why does udemy java se 8 course get blurry and then clear

by Wilburn Goyette V 10 min read

Is Udemy a good place to learn Java?

Answer (1 of 3): Set the video to “Auto”. I had before set it to 1080p, but since few weeks, the option is gone, it toggled itself to 720p and I didn’t find any 1080p option anymore. I just tried Auto and it sets the video back to 1080p. Ouf. Also, it depends on your internet connection.

What is my goal on Udemy Java EE?

What are the topics covered in Java 8?

Is Udemy worth it?

Is Udemy Java course worth it?

Overall a comprehensive, clear, and up-to-date online course to learn Java in 2021. It's full of examples and practice exercises, quizzes as well you will see live coding in action that really helps with learning Java online. I highly recommend this course to beginners and intermediate Java developers.Jul 10, 2021

Is Java 8 certification still valid?

Certifications do not expire. Once you are certified, you keep that certification. So once you are OCAJP8 certified, you'll always be OCAJP8 certified.Feb 9, 2016

Why does Udemy buffer so much?

This may be too much for their server to handle, which results in laggy and slow video speeds. Your browser may be the issue. Some browsers that aren't updated to the latest version may have trouble playing Udemy course videos at their designated speed. Try checking your browser version and update it if needed.Dec 31, 2021

Is buying course from Udemy worth it?

If you have an interest in a subject and are ready to commit yourself to an online course, then Udemy is certainly worth it. Udemy courses are affordable and often discounted. Completing an Udemy course also shows employers that you have an interest in a subject and are willing to develop yourself.Apr 20, 2020

Is OCPJP certification useful?

The main benefit of OCPJP certification is that it helps in improving knowledge and in-depth understanding of the Java language. It also helps you to brush up and remove a number of gaps across OOPs concepts and the language as a whole.

Do I need OCA to get OCP?

For any given technology, generally, OCA certification is required before you can achieve the OCP certification. For Java version 8 also, passing the OCA Java 8 Programmer exam was required to get the OCP Java 8 Programmer.

Why is my Udemy so slow?

Clear your browser's cookies and cache and restart it before trying again. If you have a lot of browser tabs open, close most of them except the one you're using to watch the course. Check your browser version and update it if needed.4 days ago

Are Udemy servers down?

No incidents reported today.

How do I fix the audio on Udemy?

Test your internet connection speed.A minimum internet speed of 5Mbit or 800kbps is required to watch a Udemy course on your device. ... If your internet speed is low, try lowering the video quality of the lecture, or watching the course when your internet connection is stronger.

What is better Udemy or Coursera?

While Udemy has more courses, Coursera's courses are often well structured, especially machine learning ones. Coursera also allows you to learn from top universities of the world, and their certificates generally hold more value because they are offered by top universities along with Coursera.

Do Udemy certificates matter?

The short answer is no; employers do not care about the fact that you received a certificate from Udemy, as these certifications are not accredited. Employers do care, however, about any relevant experience or projects you've completed as a result of taking a Udemy course.Dec 31, 2021

Is Udemy certificate valid?

No, certificates on Udemy aren't valid. Udemy isn't an accredited institution so these certificates are not legally valid. Udemy certifications will make you stand out from the rest if you add it to your resume. However, some courses will be more beneficial than others.Nov 1, 2020


You should have basic computer skills (comfortable working with a command prompt or terminal, installing software, setting environment variables, etc.)


Java is one of the most popular programming languages used in professional application development. As such, there is an extensive job market available to those who master its syntax. However, mastering a language as complex and vast as Java requires a developer to start with a solid programming foundation. This class provides that foundation.


Intertech's blend of doing, teaching, and mentoring has empowered individuals and technology teams in startups, small businesses, Fortune 500 corporations and government agencies since 1991. Our training team guides 1000s of software developers yearly through courses in Java, .NET, Web Development, Agile, and Mobile technologies.


Java is the leading programming language of choice for over 9 million developers and is deployed on billions of devices and servers worldwide. It drives websites, desktop applications, mobile phones, IOT devices, and much more. It has been adopted by everyone from large multinational corporations to small local business.

Who this course is for

This course is targeted at beginners who want to learn how to develop professional-level Java applications, and experienced developers who are migrating from another language and want to get up-to-speed quickly with Java. Anyone who wants to prepare for the Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I exam will also find it indispensable.


Packt has been committed to developer learning since 2004. A lot has changed in software since then - but Packt has remained responsive to these changes, continuing to look forward at the trends and tools defining the way we work and live. And how to put them to work.


This Java 8 training course from Infinite Skills teaches you the tools and functions of the latest Java platform.


Infinite Skills is a Canadian based company who offer a huge and ever growing range of high quality eLearning solutions that teach using studio quality narrated videos backed-up with practical hands-on examples and comprehensive working files. All courses are created by trained educators and experts in video based education.

Student feedback

You explain really good but because java is to big, it is not possible to cover all subjects.


This course is a systematic approach to the Oracle Java 8 1Z0-808 (OCA) Certification exam. All of the topics on the syllabus on Oracles website are covered.


Hi, Seán here from Let's Get Certified. I worked in industry for 13 years in FinTech and Telecoms. I have been a lecturer since 2002 and have a PhD in IT. I am OCA and OCP certified. I have taught the OCA/OCP syllabii since 2013 on a Level 9 Masters course for a highly regarded software company.

What is a complete Java masterclass?

This Complete Java Masterclass is a well-taught, fully comprehensive course for Java 8 through to Java 11. The focus of the course is to ensure that beginner programmers will learn all the core competencies for developing high-quality and fully-functional Java-based software that can be deployed and run in computer systems.

What is OCA 1Z0-808?

This is a quality course developed for learning Java SE 8, as well as preparing the trainee for the OCA 1Z0-808 exam, in readiness for OCA certification. It is developed for learners who want to master Java 8, in addition to acing their OCA exams.

Does Udemy have Java tutorials?

Udemy.com has a whole host of instructors that have posted their Java tutorials. This clearly means that across this range you will find all manner of course profiles, content, and style of teaching.

What is platform independence?

The benefits of platform independence. Platform independence means that Java-based applications can run on any computer regardless of the OS that has been installed. This allows Java programs to run in Windows OS, Linux, Android OS, and iOS and Mac OS of Apple computers.

What is abstract computing?

Abstract computing means that JVM works as an OS layer that is installed on top of the OS that runs the hardware of the computer, and all Java-based applications run on this JVM ‘OS’. JVM is OS-specific as there are JVMs for Windows OS, macOS, and Linux.

Is Udemy good for Java?

Udemy is an excellent marketplace for affordable, comprehensive courses on all manner of subjects. The ones available for those looking to learn Java are no different. However, with all that choice it can be difficult to know what course to dive into and take. Well, we are here to help.

What is the most sought after skill in Java?

Multithreading and Concurrency is one of the most sought after skills for Java developers. There is a high demand for Java developers who understand Multithreading and Concurrency well, but at the same time, this is one of the difficult topics to master.#N#If you want to take your Concurrency skills to the next level and want to become an expert in Multithreading, Concurrency, and Parallel programming in Java, with a strong emphasis on high performance, then I highly recommend this course to you.#N#There is a reason I kept it in the first position because this is probably the most important course on this list and highly recommend every Java developer to go through it.

What is the best skill to learn in Java 2021?

Docker is another essential skill for Java developers to learn in 2021. Docker provides a new way of development and deployment for your mobile and web apps. In the current world of distributed development and implementation, its increasingly become an essential skill.

What is the most popular version control system?

Git is the most popular version control system at this moment. It’s different from SVN or CVS in the sense that its a distributed version control system, which means you can commit changes on your local repository, and then you can push that to Github or remote repository at once.