why should i take a cte course north carolina

by Miss Virginie Kassulke 7 min read

Taking CTE courses prevents dropout because it offers practical applications of knowledge that can help students see the relevancy of their instruction. Students are more engaged in their lessons and can more fully grasp the content when they are able to answer the key question: Why does this matter?

CTE is a unique opportunity for hands on learning - putting students at the center of the action. CTE provides the skills and confidence students need to pursue career options, discover their passions and get on a path to success.

Full Answer

How many CTE courses are offered in North Carolina?

Why Should You Take Career and Technical Education (CTE) Courses? Career and Technical Education helps prepare students to succeed in high-demand, high-wage jobs in areas where new jobs will be available in the future. CTE courses help …

What is career and Technical Education (CTE)?

All NC CTE courses align to the Career Clusters™ Each course is placed in a Career Cluster based on a set of knowledge and skills common to all careers in the entire Career Cluster. Industry -validated knowledge and skisll statements of student expectations identify what the student should know and be able to do. They prepare

What are the benefits of CTE programs?

CTE gives purpose to learning by emphasizing real-world skills and practical knowledge. Programs in Career and Technical Education are designed to contribute to the broad educational achievement of students, including basic skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics, as well as their ability to work independently and as part of a team, think creatively, solve problems, …

How do I get CTE credit in North Carolina?

CTE course in the NC Standard Course of Study (NCDPI 2002); however, they should address the content with greater complexity, novelty, acceleration, and /or pacing. CTE honors courses should reflect a differentiation of curriculum, both in breadth and depth of study. CTE honors courses should exemplify the following characteristics:

What are 3 benefits advantages to CTE courses?

CTE provides students with not only career and academic skills, but soft skills that are needed for the modern workplace, such as: critical thinking; communication; team work; citizenship, integrity, and ethical leadership; research tools; creativity; and innovation.Sep 22, 2020

Why should I consider career and technical education?

Career and technology education can give your child what's needed to succeed for life: technical skills, academic skills and employability skills. ... In fact, college-bound students can get job experiences to help them define their career plans, identify an appropriate course of study and help pay for tuition.

What is CTE in NC?

Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners.

What is a CTE teacher NC?

CTE teachers get to teach highly relevant subjects to students at both the middle and high school levels, showing today's youth how to use the latest technologies and compete in business and industry.

Why is CTE important in schools?

Because CTE programs put an emphasis on career-readiness, they teach important employability skills that are currently in high demand. According to a Cengage survey, “soft skills” such as attention to detail, effective communication and critical thinking are the most in-demand skills in today's job market.Feb 25, 2020

What is the goal of CTE?

Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides each student with the opportunity to develop and refine skills and applications necessary to be productive citizens.Mar 15, 2016

Why are credentials valuable for CTE programs?

Credentials provide proof of knowledge and verify a student’s capability to perform a particular trade, skill, or occupation. Credentialing opportunities bring value to CTE programs because they validate the education and training these programs provide as well as give students incentive for further achievement.Mar 26, 2015

Is foods a CTE class?

Course Description: This is a comprehensive course in foods and nutrition. Upon completion of this course, students will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to make informed food choices, prepare meals, and develop healthy eating patterns.

What are NC high school career pathways?

NC Career Pathways (by Cluster)Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AGNR)Architecture & Construction (ARCH)Welding (WELD)Woodworking (WOWO)Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)Transportation, Distribution & Logistics (TRAN)Drafting Engineering (DREN)Automotive Services (AUTO)45 more rows

How do I become a CTE teacher in NC?

2.02 CTE Restricted Licenses require that teaching candidates have related work/military experience for the CTE program area as well as a related degree from a regionally accredited college or university (high school diploma level licenses do not require a degree).Jul 1, 2020

Which of the following is an example of a CTE subject?

Health science, government, law, agriculture, and construction especially relate to others' health and safety. Because of that, CTE instructors often focus more on practice and improvement instead of textbook memorization.Feb 4, 2020

What is the difference between a career concentrator and a career completer?

A concentrator is a student who has earned two or more technical credits in a Career Cluster Pathway, at least one of which is a completer course. The student may also take additional supplemental courses within their Career Pathway to extend their knowledge.

What are the facets of education?

Students are exposed to the many facets of education through class discussion, observation and participation in public school classrooms. Students will examine their aptitudes for teaching, learner needs and development, including students with exceptionalities, and the history, trends, and governance of education.

What is a FCS?

Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) provides the bridge needed by all students to deal with major societal issues such as work- and-family, health care, child and elder care, family and community violence and c rime, global economics and politics, and technology usage.

What is CTE in education?

The mission of Career and Technical Education ( CTE) is to empower students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy. Programs in Career and Technical Education are designed to contribute to the broad educational achievement of students, including basic skills such as reading, writing and mathematics, ...

What is the purpose of CTE?

CTE gives purpose to learning by emphasizing real-world skills and practical knowledge. Programs in Career and Technical Education are designed to contribute to the broad educational achievement of students, including basic skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics, as well as their ability to work independently and as part of a team, ...

What is a career and technical student organization?

All students in career and technical programs have an opportunity to develop and extend their learnings through participation in active career and technical student organizations (CTSOs). The program of work for each organization should be based on instructional competencies and be an integral part of the program.

What is work based learning?

Work-based learning (WBL) is an educational strategy that provides students with real-life work experiences where they can apply academic and technical skills and develop employability skills. The concept of work-based learning has been in practice for centuries and is an integral part of the Career and Technical Education system.

How does CTE work in high school?

At the secondary level, CTE is delivered through comprehensive high schools, CTE-focused high schools, which teach core academic subjects in the context of specific career training, and early/middle college schools, which allow students to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and an associate’s degree or up to two years of credit toward a bachelor’s degree.

What is CTE Essential Standards?

The CTE Essential Standards provide program area and course descriptions, links to essential standards by course and other curriculum information. This document includes national standards and academic content. The CTE Planning Guide provides supplementary information useful to CTE administrators as they plan for implementation of CTE Essential Standards.

What is STEM education?

Early College High Schools: Located on the campuses of two- and four-year colleges and universities, early college high schools allow students to graduate with both a high school diploma and two years of transferable college credit or an associate’s degree.

What is NECA in electrical?

National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) - NECA’s Codes and Standards group works to influence the content of regulatory codes, and develops and publishes National Electrical Installation Standards (NEIS), the first quality standards for Electrical Trades. Arts, A/V Technology & Communications .

What is the emphasis of business?

Emphasis is on the exploration of feasible ideas of products/services, research procedures, business financing, marketing strategies, and access to resources for starting a small business. Students develop components of a business plan and evaluate startup requirements.

What is strategic marketing?

The Strategic Marketing course focuses on the impact of marketing on society, procedures used in buying behavior, procedures to manage marketing information, procedures to develop and manage products, pricing procedures, promotion, marketing channels, supply chain management, retail operations, and global marketing.

How to get articulated credit?

To receive articulated credit, students must enroll at the community college within two years of their high school graduation date and meet the following criteria: 1 Final grade of B or higher in the course and 2 A score of 93 or higher on the standardized CTE postassessment *

What is a local articulation agreement?

In addition to this statewide articulation agreement, local articulation agreements can be developed to build strong partnerships between high schools and individual community colleges. These local articulation agreements respond to new and emerging industries, provide for programs unique to the region, and add additional articulated courses and pathway alignments at the local level that are not included in the state agreement.

Is CTE postassessment available?

During times of curriculum revision, when field tests and revised curriculum guides are implemented, state-wide CTE postassessment scores are not available. In order to award articulated credit, LEAs should do the following.


Academic and CTE Integration

Career Clusters

CTE Delivery System

CTE Funding

CTE Program Performance Data

CTE State Standards

Dual Enrollment and Articulation

High School Graduation Requirements

Programs of Study

  • According to the state CTE plan, local education agencies in North Carolina develop local plans using the state’s Standard Course of Study, developed by educators with input from business and industry, community college and university representatives. Programs of Study offered in any of North Carolina’s community colleges must first be evaluated by a curriculum review com…
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State Education and Workforce Agenda