why is delivery important if so few futures contracts end in delivery? course hero

by Mr. Benny Lesch DVM 10 min read

What happens when you take delivery on a futures contract?

On the few occasions that a buyer accepts delivery against his futures contract, he is usually not given the underlying commodity itself (except in the case of financials), but rather a receipt entitling him to fetch the hogs, wheat, or corn from warehouses or distribution points.

What is the role of the delivery date in futures trading?

The ability to deliver or take delivery provides a critical link between the derivative instrument and the commodity. Therefore, as a futures contract approaches the delivery date, the price of the futures month will gravitate toward the actual physical or cash market price.

Why do traders close out of futures before delivery?

Hence, they will close out their futures position before delivery and buy in the cash market instead. Sometimes merchants and dealers accept delivery because they can find buyers for many grades and types of the underlying commodity.

Why do merchants and dealers accept delivery?

Sometimes merchants and dealers accept delivery because they can find buyers for many grades and types of the underlying commodity. Webmaster's recommendation: Free learning center.

What happens at the end of a futures contract?

Futures contracts have expiration dates as opposed to stocks that trade in perpetuity. They are rolled over to a different month to avoid the costs and obligations associated with settlement of the contracts. Futures contracts are most often settled by physical settlement or cash settlement.

What is the function of delivery in a futures contract?

The buyer of a futures contract is taking on the obligation to buy and receive the underlying asset when the futures contract expires. The seller of the futures contract is taking on the obligation to provide and deliver the underlying asset at the expiration date.

Do you have to take delivery of a futures contract?

Traders who hold a short position in a physically settled security futures contract to expiration are required to make delivery of the underlying asset. Those who already own the assets may tender them to the appropriate clearing organization.

How many futures contracts result in delivery?

While less than 5% of futures with a delivery mechanism result in parties making or taking delivery of a commodity, the fact that it exists is a comfort to many hedgers and market participants.

Why are futures important?

A futures contract allows an investor to speculate on the price of a financial instrument or commodity. Futures are used to hedge the price movement of an underlying asset to help prevent losses from unfavorable price changes.

How do you deliver a futures contract?

The seller of the futures contract starts the delivery process by providing a formal notice of intention to deliver to the clearinghouse. The seller must identify the warrant they intend to deliver. In turn, the clearinghouse assigns the obligation to take delivery to a holder of a long futures contract.

Why futures do not take delivery?

For futures contracts that are settled by actual physical delivery of the underlying commodity (physical delivery futures), account holders may not make or receive delivery of the underlying commodity. It is the responsibility of the account holder to make themselves aware of the close-out deadline of each product.

Can futures be converted to delivery?

If you wish to convert your future positions into delivery position, you will have to first square off your transaction in future market and then take cash position in cash market. Another important difference is the availability of even index contracts in futures trading.

How does delivery work in commodity transaction?

The physical delivery method of settling commodities involves the literal physical delivery of the underlying asset(s) on the settlement date of the contract. The physical delivery settlement process is coordinated and settled via a clearing broker or a clearing agent.

How do futures contracts affect price?

Buyers of food, energy, and metal use futures contracts to fix the price of the commodity they are purchasing. That reduces their risk that prices will go up. Sellers of these commodities use futures to guarantee that they will receive the agreed-upon price. They remove the risk of a price drop.

Do futures impact the market?

If S&P futures are trending downward all morning, it is likely that stock prices on U.S. exchanges will move lower when trading opens for the day. Once again, the opposite is also true, with rising futures prices suggesting a higher open.

Why do futures contracts pay no attention to delivery?

Few, if any, have the ability or desire to take delivery of 40,000 pounds of cattle. Even if the cattle do not arrive on their doorsteps, owning cattle at a location requires a different set of skills than trading the animal and depends on having the contacts to market the beef to an ultimate buyer. After all, the futures contract buyers only purchased because they believed the price would move higher.

What is the purpose of a futures contract?

The goal of a futures contract or an option on a futures contract is to replicate the price action in the underlying commodity or instrument. The delivery mechanism almost ensures the convergence of the two prices over time.

What happens when a warrant is delivered?

When delivery takes place, a warrant or bearer receipt representing a certain quantity and quality of a commodity in a specific location changes hands from the seller to the buyer, upon which full value payment occurs. The buyer has the right to remove the commodity from the warehouse at their option.

Why do futures prices converge?

Delivery is one of the primary reasons that futures prices converge with underlying physical commodities prices over time. If you ever decide to take delivery of a commodity, make sure you familiarize yourself with all of the rules and regulations of the exchange.

Why do futures markets work?

One of the primary reasons that futures markets work so well is they allow for the smooth convergence of derivative prices with prices in the physical markets. The convergence of the two prices occurs by the delivery mechanism that exists in the futures market.

What is futures derivative?

Futures are derivative instruments containing leverage, that allow for hedging. Commodities are volatile assets. It is not unusual for the price of raw material to move dramatically higher or lower over a short timeframe. Hedgers can protect against price risks in the market.

What is the difference between a nearby futures price and the price of the physical commodity?

The difference between a nearby futures price and the price of the physical commodity is the basis . Not all commodity futures have a delivery mechanism. Some are cash-settled on the last trading or expiration day of the contract. For example, Feeder Cattle futures have no delivery mechanism.

What happens when a buyer accepts delivery against a futures contract?

On the few occasions that a buyer accepts delivery against his futures contract, he is usually not given the underlying commodity itself (except in the case of financials), but rather a receipt entitling him to fetch the hogs, wheat, or corn from warehouses or distribution points.

What do brokerage firms do before delivery day?

Prior to delivery day, they inform customers who have open long positions that they must either close out the position or prepare to take delivery and pay the full value of the underlying contract.

Why do food processors close out their futures position?

Food processors or manufacturers who use futures to hedge rarely take delivery because the deliverable grade on the contract may not be exactly what they need. Hence, they will close out their futures position before delivery and buy in the cash market instead.