why is nursing classes a higher credit course

by Chet Kub 5 min read

The reasons why a nurse must have a degree are diverse, but some of them include: Better Patient Care Research now links registered nurses with at least an associate's degree to generally more positive patient outcomes, fewer medication errors, lower mortality rates, and higher diagnostic proficiency.

Full Answer

Can nurses get CE credits for other health care courses?

Advanced degrees in Nursing are one way we can ensure that research supports and drives what we as nurses provide our patients at the bedside,” Ghiloni says. “Never in a million years would I have thought about a Doctorate degree,” Ghiloni says. “Nursing is a gateway to opportunity.”. The first step in that gateway is an important one ...

What are the benefits of nursing school accreditation?

 · Advanced Nursing Degree Credits Counts If you want to further your education, nursing CE credit is almost always granted for any courses you take during your relicensure period to achieve an advanced degree in nursing. Non-nursing degrees and courses don’t count.

Are there different levels of accreditation for nursing programs?

 · In many cases, college classes count toward a nurse’s continuing education CE requirements. That is, of course, provided that the academic course you are taking is relevant to the nursing industry. In terms of academic credits, one quarter hour is equivalent to 10 contact hours. One semester hour of academic credit is equivalent to 15 contact ...

Should you take your Nursing Education to the next level?

 · Attending and completing a nursing program or advanced-practice nursing (APRN) program provides a great foundation for nurses. However, some nurses and APRNs wish to further define their role and practice by earning specialized certifications in their care area. Certification can be as broad as adult/gerontology, or as specialized as pediatric ...

What do you gain from nursing school?

Nursing students learn to apply theoretical understanding to their daily work. In this way, students become better nurses. In addition to principles and theories, nursing students learn how to provide direct services to their patients by: Measuring and recording vital signs.

What is the most important class for nursing?

Biology is an essential course for all nursing students because it serves as an introduction to the foundations of human life. Biological make-up also affects how a person responds to medications or other therapy. Nurses use biology every day to identify factors that may affect the health of their patients.

Is nursing school harder than other degrees?

You're headed for a great career, one that's rewarding, challenging, and always exciting. But nursing school is notoriously difficult. Most nursing programs require high GPAs and impressive scores in math, chemistry, biology, psychology, and other demanding subjects. It's also extremely fulfilling.

What is the highest level of nursing education?

Doctorate Of Nursing Practice (DNP)A Doctorate Of Nursing Practice (DNP) is the highest level of nursing education and expertise within the nursing profession. DNP's work in nursing administration or direct patient care as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN).

How many years does it take to become a nurse?

Depending on the specific nursing program that you enroll in, it could take anywhere from 16 months to four years to become a registered nurse.

How much do nurses make?

Nursing Career2019 Mean SalaryLicensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurse (LPN/LVN)$48,500Registered Nurse (RN)$77,460Nurse Practitioners (NP)$111,840Nurse Midwife (CNM)$108,8103 more rows

What is the hardest class in nursing school?

Hardest Nursing School ClassesPathophysiology. In this course, students learn how different anatomical systems work and how diseases or injuries affect these systems. ... Pharmacology. ... Medical Surgical 1 (also known as Adult Health 1) ... Evidence-Based Practice.

Is nursing is a toughest course?

It is believed that a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or BSN is the toughest course in the world as per the Guinness Book of World Records along with courses like MBBS, BCom, IAS, IPS and Engineering, etc.

How smart do you have to be to be a nurse?

Being smart is not a prerequisite to becoming a nurse. There are far more valuable skills needed, such as being able to render hard work, patience, and commitment. These are what you need to be an effective health care provider, not brains nor intelligence.

What's the highest paid nurse?

Highest Paid Nursing Jobs:Family Nurse – $113,000.Urgent Care Nurse – $113,000.Oncology Nurse – $113,000.Orthopedic Nurse – $115,000.Cardiac Nurse – $116,000.Emergency Room Nurse – $116,000.Neonatal Nurse – $127,000.Nurse Anesthetist – $189,000.More items...•

What is the lowest level of nursing?

Let's learn more about the four core levels of nursing.Nursing assistant (CNA) Nursing assistants also go by the title of nursing aides or CNAs (Certified Nursing Assistants). ... Licensed practical nurse (LPN) ... Registered nurse (RN) ... Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs)

What is higher than a nurse?

Registered nurses need a bachelor's degree in nursing, to pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), and to obtain a state licensure to get started in the medical field. Nurse practitioners, on the other hand, must have earned a master's degree in nursing (MSN) or higher.

Can nurses continue their education?

The career is so adaptable that it isn’t unusual for nurses to continue their education after working for a while. Unlike some careers, nursing skills aren’t all learned up-front. While all nurses will have a similar foundation of patient care know-how, it just isn’t feasible for every nurse to learn the intricacies of specialized roles like ...

Is nursing a flexible career?

Nursing is a remarkably flexible career. Most people have no idea how many types of nurses there are in healthcare or how many ways there are to become a nurse. The career is so adaptable that it isn’t unusual for nurses to continue their education after working for a while. Unlike some careers, nursing skills aren’t all learned up-front.

Do nurses stop learning?

No matter how much training you’ve had, if you’re a nurse, you’ll never stop learning. Healthcare as a whole is always progressing, changing and developing policies to protect and save patients—and nurses are at the forefront of those changes.

Why are nurses important in healthcare?

Since nurses usually spend more time with each patient than any other healthcare professional, they have a unique power for advancing progress.

Why is QSEN important in nursing?

Since nurses usually spend more time with each patient than any other healthcare professional , they have a unique power for advancing progress. Because of this, initiatives like Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) become part of not just Nursing school, but also your entire nursing career.

Can every nurse learn oncology?

While all nurses will have a similar foundation of patient care know-how, it just isn’t feasible for every nurse to learn the intricacies of specialized roles like oncology or pediatric nursing. As you might know already, there are many levels of nursing and a nurse’s career path may vary. For instance, you could spend a couple ...

Is nursing program accreditation the same as accreditation?

An important note is that there are different levels and types of accreditation. Nursing program accreditation isn’t the same as the overall accreditation for your school, meaning that the accreditation of one doesn’t automatically ensure the other.

Why is accreditation important in nursing?

Nursing school accreditation is essential for several reasons. First, accreditation keeps nursing school graduates across the country educated at the same level. This means that patients can count on the getting the same level of care no matter where they live . Accreditation can also be important ...

Why is it important to go to nursing school?

Your education is an investment of your time, money, and effort, so it’s important to feel confident in the program you choose.

Can a school be accredited but not accredited?

Though all nationally accredited schools will also be approved by their state, it’s possible for a school to be approved but not accredited. The difference comes down to what accreditation offers in terms of financial aid, using your credits, and career competitiveness.

What does it mean to be accredited?

Attending an accredited program means you’ll be able to: Receive federal financial aid: Students attending non-accredited schools aren’t eligible to receive financial aid from the U.S. Department of Education. Transfer schools or advance your degree: Many schools refuse to accept credits from non-accredited programs.

What is an ACEN certificate?

The ACEN accredits all levels of nursing education from practical to clinical doctorate including post-masters and DNP specialist certificates. In addition, post-graduation Transition-to-Practice (TTP) programs can be accredited by the ACEN.

What is ACME in midwifery?

Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME): The ACME accredits nurse midwife programs on the certificate, graduate, and direct-entry levels, as well as precertification programs. Each of these accrediting bodies maintains a directory of the programs they’ve approved on their website.

What do you learn in nursing school?

Nursing is a lifelong learning process. You never learn everything you need to know in nursing school. However, the most important thing you learn is that if you don’t know something, or have never performed a procedure, you must ask for assistance and, when necessary, supervision. The field of medicine and healthcare is constantly evolving ...

Do employers require continuing education for nursing?

Additionally, employers may require specific continuing nursing education or nursing specialty certifications necessary for maintaining employment or advancement which they may provide or require attendance at outside venues.

Is continuing education a substitute for advanced education?

Continuing education courses for nurses, although not a substitute for advanced education, can also affect the quality of care and patient outcomes by providing necessary opportunities to improve practice skills and knowledge.

Do you have to take continuing education for a license renewal?

Not all states, or countries for that matter, require continuing education for license renewal, but those who don’t may impose other restrictions such as continued employment at a minimal number of hours or shifts; or require specific refresher courses for those returning to the field after being non-active.

What is a nurse's passion?

Nurses characteristically are passionate about providing quality care, and have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. They thrive on learning something new. Given this information, as a nurse you are required to stay abreast of your state Board of Nursing (BON) requirements for your practice area.

What is the American Nurses Credentialing Center?

The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) sets the bar for accrediting the highest caliber course content considered ce for nurses. States and educational institutions adopt these rules and can also build on them to design their own nursing ce requirements which includes needs specific to their population.

Does a CPR recertification count as a CE?

Recertification Does Not Count for CE Credit. Most states do not allow CE credits (or CEUs) for CPR, NRP, PALs and ACLs recertification courses. Some do allow credit for the original certification as this is something not provided in nursing school and is required for initial nursing employment or specialization.

How do nurses earn CE credits?

You may also earn CE credits by enrolling in online continuing education courses as well as various online nursing programs.

Can nursing continuing education be met?

Generally speaking, nursing continuing education requirements cannot be met by activities that are considered part of your normal daily job duties. In other words, you typically cannot satisfy CE requirements with on-the-job clinical activities or by attending meetings and/or employee orientation events.

Do you have to send CE to board of nursing?

It’s not necessary to send CE records to the board of nursing, but since you will be required to do so if you ever get audited, it’s a wise idea to keep accurate records of any CE completion for at least two nursing license registration periods.

Do you need a statement of explanation for nursing?

A statement of explanation as to how the course relates to one’s nursing practice, however, is typically required in order to receive credit.

Do nursing boards accept CE?

Most state nursing boards will accept a broad spectrum of continuing education activities in satisfaction of CE requirements. Because each board operates independently, however, they may also have different approaches to determining approval.

Do you report CE activities to the state board of nursing?

CE activities are typically only reported to the state board of nursing at the time of license renewal.

What does a certification in nursing mean?

Certifications, whether required for licensure and employment or not, add value to an RN's role and resume. They signify the commitment to lifelong learning and the delivery of quality, specialized nursing care.

How long is a nurse's certification good for?

Nurses should also keep in mind that certification renewals will be required to keep them up-to-date; a certification is usually good for a few years until re-certification is necessary, and may require some continuing education credits and/or clinical practice hours.

What is required to become a nurse?

An RN degree (sometimes an advanced degree, like an MSN ), an unencumbered RN license, a minimum number of direct-care hours in the specialty, and a certification test are usually all required for a nurse to become certified in an area of care. Nurses should also keep in mind that certification renewals will be required to keep them up-to-date; a certification is usually good for a few years until re-certification is necessary, and may require some continuing education credits and/or clinical practice hours.

What certifications are required for APRN?

Earning certification in a specific care area is usually required for licensure as an APRN. These are typically in the form of board certifications, and usually have the abbreviation "BC" in the title (for example, a board-certified family nurse practitioner is an FNP-BC). Some specialties don't require certifications, although having one demonstrates that the nurse or APRN has received further education in the care of specific patients, and is considered an "expert" in the field. Also, while not always required for licensure, some employers require specific certification depending on their role. Many nurses find that having certification in their specialty of choice only enhances employment opportunities, whether it's a hard requirement or not.

What is APRN certification?

Certification can be as broad as adult/gerontology, or as specialized as pediatric oncology. It's important to note that a nursing certification is different from a post-master's certificate program, where a master's-prepared RN receives the necessary education to enter an entirely new advanced specialty without having to complete an additional full-length nursing program.

Do nurses need certification?

Also, while not always required for licensure, some employers require specific certification depending on their role. Many nurses find that having certification in their specialty of choice only enhances employment opportunities, whether it's a hard requirement or not.

Is nursing school hard?

Nursing school is a difficult experience for many and the mere thought of any continuing education course is enough to make some nurses shudder. However, nurses owe it to themselves and the patients they serve to continually work to improve their skills and knowledge about patient care. There are many ways that nurses can grow their body ...

How does continuing education help nurses?

Even without obtaining an advanced degree, many certifications and other continuing education programs can help nurses to attain higher paid positions that can raise their salary and increase their marketability.

Is continuing education for nurses one size fits all?

Continuing Education is Not One Size Fits All. Fortunately, continuing education for nurses comes in many forms. Nurses can go back to school to advance their degree with a Master’s degree in nursing focusing on administration, education, information, and several other specification.

Do nurses have to complete CE credits?

There are some nurses who think that after they graduate from a nursing school that the time for education has passed. They devalue the continuing education for nurses (CE) credits that they are required to complete (by their facility or their state). But, perhaps if they looked at CEs a little differently, there would not be such ...

Why is online nursing education important?

In order to provide the best care possible, it is vital that nurses are frequently updating their knowledge.

Why do employers need nursing education?

Getting a Boost in Pay. Many employers have education as a factor in their employee evaluations. They may require a certain amount of nursing education in order to get your standard score, but having extra may give you a boost in the education category. This could lead to a larger raise and help to boost to pay grade.

Do nurses need to have extra education?

Many employers have education as a factor in their employee evaluations. They may require a certain amount of nursing education in order to get your standard score, but having extra may give you a boost in the education category. This could lead to a larger raise and help to boost to pay grade. This is one step to get you on track if your goal is to be one of the highest paid nurses.

Is nursing CE boring?

You may think that nursing CEs might be boring and repetitive. However, you may be unaware that you have the freedom to choose the courses you take. Continuing Education credits for nurses cover a range of topics that you may find relevant to your daily practice.

What can nursing CEs help you with?

Nursing CEs can help you improve your leadership skills. You can learn better strategies to manage your staff as well as gain skills needed to rise up the hierarchy in healthcare.

What is a CE in nursing?

Nursing CE courses are based on evidence-based practice. You will be learning skills and knowledge that have been tested and proven by other nurses. This ensures that you are able to deliver the best nursing care possible because the information you are receiving has already been tested in practice.

What is a nursing certification?

Professional Nursing Certifications are specialized exams that you can take to prove your expertise in a specific field, beyond the skills required for an RN license. The exams are provided by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The ANCC offers generalist, advanced practice ...

Why do nurses go back to school?

The reason is simple. With a higher degree you are more employable, you’ll earn a higher salary and you’ll have much more freedom to chart your own nursing career path.

How long does it take to get a nursing degree?

If you already have a nursing license (having earned a diploma or associate’s degree) then you could qualify for a special program at many nursing schools that will take less than the normal 4 years to complete your nursing degree.

How long does it take to get a doctorate in nursing?

They take from four to six years to complete, so they represent a significant commitment on your part. In a doctoral nursing degree program everyone receives training in research methods (including statistics and data analysis), education, the history and philosophy of nursing science and leadership skills.

What is a professional nursing certification?

Professional Nursing Certifications are specialized exams that you can take to prove your expertise in a specific field, beyond the skills required for an RN license. The exams are provided by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).

What is an MSN degree?

An MSN degree is an 18 to 24-month program that allows a nurse to specialize in a particular area— such as an area of advanced clinical training or research. Some students take on joint degrees in related fields like business administration, public health or hospital administration.


What Is Accreditation?

Why Nursing School Accreditation Matters

  • Nursing school accreditation is essential for several reasons. First, accreditation keeps nursing school graduates across the country educated at the same level. This means that patients can count on the getting the same level of care no matter where they live. Accreditation can also be important for your career goals and financial needs. Attending...
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Accrediting Bodies

  • An important note is that there are different levels and types of accreditation. Nursing program accreditation isn’t the same as the overall accreditation for your school, meaning that the accreditation of one doesn’t automatically ensure the other. Approved by the U.S. Department of Education, there are 2 primary bodies that accredit general nursing education on the national lev…
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Approval by Your State Board of Nursing

  • Nursing programs also need to be approved by their state’s Board of Nursing. You won’t be able to take the NCLEX exam for licensing if your program isn’t approved. Something to keep in mind, however, is that state approval and national accreditation aren’t the same thing. Though all nationally accredited schools will also be approved by their state, it’s possible for a school to be …
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Attending A Non-Accredited Program

  • Attending a non-accredited program doesn’t necessarily mean the level of education will be any less or that it will affect your chance at a career. If the program is approved by your state, you can still sit for the NCLEX exam and earn your license as a nurse. However, choosing a nationally accredited program can provide you with valuable advantages. Ultimately, the choice you make …
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Ready to Find A Nursing School?

  • Finding a nursing school that meets your needs and aligns with your goals is the first step to starting your career. Along with your new knowledge on accreditation, our guide on How to Choose the Right School offers a list of other things to consider as you set out to make an informed choice.
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