why was euphrosyne philosophy lecture a failure (cambridge latin course)

by Silas Bergstrom 4 min read

What is an Euphrosyne?

Euphrosyne brings a touch of light philosophy to the evening's entertainment with a tale of Stoicism - courage and dignity in the face of adversity. But the rowdy, drunken guests are in no mood to listen... More wine anyone? Can you help? If you've found a link we could add please email us. NOTE: These links will appear in a new window.

Why study philosophy at Cambridge?

Undergraduate Courses Philosophy is the investigation of very general and fundamental questions about knowledge, reality, mind, morality, logic, language, reasoning, politics art and value, among other things. Philosophy at Cambridge is studied as a single subject at undergraduate level, but it can be studied for one, two or three years.

Why study philosophy in the first year of University?

The course is designed to accommodate the many students studying philosophy for the first time. In the first year, you acquire the reasoning skills that enable you to tackle philosophical problems and to think intelligently about abstract questions generally, not just gather information about who said what.

What does eryllus do to persuade Haterius to meet the philosopher?

Eryllus, the Judge of Good-Taste, does his best to persuade Haterius that he'll want to meet this particular philosopher! His job's on the line! Haterius' rough-handed bouncer who had turned Euphrosyne away must now get her back.

What is philosophy in philosophy?

Philosophy explores human thought, the basis of knowledge, the nature of reason, consciousness and cognition, as well as the foundations of value and political theory. Its questions are intriguing and its study requires complex critical thinking, rigorous analysis and consideration of new perspectives. Cambridge occupies a distinguished place in ...

What is Cambridge known for?

Cambridge occupies a distinguished place in the history of philosophy. It was here, in the early twentieth century, that Russell, Moore, Wittgenstein, Ramsey and others developed the analytic style of philosophy that is now prominent in much of the world.

What is Discover Uni?

Discover Uni allows you to compare information about individual courses at different higher education institutions. This can be a useful method of considering your options and what course may suit you best.

Aims and objectives

To introduce the variety and scope of ancient philosophy within its historical and cultural context.

Scope and structure of the examination paper 2021–22

The paper will be divided into two sections. Section A will contain in the region of 7 questions on the set text (currently: Plato's Phaedo ). Section B will contain questions (to give a total in the region of 20 in all) covering topics falling within each of the following four areas: