Why do we read? What's the point of reading critically. John will argue that reading is about effectively communicating with other people. Unlike a direct communication though, the writer has to communicate with a stranger, through time and space, with only "dry dead words on a page." So how's that going to work? Find out with Crash Course Literature! Also, readers are empowered during the open letter, so that's pretty cool.

Who is the producer of Crash Course?

Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller. Our script supervisor is Meredith Danko. The associate producer is Danica Johnson. The show is written by me, and our graphics team is Thought Bubble.

Why do we privilege reading and writing?

But we privilege reading and writing because they allow us to communicate directly and transparently with people who live very far away from us, and they also allow us to kind of hear the voices of the dead. I mean, I don't wanna get all liberal arts-y on you, but I do wanna make this clear, for me, stories are about communication.

Why is it important to read critically?

I'm asking you to read critically because, by understanding language, you will (1) have a fuller understanding of lives other than your own, which (2) will help you to be more empathetic, and thereby (3) help you to avoid getting dumped by that young woman in the first place, although more importantly (4) reading critically and attentively can give you the linguistic tools to share your own story with more precision.

Can we win if we read a symbol?

If we as readers can have a bigger and richer experience with the world as a result of reading a symbol and that symbol wasn' t intended by the author, we still win! Yes, inevitably reading is a conversation between an author and a reader, but give yourself some power in that conversation, reader. Go out there and make a world!

Does a book exist for the benefit of the author?

Whether an author intended a symbolic resonance to exist in her book is irrelevant. All that matters is whether it's there, because the book does not exist for the benefit of the author -- the book exists for the benefit of you.

Is it helpful to read a book thoughtfully?

And that will help people to understand your joy and your heartbreak, yes, but it will also be helpful in many other ways, like when you are trying to convince the company to move forwards with your fourth-quarter strategy, or whatever it is that people with real jobs do. Reading thoughtfully gives us better tools to explain corporate profits and broken hearts, and it also connects us to each other.

Why is it important to read critically?

Reading critically and attentively can give you the linguistic tools to share your own story with more precision. And that will help people to understand your joy and your heartbreak, yes, but will also. be helpful in many other ways, like when you are trying to convince the company to move.

What is the point of reading critically?

What’s the point of reading critically. John will argue that reading is about effectively communicating with other people. Unlike a direct communication though, the writer has to communicate with a stranger, through time and space, with only “dry dead words on a page.”.

Why do we do it on purpose?

doing it on purpose, so the story can have a bigger and better life in your mind.

Why do we privilege reading and writing?

But we privilege reading and writing because they allow us to communicate directly and. transparently with people who live very far away from us, and they also allow us to kind. of hear the voices of the dead. I mean, I don’t want to get all liberal.

Who wrote Mules and Men?

Like, one of my favorite books, Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston, was a collection of folklore. that lived in the oral tradition until Zora Neale Hurston wrote it down. And the same can be said for another of my favorite books, The Odyssey.

Is reading a book a conversation?

of reading a symbol and that symbol wasn’t intended by the author, we still win. Yes, inevitably, reading is a conversation between an author and a reader. But give yourself. some power in that conversation, reader.
