"woman, of course. how wrong of me to choose my own words."

by Franco Legros 3 min read

What does Bryan Reeves find compelling about?

Bryan Reeves finds something deeply compelling about being with a woman who can take care of herself, and who enjoys allowing him to take care of her anyway. Those are all nice to say, and many women want to hear them from their partner; they like to feel cherished.

Is it good to have women equal to men?

That’s a good thing from a certain perspective. Women are equal to men, in terms of inherent human worth and value. They should have every legal right that any man has. However, my understanding of sex equality completely overlooked certain ways my more feminine female partners and I were genuinely different.


A mother's lasting love is a constant theme in Maria. Maria's thoughts are constantly on her daughter throughout all that she experiences. She has an intense maternal instinct that calls her to protect her child. This call to motherhood is part of the dichotomy that Wollstonecraft reveals in Maria.


The problems of womanhood are amplified for those who live in poverty. Wollstonecraft makes clear that Maria's situation is quite dire but pales in comparison to that of Jemima and the other lower-income women referenced in the novel. When the men in their lives cause these women harm, they are in true danger of starvation and death.


In Maria freedom has both a literal and figurative meaning. Maria achieves physical freedom in her separation from George and a much deeper freedom in her firm decision that he is no longer her husband.

Who said "Watch your words for they become actions, watch your actions, for they become habits, watch your habits answer

Ralph Waldo Emerson . The attachment of the statement to Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu also may be recent.

Who said "Watch your thoughts for they become words"?

A version of the expression was included in the 2011 biopic about Margaret Thatcher titled “The Iron Lady”: 21. Meryl Streep speaking as Margaret Thatcher: Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits.

When was the phrase "Watch your thoughts they become words" first used?

Quote Investigator: The earliest evidence of a closely matching expression located by QI was published in a Texas newspaper feature called “What They’re Saying” in May 1977. The saying was ascribed to the creator of a successful U.S. supermarket chain called Bi-Lo: 1. “Watch your thoughts, they become words;

Who said "Think, word, action, habit, character, and destiny"?

3 In 1885 a variant of the above saying was credited to Bishop Beckwaith. This important precursor of the modern 1977 saying shared the following vocabulary items: thought, word, action, habit, character, and destiny.

What are the overlapping vocabulary items?

The overlapping vocabulary items were: action, habit, and character: 5. Feeling issues in action, actions become habit, and habits crystallize into character.