why mandatory bible course should be cancelled

by Dr. Makenzie Will 8 min read

Is a Bible college education necessary for Ministry?

Having a higher education is a valuable asset in many fields, including vocational, or full-time, ministry. A Bible college education is designed to equip believers who are pursuing God’s call to vocational ministry, but it can be beneficial for any believer.

What are some reasons not to study the Bible?

7 Excuses We Make Not to Study the Bible 1. Studying the Bible is hard and too time-consuming. It’s a fair statement: studying the Bible can be confusing,... 2. Bible Study is boring. When we consider that God creates new life in us through its reading, how can new life be... 3. Spiritual warfare. ...

Why should I go to Bible College?

The faculty, staff, students, and curriculum of a Bible college all share the same goal of glorifying Christ, and the resulting milieu provides ample opportunity to flourish in one’s spiritual walk. One should consider going to Bible college because of the training it provides in developing a biblical worldview.

What is formal Bible Training and why is it important?

Formal Bible training helps ensure that the ministry of the Word of God is not only maintained but also flourishes in the church. The first indication that someone who aspires to the office of elder, bishop, or pastor is being called by God to the task is desire.

Why should the Bible not be taught in public schools?

First, while it is constitutional for public schools to teach children about religion, it is unconstitutional to use public schools to advance particular religious beliefs. Among the important statements made in the guidelines are: "The school's approach to religion is academic, not devotional."

What does the Bible say about staying the course?

Let's continue to build on the foundation from Psalm 119: When you stay on course you will end up blessed. Walking steadily by faith not by sight you will end up blessed.

Should the Bible be taught in public schools?

The U.S. Department of Education guidelines reiterate that public schools "may not provide religious instruction, but they may teach about religion, including the Bible or other scripture."8 In keeping with the First Amendment's mandate of governmental neutrality toward religion, any study of religion in a public ...

What is the purpose of the Bible course?

Though there may exist some form of worship and prayer, the purpose of Bible study is to collectively grasp an understanding of God through His Word. These groups become small communities often sharing this personal journey to discovering the meaning of the passage.

What is the message in Psalms 119?

In this psalm the writer expresses his appreciation for the goodness, mercies, severity, faithfulness, righteousness, and character of God, and in so doing stands in awe of the Word of God (Psalm 119:161).

What does God say about quitters?

James 1:12 says, "Blessed is the man that endures temptation." James 5:11 says, "Behold, we count them happy which endure." Matthew 24:13 says, "But he that endures unto the end, the same shall be saved." The Bible doesn't teach quitting. The Bible teaches us to endure hard times, difficulties, or temptations to quit.

When was the Bible taught in public schools?

In 1949 Bible reading was a part of routine in the public schools of at least thirty-seven states. In twelve of these states, Bible reading was legally required by state laws; 11 states passed these laws after 1913.

How many schools teach the Bible?

Proponents of Bible instruction — such as Chuck Stetson, who publishes a textbook that he says is already in use in more than 600 public schools across the nation — are thrilled. “We're not too far away from a tipping point.

Where is the Bible taught in public schools?

Currently, there are 7 states that mandate Bible courses in public schools: Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas.

What is the benefit of Bible study?

Regular Bible Study will strengthen you and give you courage. You'll grow in confidence of God's truth. You'll feel more of His emotions towards you as you understand all that God has done for you through Jesus Christ.

Why is it worthwhile to prepare for your Bible study sessions?

Studying the scriptures is important because of the direction we need in our lives. Studying the scriptures is important because scripture study is a preparation for and prerequisite to receiving personal revelation. Those three answers can be summarized in the following words: covenants, direction, and revelation.

Why should you memorize the Bible?

Memorizing Scripture and letting it dwell in us only amplifies our lives. It increases our daily prayers — filling our minds with the reminder of God's promises. It reminds us throughout our days of how we should be living — keeping us from temptation, sin and changing our attitudes to reflect Him.

When does Drew Brees bring his Bible to school?

New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees shared one of his favorite Bible verses as he encourages kids to bring their Bibles to school Oct. 3 as a way to live out their Christian faith. (Focus on the Family)

Is Freedom from Religion Foundation a First Amendment?

And while the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) typically clashes with the First Liberty Institute on First Amendment issues, the two agree here. "The constitutional boundaries are simple," Elizabeth Cavel, associate counsel for FFRF, told Fox News. "Students, of course, have the right to bring their Bible to school on this or any other day.".

Can students bring their Bible to school?

"Students are not only allowed to bring their Bible to school. They're certainly allowed to read it during free time, in between classes, and even reference the Bible within their assignments and class discussions."

Why do we need Bible college?

A Bible college education is designed to equip believers who are pursuing God’s call to vocational ministry, but it can be beneficial for any believer. Here are a few reasons why one should at least consider going to a Bible college: ...

What is the importance of studying the Bible?

Studying the Bible is, of course, the main emphasis in a Bible college , and the Bible college student will learn various study methods, how to properly interpret a given passage, and how to arrive at practical applications of God’s truth. The study of God’s Word is every believer’s business. A good Bible college provides tools for ...

Do Bible college graduates feel alone?

A Bible college graduate need never feel alone in the ministry. Dozens of old friends, most of whom are also in ministry, are just a phone call or email away. They supply a constant resource for advice, guidance, and encouragement in serving the Lord.

Is Bible college a spiritual college?

Of course, spiritual growth is possible anywhere, but a Bible college is in many ways a spiritual greenhouse. The faculty, staff, students, and curriculum of a Bible college all share the same goal of glorifying Christ, and the resulting milieu provides ample opportunity to flourish in one’s spiritual walk. One should consider going ...

Why do we attend Bible studies?

And we attend Bible studies to find eternal life by knowing God and his Son Jesus Christ ( John 17:3 ). God has made himself knowable, and we study his knowable word so we might know Jesus, the living Word. Winsome community and cogent education are beautiful recruiters.

Why do we study the Bible?

Beware these good reasons for holding or attending Bible studies: 1. To get to know people. 2. To learn about the Bible. 3. To support my church or the people in the study. 4. To sit under a gifted leader.

What is the advantage of Bible studies?

Though the chief advantage of Bible studies (in contrast to sermons, classes, and personal study) is interaction, this advantage does not necessarily give us a strong purpose.

Why is it important to have a Bible training?

Formal Bible training helps ensure that the ministry of the Word of God is not only maintained but also flourishes in the church. The first indication that someone who aspires to the office of elder, bishop, or pastor is being called by God to the task is desire.

What is the Lord's calling to the ministry?

The Lord’s calling to the work of the ministry is not only for the church ; it is also through the church. Young men should be encouraged to seek such a call, as Paul tells Timothy ( 1 Timothy 3:1 ). But, ideally, the final confirmation must be from the church that both trains and tests the gifts required for the ministry.

What is the purpose of seminary training?

The purpose of seminary training is to prepare for service those who aspire to the office of leadership in the work of the Lord. Paul instructed Timothy, and likewise us today, to prepare men for such leadership roles in the church: “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others” ( 2 Timothy 2:2 ).

What does Paul say about the position of a bishop?

Paul tells us, “This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work” ( 1 Timothy 3:1, NKJV ). When someone is persuaded that he is being called to the ministry of the Word, he should seek to explore his gifts and prepare himself to answer that call. This is one of the reasons seminaries ...

Why don't people like church?

Sure, the church can be old and stale and downright sinful at times, but the main reason people don’t like the church—and don’t want to go to church—is because the church has walls. It defines truth. It shows us the way to live.

What does Paul say about the body?

This is the argument Paul makes in 1 Corinthians 12: “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ” (1 Cor. 12:12; all Scripture references ESV).

What is Stott's statement about the centrality of the church?

Toward the end of his life, Stott wrote, “I trust that none of my readers is that grotesque anomaly, an unchurched Christian. The New Testament knows nothing of such a person.

Is Christianity an organized religion?

We have a sacred book, sacred teaching, sacred ordinances, and sacred offices. Like it or not, Christianity is an organized religion. And the church is what provides that organization, that shape and definition. This is why people don’t like the church.

Is there a lone ranger in Christianity?

We are shaping one another to the glory of God. There is no Lone Ranger Christianity.

Can we worship God privately?

Of course, we can worship God privately and through daily obedience, but there is something unique about corporate worship. We know from Acts 2:42 that the first Christians met together regularly for teaching, fellowship (possibly the word for taking a collection), the Lord’s Supper, and prayer.
