The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) provides paraprofessional training in as stipulated in Policy 5202. Completion of coursework, 12 courses at 3-credit hours per course, resulting in paraprofessional certification may be completed in one calendar year. Access the Paraprofessional Catalog
Full Answer
This course has been designed for WV teachers who are certified to teach grades Pre-K-Grade 3 and are currently employed to teach full-time in a WV Pre-K-Grade 5 classroom.
The WVDE presents annual reports to the WVBE and Legislative Oversight Commission on Educational Accountability (LOCEA). The reports provides the following information: Name of County/School Request; Policy #; Grade Level; Program Scope; Additional Information/Disposition regarding the administrative rule; and the Approval or Non-Approval Date.
The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) provides three sequential, self-paced courses providing an in-depth look at the West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness (WVCCR) Standards and alignment with instruction.
West Virginia Board of Education Policy 5310 will continue to require the use of summative assessment results for the 5% school-wide growth component of the evaluation system for the 2015-16 school year. All references in Policy 5310 regarding roster verification were also waived for the 2015-16 school year.
Policy 2510 requires 22 credits for high school graduation but divides those credits between prescribed and personalized. Ten credits are prescribed including two each in math, English language arts, social studies and science, as well as one physical education and one health credit.
26 creditsThis allows students to earn 32 credits with 26 credits (see specific graduation requirements) required for graduation. News, Helpful Hints and Information for Freshmen: New To Glynn Academy?
22 creditsAs of the 2019-2020 school year, students in Kentucky are required to earn 22 credits before they are eligible to graduate with a high school diploma. Included among these 22 credits are English, math, science, social studies, health and physical education, visual or performing arts, and electives.
7.0 Early Graduation - Early graduation is defined as graduation from high school one full year prior to the class the student entered the ninth grade with. 7.1 In order to be eligible for early graduation, a student must petition the Barbour County Board of Education one semester in advance of the junior year.
The State of Georgia requires students to accumulate a minimum of 23 credit units in order to be awarded a high school diploma. Homeschool students are not required to comply with this requirement, and very often accumulate more than 23 credits.
Glynn Academy 2022 Rankings Glynn Academy is ranked #2,595 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college.
Most bachelor's degree programs require 120 college credits. At a four-year institution granting an average of three credits per class, that's five classes per semester. Many institutions require more than 120 credit hours to graduate, with some programs exceeding 140 total credit hours.
5 Ways to Gain Extra High School CreditsEnroll for a Credit Recovery Program. ... Go to Summer School. ... Look for High School Courses Offered at your Local Community College. ... Take Extra Classes Offered by your High School. ... Join an Online School.
Early Graduation Requirements Students must: Notify the school principal within the first 30 days of the school year in which they intend to graduate. Enter the Early Graduation pathway prior to October 1 of the year in which they intend to graduate early. Graduate in three years or less.
4 credits. English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12 or English 12 CR or Transition English Language Arts for Seniors* An Advanced Placement (AP®) English course may be substituted for any of the above courses.4 credits. ... 3 credits. ... 4 credits. ... 1 credit. ... 1 credit. ... 1 credit. ... 4 credits.
According to the national average, high school students must take 6.8 elective credits to graduate.
You must be at least 16 years old. If you are under 18 years of age, you must meet additional requirements. Passing score: The HiSET Exam requires an 8 in each sub-test with a combined score of 45; minimum of 2 on the Language Arts, Writing essay.
Career Technical Education (CTE) programs are changing, evolving and innovating to better serve West Virginia’s students by preparing them to succeed and enter the workforce.
To schedule West Virginia Board of Education required testing (ex. basic skills or NOCTI exams) for Career and Technical Education, please contact the Marshall University Career Technical Teacher Prep and Certification Program: Beckley Office: 304-256-0266 Ext. 200 or email [email protected].
To schedule West Virginia Board of Education required testing (ex. basic skills, content specific or principles of learning and teaching), please visit
A statement of eligibility allows an individual with an expired out-of-state professional teaching license (valid within the last five years) to seek employment in a West Virginia public school district within approved endorsement areas.
Minimum criteria for a substitute teaching permit in West Virginia includes (but is not limited to) a bachelor’s degree, a cumulative GPA of 2.0, and completion of county authorized initial substitute teacher training.
Contact school districts to inquire about substitute teaching employment opportunities in areas of CTE and review the state-minimum eligibility criteria for the Substitute CTE Permit which includes the following:
A list of course codes for scheduling and the required endorsement for the assigned educator may be accessed at This information may be used by administrators and school district personnel to ensure that the correct endorsement is being requested on an application for licensure.
The West Virginia Department of Education will provide all West Virginia teachers with an opportunity for professional learning through the Teacher Academy. Participants will be provided with research-based strategies and improve their professional practice. Two options will be available, a blended model and online course.
Beginning teachers interested in learning teaching strategies that will enhance student achievement aligned to standards
Dr. Bridget Phillips, Coordinator, WVDE Educator Development & Support Services, at [email protected] for additional information.
Code allows for local level implementation of professional learning and addresses the WV SIPP plans.
NOTICE: To complete an ECCAT course assignments there is a requirement that all ECCAT course participants be in the same pre-k or kindergarten classroom for a minimum of 4 hours per week during instructional time ...
Non-degree graduate credit will be awarded to participants who complete all course requirements according to course expectations. All work associated with the course for which participants are enrolled is to be work specific to the current session for which they are enrolled.
NOTICE: Comments, as submitted, shall be filed with the West Virginia Secretary of State's Office and open for public inspection and copying for a period of not less than five years.
The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) provides procedures and forms to waive the WVBE's policies and administrative rules.
The WVDE presents annual reports to the WVBE and Legislative Oversight Commission on Educational Accountability (LOCEA). The reports provides the following information: Name of County/School Request; Policy #; Grade Level; Program Scope; Additional Information/Disposition regarding the administrative rule; and the Approval or Non-Approval Date.