why jaina of course bellular

by Lilyan Ernser MD 4 min read

In 4 years, Blizzard has lost almost half of its monthly active users (46m to 26m MAUs) reveals Activision Blizzard's latest Earning Call (Q2 2021)

In 4 years, Blizzard has lost almost half of its monthly active users (46m to 26m MAUs) reveals Activision Blizzard's latest Earning Call (Q2 2021).

I have to give the writing team some credit here

The Jailer gets all the infinity stones sigils, and half the playerbase disappears.

To the good people of World of Warcraft

It is with optimism that I address you today, though these are challenging times. Firstly, I assure you that our holy mission to stand up for our employees and create a safe working environment for them is, and always will be, secondary to profit our utmost priority.
