why is the canvas course i set up not visible to others

by Elmo Ortiz 7 min read

Possible reasons why a student can't see their course in Canvas: The semester/term hasn't started yet. You will not be able to access your online class until the first day of class (starting at 12:00 AM) unless your instructor chooses to open the course site early. Check the detailed course schedule to identify the class start date.

A course site isn't visible to students until the instructor manually publishes the Canvas site. If the semester/term has already started and you are definitely registered for the course, contact your instructor and ask them to publish the course. You may have previously set your Courses List to show other courses.Aug 24, 2021

Full Answer

Why can't I see my course in canvas?

 · By default your Canvas course is not visible to students. To make it visible, click the Publish button in the upper right corner of the Home page: Publishing the course does not mean all the individual content will be visible. Modules and pages and files ... may be individually published or not by clicking on the slash or checkmark symbol.

What are the account-level permissions for canvas courses?

 · The Canvas course site is not yet published by the instructor. A course site isn't visible to students until the instructor manually publishes the Canvas site. If the semester/term has already started and you are definitely registered for the course, contact your instructor and ask them to publish the course. You may have previously set your Courses List to show other …

How far in advance can I See my Canvas course details?

If you can't view your courses on your Canvas Dashboard, you may need to favorite the course in your Courses list. If your Courses list does not display your course, talk to your instructor or your institution's Canvas Admin for assistance. Open Courses List In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1]. Then click the All Courses link [2].

What is a course-level role in canvas?

 · Jump to solution. Kate, That's odd; it shouldn't be greyed out on the course navigation menu if it is enabled. The only time I've seen something similar is with "Announcements" where if you have no Announcements yet it will be greyed out even though it is enabled. You may want to speak with your Canvas admins or open a support ticket with Canvas.

How do I make my Canvas course visible?

By default your Canvas course is not visible to students. To make it visible, click the Publish button in the upper right corner of the Home page: Publishing the course does not mean all the individual content will be visible.

Can I make a Canvas course public?

Currently, Canvas does not provide a way to make most content, such as files and folders, publicly viewable (that is, available on the web). However, you can make an entire course available to the public, and use it to share content; see How do I customize visibility options for a course?

Why are Canvas modules not visible to students?

Is your assignment part of a module that is not published? Items in an unpublished module can't be seen by students, whether or not the items themselves are published. Make sure a module containing assignments is published when you are ready for your students to see the items within.

How do I share a Canvas course with the public?

0:003:52How to Share Your Course to Canvas Commons - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd select the course that you'd like to share. Then have you scroll down to settings in the bottomMoreAnd select the course that you'd like to share. Then have you scroll down to settings in the bottom left navigation. Next click on share to Commons in the top right hand corner.

How do I allow students to see a module in Canvas?

Click on settings in the course.Click on the navigation tab at the top.Find where it says "Modules" and click on the kabob (three circles in a line) to the right.Select Enable.Click on the "Save" button at the bottom.

How do I make modules visible to certain students in Canvas?

In the Course Navigation menu, click the Modules link. button at the top right to add a new module. In the pop-up window, give your new module a name (such as "Module 1" or "Week 1" or "Readings"). You may select the "Lock until" box to enter a date after which this module will become visible to students.

Why is my module not showing up in Canvas?

Having trouble finding your modules What this means is that they have not yet been made available by your lecturer - they are unpublished. You can see a list of your modules by clicking "Modules" in the main menu on the left and then clicking "All Modules" from the panel that slides out.

What is share to Commons Canvas?

Commons is a learning object repository that enables educators to find, import, and share resources. A digital library full of educational content, Commons allows Canvas users to share learning resources with other users as well as import learning resources into a Canvas course.

How do I link to a Canvas page?

How do I link to other Canvas pages in a course?Open Pages. In Course Navigation, click the Pages link.View Pages. Pages is designed to open to the front page for the course, if there is a front page selected. ... Edit Page. Click the Edit button.Save Page. Click the Save button.

How long does it take for a course to show up on canvas?

If you just recently registered or added a course, please allow at least four hours for the course to show up in your Canvas account. The time it takes from when you register to the time it will show up in Canvas is not immediate.

How to reinstall Canvas Student?

Step 2: If updating the app and the operating system does not resolve the issue, delete and reinstall the Canvas Student App.

How to contact Canvas Help Desk?

To contact the Canvas Help Desk regarding missing courses in Canvas, please submit a ticket through the tech support page and select Canvas Support from the department drop-down list.

How to check the start date of a course?

To check the start date of your course: Log into Self-Service from the top of the www.stanly.edu website. Click on Student Planning. Click on Plan & Schedule. If you need help, you also have the option to call the Eagle's One Stop at 704-991-0123 and have them check your course start dates.

How many weeks are there in a course?

Also, please consider if it's a 16-week, 12-week, 8-week, or 4-week course. If you have multiple courses, some courses may be missing until their start date.

How long before classes start can you see your Canvas course?

Most often this is approximately up to four weeks before classes begin. You are able to see them in advance from the Canvas global menu (far left vertical menu in any Canvas course), in the Courses List under All Courses. You are not yet designated as the teacher of record for the course.

When are Canvas shells available?

Canvas course shells become available when designated by the Canvas Administrator and registration. Most often this is approximately up to four weeks before classes begin. You are able to see them in advance from the Canvas global menu (far left vertical menu in any Canvas course), in the Courses List under All Courses.

How to see if a course is in the future enrollments?

Scroll down to see if the course is listed in the Future Enrollments category. If so, click the star icon next to the course's title to make it visible in the My Courses list. Note that courses in the Future Enrollments category become available about three weeks before the start of the upcoming semester.

Is Canvas still published?

The Canvas course site is not yet published by the instructor. A course site isn't visible to students until the instructor manually publishes the Canvas site. If the semester/term has already started and you are definitely registered for the course, contact your instructor and ask them to publish the course.

What to do if Canvas does not display course?

If your Courses list does not display your course, talk to your instructor or your institution's Canvas Admin for assistance.

How to view a published course?

To view a published course, you can click the course name link [1]. You can only access published courses. Unpublished courses do not display a link [2]. Note: If your Courses list does not display any courses, you may not be enrolled in a course, course participation may be restricted, or your institution may not have updated ...

Does Canvas automatically favorites new courses?

After you have manually favorited at least one course, Canvas automatically favorites any new published course enrollments for you.

How to publish a module in Canvas?

From the Modules page, you can publish anything simply by clicking on the circle with the line through it ; it will turn into a green check. You can learn about publishing items (link describes assignments, but other item types are the same) and modules in the Canvas resource guide.

What is the "Until" date on Canvas?

Until: date on which students can no longer submit the assignment/quiz/discussion. This is not a due date, and students will not receive a reminder. See this Canvas article for more information on “Available” and “Until” dates.

What happens if you put a lock on a module?

Even if a given item in the module does not have an Available date set, putting a lock on the module will make the item locked from any access point (e.g., the Assignments area). There are also two ways to set a date when the item needs to be completed.

What happens if an assignment is unpublished?

If your item is unpublished and has an “Available” date, it will not become available on the date and will not be visible in the Summary or calendar. You must publish the item before the “Available” date. Until: date on which students can no longer submit the assignment/quiz/discussion. This is not a due date, and students will not receive ...

Why is there an availability date?

If you are concerned about students seeing a test or exam too early, an “Available” date allows you to prevent that. If you have regular weekly assignments (homework, discussions, reflections, etc) that students know will recur, it’s not a big deal to have those unpublished until the week before.

Can students see unpublished materials in the gradebook?

Students will also not be able to see it in the Gradebook. If you have legacy materials in your course, you want them unpublished; anything that is part of the current course must be published for students to access it. Unpublished items do not have a green checkmark; instead, they display a circle with a line through it.

Do unpublished items have a green checkmark?

Unpublished items do not have a green checkmark; instead, they display a circle with a line through it. It’s common for faculty to think these are the only two options (all or nothing). Fortunately, you have many other options for customizing the visibility and release of your items.

How to close privacy warning?

You can close the warning by clicking the Ok button. Once the warning has been displayed, it will not display again.

Can you reply to emails outside of Canvas?

You may be able to reply directly to email notifications outside of Canvas. Replies are updated in the Canvas Inbox. However, please be aware that attachments added as part of an external reply are not included with the message shown in Canvas.

Does Canvas Student have notification?

The Canvas Student app supports setting notification settings. However, managing settings inside the app will override settings in the browser version of Canvas.

Can you change the default notification settings in Canvas?

However, you can change the default settings by setting your own notification settings. These settings only apply to you; they are not used to control how course updates are sent to other users. To learn more about each notification, default settings, and notification triggers, view the Canvas Notifications PDF.

Does notification apply to all courses?

Each set notification setting will automatically apply to all of your courses . However, if you manage notification settings for a single course, notifications for that course must continue to be managed in the course.

Can you receive notifications from Canvas?

Notifications are sent to Canvas contact methods as specified in your account. You cannot receive notifications if your contact methods are unconfirmed. If you are not receiving Canvas notifications, please confirm your Canvas contact methods.

Does managing settings inside the app override settings selected in the notifications page?

Additionally, managing settings inside the app will override settings selected in the notifications page .

What is course level in Canvas?

Course-level roles are roles with permissions that allow a user course-level access. Usually users with these roles cannot see more than what is in their Canvas courses. Canvas provides five base course-level user roles that each include their own set of default permissions. You can manage the permissions according to the needs of your institution.

What are the two types of users in Canvas?

There are two types of users in Canvas: Account-level users and Course-level users.

What is an admin in canvas?

Account admins have the power to set permissions for all users in Canvas. Admins can create additional account-level roles with account-level permissions. The default permissions for account admins can include access to everything within the account, plus the ability to masquerade as a user.

How many roles does Canvas have?

Canvas has five default Course-level user roles, each with permissions that affect their ability to interact with Canvas courses. Account admins can create course-level user roles. For more information about course-level user permissions, view the Canvas Course Permissions PDF.

What is student permission?

Student [1] : These users are permitted to submit assignments. This permission should not be turned off for this role. Student permissions are restricted, but they have enough permissions to access and interact with course materials. You may also grant other permissions to students.

Can TAs have access to SIS?

TA [3]: These users have permissions similar to teachers except that TAs should not have access to SIS data. The TA role is meant to support the teacher role. Admins can manage TA permissions.

Can you view a video about canvas permissions?

You can also view a video about Canvas Permissions.

How to set student availability dates?

To set student availability dates, enter the starting date for the file to be available in the Available From field [1]. If applicable, enter the date when students can no longer view the file in the Available Until field [2]. You can use the calendar to enter a date, or you can enter a date manually.

What is schedule student availability?

Schedule student availability gives students a window of time to view the file. If you select this option, students can view the file in Course Files as well as other areas of Canvas where the file has been added. If students attempt to access the file outside the availability dates, the file will be locked.

Can teachers restrict folders?

Teachers and TAs can restrict files and folders [2], which means the content will only be accessible to teachers and TAs in the course as long as the file is not placed to a content area outside of Files (e.g. Modules, Assignments). To edit a permission, click a file's published or unpublished icon [3].
