you should monitor seek time and latency for which of the following system resources? course hero

by Frank Tillman 5 min read

What is developmental monitoring?

Developmental monitoring (check all that apply):  Involves looking for children’s developmental milestones over time  Is best done by watching children and comparing them to each other  Involves using an objective milestone checklist for the child’s age  Should be done only by trained medical professionals

How many pages are in the milestone moment booklet?

The Milestone Moments Booklet is a 42-page mini-booklet that includes full milestone checklists from 2 months through 5 years of age, with milestones and warning signs for each age. It also includes age-appropriate activities that you can try in the classroom and parents can try at home to help their children learn and grow. This booklet is intended to be kept and used over time.

What to do if a parent is worried about his or her child's development?

If a parent is worried about his or her child’s development, or if results of developmental monitoring or screening indicate developmental concerns, then you can encourage the family to call their local early intervention provider or local elementary school for a more detailed developmental evaluation to see if he or she would benefit from services such as speech therapy, physical therapy, or other specialized services.

What to do if you don't have a developmental screen?

If you don’t conduct screening, encourage the family to ask their child’s doctor about conducting a developmental screen. If the family does not have a regular doctor for their child, you can help them find one at the National Center for Medical Home

What is growth chart?

The Growth Chart is a great display for the classroom and a reminder to watch and record physical AND developmental growth. It includes height on the left side and milestones on the right. It has places for you to add pictures of students in your class!

What is milestone brochure?

The Milestones Brochure is a colorful and engaging trifold brochure that introduces a few key milestones for ages 6 months to 4 years and explains the importance of looking for milestones and acting early on concerns about development.

Why do parents look to you for information?

Parents look to you for information on how their child is developing, because you often have good observations about their child's strengths and needs. Many parents may not have the chance to see their child with other children of the same age and may not have experience with any child other than their own. When that's the case, you can be their "measuring stick." Even when parents have their own milestone tracking checklist, they may not fully understand what each milestone looks like. You can help by pointing out or describing them.
