why kilivippen of course

by Tracey King 9 min read

Why do people study a course?

One of the reasons many studies a course is to ensure there is continuity in that field of study. The continuity could be in the family (e.g When one of the parents is a role model in such area of Study, and one of the Children decides to follow the part of such parent by studying the course), and it could be in the country or the world at large. (e.g is when professionals from a particular field are discovered to be reducing/diminishing, governments could encourage young people to study such course by giving them supports such as scholarships, etc, on the other hand, it could be a personal concern/conviction.

Why do students choose to study a particular course?

Students could choose to study a particular course due to the discovery of their personal strength. Every student has their area of strength and to major in your area of strength is a good decision made to ensure you get going while things seem tough.

Why do students choose a particular course as their field of study?

Opportunities available in such field of study: One of the reasons students chose a particular course as their field of study or major is because of the opportunities available in such field of study. Some students already got the opportunity available to them even before they applied to study the course while some applied for the course because ...

Why did you choose a course as your major?

Another good answer to the question “why did choose a course as your major?” is the wide area of application available in such field. Some fields have more areas of application than others. And this could be an influencing factor to choosing such field as a major

What is your driving force to studying a course?

Your concern for its impact on you or mankind: One of your driving forces to studying a course could be your concern about its importance or impact on you or mankind. E.g. a student could want to study medicine and surgery or other related courses because of its impact on their health and their society.

Why do you want to study medicine?

E.g. a student could want to study medicine and surgery or other related courses because of its impact on their health and their society. Some will love to understand the human body and how it works while some will have a focus on other parts of the human body, such as the eye, teeth, skin etc.

Does the list of answers suggested above only apply to the courses that were used as examples?

N.B: the list of answers suggested above does not only apply to the courses that were used as examples, but they apply to other courses generally.

Video tip of the Week

If you are doing a video and you are talking about technology or anything that has to be updated regularly based on new laws, rules, and regulations, this tip is for you.

1. You did not take the time to build your audience

The first reason why a course fails is you did not take the time to build your audience. This is probably one of the biggest frustration for people who want to build a course, but did not sell very well. You can put it on Udemy and let them market for you.

3. You view your course as a single event as a launch and not as a marathon

A launch can work with a large audience because you can package all the effort in one event. But it is not the only way to a course. You are there to serve your student before, during, and after a course. Check out this podcast where I go in-depth about how to serve your students, during, and after a course in a different podcast.

4. You view your course launch as a singular failure

I love and recommend John Maxwell’s book “Failing Forward”. See failure as temporary. Maybe your course didn’t sell well, so what are you going to do to turn that around? John Maxwell also talked about rejecting rejection. Achievers have a healthy self-image that’s not dictated by an external stimulus.

5. You compare yourself to gurus who market massive success

Don’t get discouraged just because there are people out there who are better than you. Instead, think about what they did to achieve that success. Are there any ways you can partner with them? Maybe you are comparing yourself to somebody who has more success than you. All you need to do is to readjust your gauge of success.

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Want to accelerate the process of how to create and market an effective course? Go through the 6-week Course Accelerator Group Coaching Program. It's limited to a small group of motivated course creators. Go here to learn more and sign up.

Why is it important to know how to use your course?

Knowing how to use your course and which video you need to start with and which video comes next, is as important as the individual lessons within the course, especially when you're learning something big like a new language or how to build a business. The order of when you learn certain things is super important.

What makes a course fail?

1. Not Giving Enough Examples. The very first thing that makes a course fail you, is not giving enough examples. When you're learning something new for the first time, you're inevitably going to learn some new concepts that you didn't know before.

What is Megan Auman's do/teach?

Megan is a really great teacher, with an actual background in teaching in academia, and she has some really great online courses you can take for jewelry design, photography and business.

Why are examples important?

Examples are essentially a demonstration of the concept. If the theory part of learning something new is the telling, then the examples are the doing.

Do some concepts taught in the course apply to some students?

Some concepts taught in the course don't apply to some students. Or sometimes you're just struggling to understand something and watching a lesson 10 times isn't helping. Having a discussion about it can be very helpful.

When to use "of course"?

If something is obvious – easy to see or understand – we can say ‘of course’. And that’s why we often use ‘of course’ when we say ‘yes’ to requests.

What does "of course" mean?

Of course means the answer is obvious . You know I want to help. Please go ahead. So when people ask us for something, we often say ‘of course’.

Was Geri's answer appropriate?

Were my answers appropriate? No! Geri’s questions were normal questions, not requests, and she didn’t know what my answer would be. Let’s look at what I should have said.

Is "of course" polite?

Of course is polite here and we’re both happy. So what’s going on? Sometimes ‘of course’ is polite and sometimes it’s not. Well, to understand this, you need to know what ‘of course’ really means.

What to do after you pass the age of?

Especially when you move to a new country, it’s a great way to try and make new friends, network and socialize. You’re not only investing in your skills but in yourself.

Can you evolve in your career if you don't learn?

Even though education is not only found in courses, learning something new or reinforcing something you might already know is always great. There’s no way you can evolve in your career and as a person if you don’t learn. And it’s always a humbling experience to admit you can always know more.

Why do people change their courses?

Some people change courses because they don't want to continue with that subject, University isn't for them or they don't like the course!

Why do kids get pushed into study?

They are often pushed into a course of study by their parents, without any reference to their abilities, simply because the field is perceived as a “money-maker.”. Once in, they can’t hack it, because of the math requirement, etc., or whatever. Their interests change.

Why do college students change their courses?

In my experience advising college students, as a professor, these are the main reasons why students change courses of study: They are often pushed into a course of study by their parents, without any reference to their abilities, simply because the field is perceived as a “money-maker.”.

Who is Ivy Global?

Ivy Global. Maker of the best unofficial practice tests.

What happens if you have more students?

If number of students are more, then getting good grade chances are minimal. This causes student to change course.