why golf course no tree hatch

by Camilla Rolfson 4 min read

Who said playing down a fairway bordered by straight lines of trees is not only inartistic but makes

By Tom Cunneff. “Playing down a fairway bordered by straight lines of trees is not only inartistic but makes [for] tedious and uninteresting golf. Many green committees ruin one’s handiwork by planting trees like rows of soldiers along the borders of fairways.”—Alister MacKenzie.

What tools did the superintendent use to remove trees?

It was a club divided, however, so the superintendent, with the blessing of the greens committee, had to start removing trees under the cloak of darkness, armed with floodlights, chainsaws, chippers, stump grinders, high-powered vacuums, and sod to hide their handiwork.

Where did Doak remove trees?

Along with Garden City, Chicago Golf Club is another course where where Doak removed a lot of trees, as well as Onwentsia, and Medinah #1.

Why are trees important to golf courses?

Trees have a complicated relationship with golf courses. They can create stunning visual backdrops , help define the character of a golf course, provide habitat for animals, improve air quality and screen undesirable views. However, when the leaves begin to fall we are reminded that trees also have their costs. Having the right trees in the right spots maximizes their benefits and minimizes the negatives. Here are five things every golfer should know about trees on golf courses:

When there is adequate space between trees, are they healthier?

When there is adequate space between trees they are healthier, turf conditions are better and golfers have plenty of room to play. (Courtesy/USGA)

What are the problems with trees with aggressive surface roots?

Trees with aggressive surface roots can create issues for golfers, superintendents and cartpaths. (Courtesy/USGA)

Can a tree grow too close to the line of play?

Poorly placed trees cause difficulties for golfers and superintendents that will only worsen over time. The best way to avoid these problems is to account for the full size of a tree prior to planting. If a tree is already too close to the line of play, the options are limited and removing the tree is probably the best solution.

Do trees drop leaves?

Certain trees drop significant amounts of leaves, sticks, fruit, bark and other debris. When these trees are located close to greens, daily cleanup could be required before the greens can be mowed and made ready for play. In addition, some courses spend tens of thousands of dollars each year on autumn leaf and debris cleanup.

Why are trees important to golf courses?

Trees play an important role on golf courses, and their care and management should be planned carefully. High-quality trees are an asset to a golf course, but trees in advanced stages of decline can be a liability. A comprehensive tree survey can help separate the prime wood from the firewood.

Can trees hinder turfgrass growth?

Trees have long been known to hinder healthy turfgrass growth, but solving tree problems can be a difficult and touchy issue.

Does tree removal affect slope rating?

Tree removals for agronomic purposes are very unlikely to have a significant impact on course rating and slope rating.

How far off the ground can you drop a golf ball?

Usually, this would involve dropping a ball within two club lengths of the spot where the original ball lay. However, doing this when your ball is 20 feet off the ground in a tree might not be the easiest thing to do, so the Rules make an exception for this situation.

Who climbed into a tree in the 2013 Arnold Palmer Invitational?

Sergio Garcia climbing up into a tree during the final round of the 2013 Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill is a prime example.

How many club lengths does it take to drop a ball?

Usually, this would involve dropping a ball within two club lengths of the spot where the original ball lay.
