you have an issue with a course or professor, who do you contact?

by Dr. General Schaden 6 min read

Is it advisable to contact my professor directly?

Jan 21, 2020 · The first step is to talk to the course professor directly to know what is the problem if it can be iron out BTW the two of you but if it cant be resolve then u try to contact your level adviser seeking for his advise on the matter, if the case still remain the same try to contact the department directly through the head if department for solution and after there the last stage is …

Is there such thing as a bad professor?

Question 1 Selected Answer: Answers: If you have an issue with a course or professor, who do you contact? Your professor Academic Affairs Your advisor Your professor Registrar’s Office Question 2 Selected Answer: Answers: Where do you receive official UC communication regarding registration, advising, etc? through your UC email account through your UC email account …

How do I convince my professor to accept my family situation?

Oct 20, 2021 · Talk to your advisor before you go to the problematic professor. If there have been problems in previous years with this professor, they may know about it and have tips on dealing with him or her. If other students have the same problem, ask them to come to the meeting with you like witnesses.

What should I do when my professor disagrees with Me?

Oct 31, 2011 · If your student feels there is a problem that can’t be worked out, or that is too serious to bring directly to the professor, don’t suggest that they go immediately to the top person at the college. Suggest that they go first to the department or division chairperson and talk. Have your student talk to their academic advisor .

What are the lessons in college?

Classroom lessons are, obviously, an important aspect of the college experience. However, in addition to the subject matter lessons learned, your student will be learning important lessons at college about interpersonal relationships, handling conflict and uncomfortable situations, and self-advocacy. Experiences such as dealing with college ...

What is the relationship between a college student and their professor?

The relationship between a college student and their professors, in addition to the formal teaching done in the classroom, is often an important mentoring opportunity. Of course, having a good relationship doesn’t necessarily mean that each professor will be on your student’s list of favorite people, but hopefully, ...

How to be an academic freedom?

Your student needs to take charge, take ownership, and advocate for themselves. Remember that academic freedom means that a professor can determine their own grading system and scale.

Can problems between students and professors be worked out?

Most problems between students and professors can be worked out at this level. If your student feels there is a problem that can’t be worked out, or that is too serious to bring directly to the professor, don’t suggest that they go immediately to the top person at the college.

Can you email a professor if your assignment is down?

A tip on submitting assignments on Blackboard, Canvas, or other learning systems that routinely crash: if you have a due date and have completed your assignment but the system is down, you can always email the professor your assignment. That shows that the assignment was completed on time – the time on the email you send will show that – but ...

Can you wait until the next class to ask a fellow student?

You can also wait until the next class to ask a fellow student, although in these Covid-19 days, learning is remote so that can be difficult. In that case, if you can find your class schedule, the name will be listed there.

What to do if you think something serious is going on?

If something serious is going on, speak to someone. There are bad professors that don't teach well, and then there are unfortunately bad professors who say offensive things in a classroom or who treat different kinds of students differently. If you think this is going on, talk to someone as soon as possible.

Is Kelci Lynn Lucier bad?

Perhaps the best way to kill the excitement of a new semester is realizing that one of your professors is not quite what you were hoping for. In fact, he or she might be downright bad.

Can you drop a class with a bad professor?

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you can't make it work with a bad professor. If you need to drop the class, make sure you do so by the appropriate deadline. The last thing you need is a bad grade on your transcript on top of the bad experience.
