why is research methods an important course for slp

by Emmitt Mosciski 4 min read

Is there a literature on the use of research methods in psychology?

A broad overview of the use of research methods in the field of psychology as a whole is however, not available in the literature.

Why is it important to know the methodology of a study?

Importance of Understanding Methodology. This is especially important for the study of human growth and development because many different research designs can be used. Different research methods have different purposes and different levels of validity. This is one measure that helps determine how accurate the results of a research method are.

What are the reasons for conducting research?

The wider cause for conducting research is to improve patient care, a great service to the mankind. The other narrower reasons could be personal satisfaction of contributing to science and the society, recognition and appreciation by peer in the profession, acquiring a job, getting a job promotion or even to retain a job.

What is the most popular research method in clinical psychology?

Quantitative research was found to be the most popular method, as indicated by literature (Breen and Darlaston-Jones, 2010; Counsell and Harlow, 2017) and previous studies in specific areas of psychology (see Coetzee and Van Zyl, 2014).

Why is research important in SLP?

SLP evidence-based practice is important because it ensures clients are receiving informed treatment that is more likely to be effective because it has been tested and examined using scientific methods.

What do you think is the most important thing an SLP does at school?

SLPs play another important role in public schools. They assess kids who struggle with language and communication. The results help them spot kids who can benefit from speech and language services. SLPs can also help kids as part of the school's intervention system.

Why is SLP scope of practice important?

SLPs play critical roles in health literacy; screening, diagnosis, and treatment of autism spectrum disorder; and use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF; World Health Organization [WHO], 2014) to develop functional goals and collaborative practice.

What challenges do speech pathologists face?

The 10 Biggest Challenges of Being a Speech PathologistHigh case loads. ... Lack of materials. ... People who are NOT SLPs providing “speech” services. ... Bureaucracy in General. ... Paperwork & Meetings. ... Scheduling. ... Plan and Implement Therapy for Diverse Groups. ... Misunderstandings about Our Role.More items...•

Is being a speech pathologist fun?

Speech pathology is rewarding because you get to help people and their families and make a positive impact in the lives of your patients and students. It is truly a rewarding field.

What are the four things that a speech-language pathologist is responsible for when working with a client?

A speech-language pathologist is responsible for assessing, diagnosing, treating and developing plans of care to help improve, maintain and restore certain skills and functions in their clients. Such functions include: Articulation or phonological disorders, such as dysarthria or apraxia of speech.

What are 5 areas within the scope of practice of a SLP?

In addition, five domains of professional practice are delineated: advocacy and outreach, supervision, education, research and administration/leadership.

How many slaps can a SLP supervise?

The supervisor cannot supervise any more than 3 support personnel at one time. No more than 2 can hold the title of speech-language pathology assistant.

What are the big 9 areas in speech-language pathology?

ASHA'S BIG 9Fluency.Swallowing.Speech.Hearing.Cognitive.Voice.Language.School. Practice. Experience. Observation. Assesment.More items...

Is SLP a stressful job?

We often have large caseloads, tons of speech and language skills to target, different grade levels to work with, and lots of behind-the-scenes tasks to tackle.

What makes a good speech pathologist?

There are a variety of traits that you should possess before considering a career in speech-language pathology. Empathy, compassion, excellent communication skills, and the ability to care for others are just the tip of the iceberg. Overall, it can be a very rewarding career for the right person.

Can speech pathologists have tattoos?

Like many health programs, the Speech-Language Pathology and the Nursing Department prohibit visible tattoos and piercings. The clinical handbook for speech-language pathology states that jewelry should be non-distracting.

Why is it important to know what methodology is used?

Knowing what methodology is used will allow you to be aware of its limitations and help you to accurately understand the data that is presented in a research study. Becoming familiar with the research methods used by an area of study allows you to understand it more effectively.

What are some examples of methodology?

Examples of Methodology. First let's consider a case study. A case study is an in-depth investigation of a single event or person. Let's imagine that case studies were used to obtain the data where a positive relationship was discovered between children who need glasses and children who do not eat carrots often.

What is validity in research?

Validity is a term that refers to whether or not a study measures what it is supposed to measure. Knowing what methodology is used will allow you to be aware of its limitations, understand what it is used for, and help you to accurately understand the data that is presented in a research study. Learning Outcomes.

Why is it important to study human growth and development?

This is especially important for the study of human growth and development because many different research designs can be used. Different research methods have different purposes and different levels of validity. This is one measure that helps determine how accurate the results of a research method are.

What degree does Lisa have?

Lisa has taught at all levels from kindergarten to college and has a master's degree in human relations. This lesson will show you why it is necessary to understand the research methods that are used in human growth and development. Learn how interpretation is affected by different research methodologies. Updated: 11/27/2019.

What is clinical research?

Clinical Research—Considering Implementation as a Goal. Evidence for the efficacy of assessments and treatments of communication disorders has increased over the years; so, too, has the need to learn how to move these protocols into practice. Investigators are becoming increasingly aware of the need and the processes involved in impacting practice.

Why is partnership important in clinical settings?

Thus, a partnership is essential for improving the sustained delivery of evidence-based interventions.

How can academic programs facilitate collaboration?

Academic programs can facilitate this by introducing and encouraging collaboration among researchers and practitioners as a part of their master’s and doctoral curricula. Collaboration can take many forms, from full research partners to consultants.