why take compilers course

by Stella Cormier PhD 6 min read

Learning Compilers gives you with both theoretical and practical knowledge that is crucial in order to implement a programming language. It gives you a new level of understanding of a language in order to make better use of the language (optimization is just one example). Sometimes just using a compiler is not enough.

Full Answer

Why learn about compilers?

 · Learning Compilers gives you with both theoretical and practical knowledge that is crucial in order to implement a programming language. It gives you a new level of understanding of a language in order to make better use of the language ( optimization is just one example ). Sometimes just using a compiler is not enough.

Is the principle of compiler design mandatory for everyone?

Because learning how compilers translate code into machine language goes a long way to learning how computers actually work. If you're interested in such things. It really depends on what you want to know.

What is the Cool compiler?

Compilers. This self-paced course will discuss the major ideas used today in the implementation of programming language compilers, including lexical analysis, parsing, syntax-directed translation, abstract syntax trees, types and type checking, intermediate languages, dataflow analysis, program optimization, code generation, and runtime systems. As a result, you will …

What is the scope of compiler design course?

 · If you want to learn computer science and appreciate and really become a computer scientist, you MUST take compilers. Compilers is a microcosm of computer science! It contains every single problem, including (but not limited to) AI (greedy algorithms & heuristic search), algorithms, theory (formal languages, automata), systems, architecture, etc.

Why should we study for compilers?

Studying compilers enables you to design and implement your own domain-specific language. Compilers benefit tremendously from careful analysis of a problem, and from tools for performing that analysis.

Is a compiler course useful?

Definitely! It may not be a topic you would use daily like a databases class for example, understanding compilers will give you a great foundation. A similar example would be an Operating Systems class.

What is a compiler course?

Compiler Courses This self-paced course includes instruction in programming language compilers, syntax-directed translation, dataflow analysis, and code generation, as well as processes like abstract syntax trees and runtime systems. Students can also study these programming languages themselves, from Java to Python.

What do you learn in compiler design?

Compiler design principles provide an in-depth view of translation and optimization process. Compiler design covers basic translation mechanism and error detection & recovery. It includes lexical, syntax, and semantic analysis as front end, and code generation and optimization as back-end.

Are compilers interesting?

Compilers are always very exciting field, it's a high skill and highly paid job in US. It's very difficult for companies to find good Compiler Engineers. I have seen lot of students who want to work in system software field specially compilers.

Is Compiler Design hard?

Compilers and interpreters are not hard to write. They involve a few well known algorithms/patterns, and are fairly straightforward. If you want to make use of tools like Yacc and Lex or their derivatives, a complete functional compiler can be done in hours.

What are compilers used for?

compiler, computer software that translates (compiles) source code written in a high-level language (e.g., C++) into a set of machine-language instructions that can be understood by a digital computer's CPU. Compilers are very large programs, with error-checking and other abilities.

What is the main aim of software engineer?

The main aim of software engineering is to develop reliable and efficient softwares. Software engineering is committed to delivering quality software.

What are the examples of compiler?

The language processor that reads the complete source program written in high-level language as a whole in one go and translates it into an equivalent program in machine language is called a Compiler. Example: C, C++, C#, Java.

How compiler is useful in programming language?

A compiler is a computer program which helps you transform source code written in a high-level language into low-level machine language. It translates the code written in one programming language to some other language without changing the meaning of the code.

What is the most difficult subject in computer science?

Hardest Computer Science ClassesData Structures and Algorithms.Discrete Mathematics.Operating Systems.Automata Theory.Calculus.

What is the goal of computer science?

Part of the goal of the computer science curriculum is to explain to you how a computer works, stopping at the hardware. This includes the operating system, file systems, the compiler, the network stack, and more. As a programmer, you will be using compilers. Sometimes it will be useful to know what happens under the hood.

Why do people go to university?

People choose to go to university for various reasons - it's a rite of passage, an opportunity for socialization and finding a partner, and it might help you get a job; or even just family or peer pressure. Some people do away with university training, preferring other formal training, or even self-training.

What is building engineering?

Building engineering is more about Details in the realization or application of the design. You can learn to pilot an aircraft without knowing the mechanics of how the aircraft works. But never a good pilot, let alone an excellent one. same goes for a F-1 driver ( or any driver / Equipment operator actually).


This self-paced course will discuss the major ideas used today in the implementation of programming language compilers, including lexical analysis, parsing, syntax-directed translation, abstract syntax trees, types and type checking, intermediate languages, dataflow analysis, program optimization, code generation, and runtime systems.

About this course

The course lectures will be presented in short videos. To help you master the material, there will be in-lecture questions to answer, quizzes, and two exams: a midterm and a final.

What you'll learn

Everything that computers do is the result of some program, and all of the millions of programs in the world are written in one of the many thousands of programming languages that have been developed since the 1950’s.

What is a compiler?

Compilers is a microcosm of computer science! It contains every single problem, including (but not limited to) AI (greedy algorithms & heuristic search), algorithms, theory (formal languages, automata), systems, architecture, etc. You get to see a lot of computer science come together in an amazing way.

What is a GUI tool?

A GUI technique (WPF, Swing) A documenting tool (Javadoc, Sandcastle..) A modelling languague (and tool maybe) (UML, VisualParadigm, Rational) (undoubtedly forgetting very important stuff here) Not all of these tools are necessary to be a good programmer (like a GUI when you just don’t need it) but most of them are.

What is a testing tool?

A Testing Tool (Unit Testing, Model Testing, …) A documenting tool (Javadoc, Sandcastle..) A modelling languague (and tool maybe) (UML, VisualParadigm, Rational) Not all of these tools are necessary to be a good programmer (like a GUI when you just don’t need it) but most of them are.

I teach programming and help people get jobs in the industry. I am here to answer your questions today. AMA

TL:DR - I teach programming, if you have a question you're stuck on, ask here!

MIT Intro to Computer Science open on edX (Python)

Just watching the first few videos it's not as good as CS50x (very dry) and the course isn't as integrated (you must download/use your own IDE) but it starts off with Python so some may like it more (CS50x starts with C).

I'm a Vet in my mid 30s, I lost my job, and I just signed for a 24 week programing boot camp at my local University

But I feel really nervous, I've never considered myself smart or tech savvy, but friends have told me I'm good at problem solving and researching and I should look into programming\coding. While I'm not tech savvy, I do love tech and am fascinated by what goes on behind the scenes.

I am a programming dummy, having tried many times in the past to learn a variety of languages. My biggest issue being the slow theory first style all the books I found take. What I would love is a lesson that dissects different programs and explains using a working code

The type of programs I would like to dissect would be graphic interfaces, but a variety would be beneficial. Thanks for any suggestions you might have. Languages I’ve tried in the past are C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, and Lua. Any advice where I could find lessons or an instructor that take this approach over the theory first, hello world style?


Parsers and Interpreters Are Everywhere

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You’Ll Be Able to Write Faster Code

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  • Compilers (ideally) have three parts: 1. language-dependent frontend (parsing, type-checking) 2. language and target independent middle end (optimization) 3. target-dependent backend (code generation) In this post I’ve tried to argue that understanding each of these parts has value — even if you’ll never implement or modify them.
See more on blog.regehr.org