why take a training and development course

by Prof. Zechariah Ziemann 3 min read

Training and Development Boost Employee Productivity

  • Improving Task Management Training and development programs help employees manage tasks individually or in teams, relying on a greater understanding of processes and clearly defined goals. ...
  • Targeting Required Skills ...
  • Encouraging Continuous Improvement ...
  • Instilling Confidence ...
  • Clarifying Expectations ...
  • Enhancing Employee Engagement ...

Training and development programs provide a host of benefits. They enhance employee performance, boost employee productivity, reduce employee turnover, and improve company culture. Explore the importance of training and development programs for employees and employers by pursuing a career in human resources.

Full Answer

What is the importance of training and development?

Importance of Training and Development:

  1. It helps remove performance deficiencies in employees
  2. It results in Greater stability, flexibility and capacity for growth in an organization
  3. Accidents, scraps and damages to machinery can be avoided
  4. Training & development Serves as effective source of recruitment
  5. It is an investment in HR with a promise of better returns in future

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Why is training important to an organization?


  • Organizational objectives: Help bring individual effectiveness to ensure organizations meet their primary goals.
  • Individual objectives: Enable employees to get their personal goals achieved. ...
  • Societal objectives: Makes sure the organization is socially and ethically ready to meet the challenges and needs of the society.

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Why proper training is important?

Importance of Training. Training is crucial for organizational development and success. It is fruitful to both employers and employees of an organization. An employee will become more efficient and productive if he is trained well. Training is given on four basic grounds: New candidates who join an organization are given training.

Why is training important in the workplace?

Following are the objectives for the necessity of a training programme:

  • It is necessary for employees to have the basic knowledge and skills that are needed to perform in their job.
  • Employees have to be ensured with their capabilities that are needed to perform their work.
  • Employees has to be given training in updating their techniques and developing their skills that are needed for their job.

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Why is training and development so important?

Training and development helps companies gain and retain top talent, increase job satisfaction and morale, improve productivity and earn more profit. Additionally, businesses that have actively interested and dedicated employees see 41 percent lower absenteeism rates, and 17 percent higher productivity.

Why do I want to do a training course?

There are, of course, a wide range of benefits for the individual attending a training course, including gaining a new skill or qualification, refreshing knowledge, and keeping in touch with new developments in the field. However, the benefits also extend to include improved self esteem, motivation, and confidence.

What are 3 benefits of training?

Advantages Of Training ProgramIncreased efficiency of employees: ... Reduced supervision: ... Less amount of wastage: ... Reduced turnover: ... Helps new employees in the organization: ... Better labour –management relations: ... Self-confidence: ... Increased motivation levels:More items...

What are the 4 main objectives of training?

What are the main objectives of training?Employee retention. Modern employees are known for their job-hopping tendencies, which are often the result of inadequate career development opportunities. ... Future-readiness. ... Better employee performance. ... Better services and products.

How do you answer why do you want to attend this program?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

Why should we select you for this course answer?

“Over the years, I have acquired relevant skills and experience, which I shall bring to your organization. I have also worked tirelessly on my communication abilities and teamwork skills, which I will put to use in my future career, which would be in your organization if I am selected for the position.

How does training and development help an employee with his her career development?

The benefits and value of training and development act like a domino effect; leaders feel competent and can efficiently influence employee performance; skilled and engaged employees result in high job satisfaction, commitment, and thus retention; workforce improvement and engagement benefits an organization's overall ...

How do you see training benefiting you?

Improved productivity and adherence to quality standards. Employees develop skill sets that allow them undertake a greater variety of work. Improved ability to implement and realise specific goals outlined in a company's business plan. Increased ability to respond effectively to change.

What benefits does the employee gets through training?

The Benefits of Employee TrainingReduce Employee Turnover.Reduce Layoffs.Improve Employee Engagement.Gain a Recruitment Tool.Increase Productivity.Improve Team Functionality.Build a Competitive Advantage.Prevent and Address Skill Gaps.More items...•

What is a smart goal for training and development?

The SMART framework provides training managers clear guidelines for impactful employee training. SMART, which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-framed (there are a few variations on this as well), can help you create a training program geared toward employee success.

What are the goals and objectives of the training?

The most basic (but critical) goal of any training program is to improve your employees' performance and productivity by reinforcing existing competencies and developing new skills.

What are the benefits of employee training?

The Benefits of Employee TrainingReduce Employee Turnover.Reduce Layoffs.Improve Employee Engagement.Gain a Recruitment Tool.Increase Productivity.Improve Team Functionality.Build a Competitive Advantage.Prevent and Address Skill Gaps.More items...•

What are your expectations from this workshop?

This is Expert Verified Answer It should help me learn new things and make me comfortable to adopt. It should help me with the techniques which with I need to do things. It should help me learn to blend with team mates when it is a group task. It should help me judge myself at the end of the training programme.

What happens if your company pays for training?

If your company is paying for some or all of your training and development classes or programs, then you are getting access to an expert’s time without any personal out-of-pocket costs.

Why do we offer online classes?

There are many reasons why we offer online courses, virtual classes, and e-learning options for students, companies, and organizations we work with and partner with. It helps us to better serve students across the country while providing flexible learning options for those that we work with.

Is employee training and development booming?

The employee training and development industry has been booming since so many companies moved to 100% remote working. With that, companies and their human resource departments are having to make the difficult decision of whether they want to continue with online employee training, or give them the ability to take training and development classes in person.

Why is training and development important?

This is in large part because of the pace of change in today’s work environment. With technology changing so rapidly, jobs are constantly evolving, and workers need to evolve their skills with them.

What is training and development?

Training and development is a formal, ongoing process within a workplace to help employees develop and deepen their knowledge and skills, either to perform better in their current job or to become qualified for a more advanced job. Training generally refers to specific job-related functions, ...

How Do You Create High Impact Training and Development Programs?

High impact training programs don’t simply happen on their own. They require careful planning and constant adjustment.

Why do we need continual training?

In most industries, employees need access to continual training simply to keep up with changes as they occur. In a world where the standard software that employees use to perform key job functions may have new version releases five and six times a year, skills can quickly become obsolete if they are not maintained.

What is a training plan?

Develop a training plan that addresses both organization wide knowledge and skills gaps as well as individual ones. In addition to ensuring the knowledge and skills you need are there consider succession planning.

How to measure impact of training?

Think about how you will measure the impact of your training. Entrance and exit surveys can be a good way to see how much you have increased an employee’s knowledge and competency over time. Also look at other ways to measure impact, for example, a decrease in an error or a common customer complaint.

Can HRD develop a high impact training program?

Whether your company has an HRD person/department or not you can develop a high impact training program if you invest some effort in the following steps:

The question is, what is business?

business is the organized effort of individuals to produce, buy and sell, for a profit, the goods and services that satisfy society’s needs. A business, then, is an organization which seeks to make a profit through individuals working toward common goals.

What is Development?

Development is an improvement in people’s well-being, the development also carries a connotation of lasting change.

What does training and development mean to your Businesses?

Training presents a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all businesses, but many entrepreneurs in the current climate find development opportunities expensive. Training and development provide both the individual and organizations as a whole with benefits that make the cost and time a worthwhile investment.


A robust training and development program ensures that the entrepreneur has the consistent experience and background knowledge. The consistency is particularly relevant for the company’s basic policies and procedures. All employees need to be aware of the expectations and procedures within the company.

Why is professional development important?

Professional development helps to build confidence, encourages personal development and helps attract quality staff.

Who can benefit from professional development?

In reality, any and every professional can benefit from professional development, including lawyers, doctors, nurses, architects, engineers, CEOs and even military personnel. It is essential to understand that professional development can be applied to an extensive range of jobs.

Why is quality important in business?

Quality is of utmost importance in any business. It is not limited to products; it is also paramount to the performance of specialists. Lack of excellence leads to a compromise in the standard of achievement. Professional development offers the chance to improve on any flaws and shortcomings in production and results in the delivery ...

Why is training and development important?from lorman.com

No employee is born with the exact skills needed to be a manager which means that training and development is not only important but required for immediate and continued success.

Is Lorman online training?from lorman.com

Many of our training and development courses are online and ready for you to dive in right away. If you are looking for a partner to help present a training and development topic to your team, contact us today at [email protected] and let us help you design a corporate training topic that you can have presented to your team at your location.

Should training and development be done by experts?from lorman.com

Training and Development shouldn't be done by so called "experts" they should be presented by actual industry professionals with the required experience levels, knowledge and ability to present. Our faculty is not just someone who will present content to you, that is not how we work. Our presenters are vetted industry veterans with years of experience and knowledge in the topics they present.

How does leadership training help?

Leadership training can help individual leaders identify the leadership style that ensures they will have a positive influence on others completing different tasks. 2. It will help you clarify your vision. Successful leaders have a clear, sound vision of where they want to go.

Why is it important to continue enhancing your skills and abilities through leadership training programmes?

Also, effective and efficient leaders have to continue enhancing their skills and abilities through leadership training programmes to meet the organisation's goals and develop their people.

Why do companies choose GBS Corporate Training for their leadership training?

GBS Corporate Training is the authorised global Affiliate of the Center for Leadership Studies in the UK and Ireland and provider of a curriculum of the renowned Situational Leadership ® training courses.

How does leadership training improve productivity?

The right consistent leadership can increase the productivity of your people. Leadership training creates an opportunity for employees to reach new heights and achieve set goals. With this, performance is enhanced as employees strive to develop their skills through the invested training.

Why is leadership development important?

Leadership development programmes are crucial to the long-term success of every organisation. Whether you believe leaders are born or made, in order to build a high-performing team, optimise your people’s expertise and prepare the next generation of well-rounded leaders, you have to invest in leadership development.

What happens if you don't have project leadership skills?

Without sufficient project leadership skills, leaders will likely struggle to handle all aspects of a project. This might cause the project to go off course and end in substantial losses to the business. Staff morale is also likely to decrease due to incorrect guidance and magnified stress.

What is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal?

Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing employees and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company's needs. In today’s business arena, challenges can arise at any time, and to be an effective leader you need to be able to respond ...
