why we cannot use javascript/jquery to directly delete the course from the database

by Bennie Funk III 3 min read

Why stop using all the jqueries?

Stop Using ALL THE jQUERIES jQuery has steadily kept increasing in size. This is only natural as new functionality is added. Even though the size has steadily been reduced since 1.8.3, It’s led to some decry from the community claiming it “unsuitable” for mobile development due to it’s sheer mass.

Why is my jQuery this not working?

Stop Using “this” This isn’t a jQuery issue, but jQuery can definitely exacerbate the problem. The context of “this” is always changing. jQuery sometimes changes the context to something that you might not be expecting. In the each callback, this is the current item or element in the collection.

How to use Ajax delete request in jQuery?

The jQuery ajax delete request is used to send the delete request to the server to delete some data which is available at the specified URL. Like get () function and post () function the delete request is not having such function. The ajax delete request is specified as a value to the type option.

Is jQuery an all or nothing library anymore?

However, jQuery is not an all or nothing library anymore. jQuery now supports custom builds. I know it’s really tempting to use the jQuery CDN and just rock on, but it is important to think about all the code that you are asking your users to download that they might not even need.

Which method is used to remove the class using jQuery?

jQuery removeClass() MethodjQuery removeClass() Method The removeClass() method removes one or more class names from the selected elements. Note: If no parameter is specified, this method will remove ALL class names from the selected elements.

Why you should not use jQuery?

The reason why you should not use jQuery: Because it adds additional overhead to your web pages. You can do a lot of things with JavaScript which jQuery can probably make easy, but remember that including another file instead of writing 10 lines of JavaScript code is additional overhead to your web page.

Why do we use jQuery over JavaScript?

jQuery simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is easier to use compared to JavaScript and its other JavaScript libraries. You need to write fewer lines of code while using jQuery, in comparison with JavaScript.

Can jQuery and JavaScript be used together?

Yes, they're both JavaScript, you can use whichever functions are appropriate for the situation. Show activity on this post. That kind of lower-level hacking around the DOM, messing with the inline handlers, and cross-browser quirks thereof, is precisely the reason jQuery was born.

What can jQuery do that JavaScript Cannot?

No, JavaScript can do everything that jQuery can do. jQuery is written in JavaScript allowing jQuery to have only the behavior that JavaScript supports, if JavaScript can't do something, neither can jQuery. That said, jQuery can make JavaScript faster to write and easier to read.

Can we use jQuery without JavaScript?

Yes you CAN use jQuery without knowing JavaScript.

Should you use JavaScript or jQuery?

Though JavaScript is the basic language from which jQuery has evolved, jQuery makes event handling, DOM manipulation, Ajax calls much easier than JavaScript. jQuery also allows us to add animated effects on our web page which takes a lot of pain and lines of code with JavaScript.

What are the benefits of using jQuery?

6 reasons you should be using jQuery[ How much do you know about this stalwart developer tool? ... jQuery promotes simplicity.jQuery elements display even when JavaScript is disabled.jQuery easily integrates with the Visual Studio IDE.jQuery makes animated applications just like Flash.jQuery pages load faster.More items...•

Is jQuery front end or backend?

frontendBoth bootstrap and jquery are used in web development and primarily for the frontend development. As code of bootstrap and jquery majorly executed at client end so also responsible for style and look and feel of the UI.

What is jQuery difference between JavaScript and jQuery?

JavaScript is an independent language and can exist on its own. JQuery is a JavaScript library. It would not have been invented had JavaScript was not there. jQuery is still dependent on JavaScript as it has to be converted to JavaScript for the browser in-built JavaScript engine to interpret and run it.

Can I write jQuery in JavaScript file?

Your JavaScript file ( scripts. js ) must be included below the jQuery library in the document or it will not work. Note: If you downloaded a local copy of jQuery, save it in your js/ folder and link to it at js/jquery. min.

What is the difference between jQuery min JS and jQuery js?

min. js is a compressed version of jquery. js (whitespaces and comments stripped out, shorter variable names, ...) in order to preserve bandwidth. In terms of functionality they are absolutely the same.

The working of the ajax delete request

The jQuery ajax delete request is passed to the ajax () function with the type option value to specify what type of request is sending to the server. Suppose we have to do the asynchronous HTTP DELETE request, to delete the data available at the server.

Examples of jQuery ajax delete request

Example of jQuery ajax delete to delete the data by using ajax () function with the type option.


The jQuery ajax delete request is used to send the delete request to the server to delete some data which is available at the specified URL. Like get () function and post () function the delete request is not having such function. The ajax delete request is specified as a value to the type option.

Recommended Articles

This is a guide to jQuery ajax delete. Here we discuss definition, syntax, and working of the ajax delete request with examples. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

Why do we need DOM object?

The DOM object gives you direct access to the “src” property of the image because you have a node of type “image” that has access that property. In the case of jQuery, everything is a jQuery object, so you have to go through the attr function to set the image source.

Is a DOM node more useful than a jQuery node?

Having a DOM node is sometimes more handy than having a jQuery wrapped one. For instance, let's say we want to get a reference to an image and change it's source. Have a look at how you would do it with jQuery as opposed to a straight up DOM node.
