why do i have to take this course? a student guide to making smart educational choices

by Miss Gabriella Gerhold 3 min read

How can we improve choice in education?

A Student Guide to Making Smart Educational Choices. Shoenberg, Robert. Association of American Colleges and Universities (NJ3) This practical guide, written for undergraduate students, is intended to take some of the mystery out of curricular requirements and educate students about what really matters in college--the broad learning outcomes developed over the …

Can a specific choice improve engagement in learning?

Nov 05, 2012 · Overall Why do I have to take this course? A student’s guide to making smart educational choices provides a wealth of information for incoming freshmen and transfer students. The book’s biggest limitation will be getting students to read it.

How do students associate a choice with learning?

"Why do I have to take this course?" You will learn how a bachelor's degree is designed to prepare you both for work and for a life lived with other people. When you have finished, you will see your general education courses not as "hurdles to jump" or …

Do students know how to make a good choice?

1 Why Do I have to Take This Course? A Student Guide to Making Smart Educational Choices By Robert Schoenberg Preface This guide is written with undergraduate students in mind, particularly those toward the beginning of their college careers. In particular, the author has kept in mind the circumstances of students who complete their undergraduate educations at more that one …

Why you want to take this course?

Discuss your career goals Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. Be specific when discussing how you hope this specific course prepares you for your career. Share specific career milestones you hope to achieve, and discuss why you chose this specific career.Apr 1, 2021

Why is it important to give students choices?

It allows freedom and power in the classroom. It provides students the autonomy to determine the route in which they want to go to learn new skills. They also determine which strategies they want to employ. Student choice allows students the opportunity to choose the materials and the resources they will utilize.Dec 17, 2020

Why is student choice an important part of differentiation?

Giving students a choice allows them to take ownership of their learning as well as create a product that feels authentic to them. They work on something that they're good at creating, or try something they want to get better at.Apr 10, 2019

What are the factors that affect the students in choosing their course?

Factors such as interest in field, academic ability, familiarity, economic stability, and influential people can all play a role in the decision.

Why would you allow your students to decide the content of their portfolio?

Portfolio assessment enables students to reflect their real performance, to show their weak and strong domain and to observe student's progress during the learning process, and encourages students to take responsibilities for their own learning.

Why is it important for teachers to make learning meaningful to their students?

Making learning meaningful is important to children's understanding of the learning concepts and the world around them. Teachers make learning meaningful when they, link new learning to children's previous experience, relate concepts to children's lives and provide children with hands-on learning.Nov 30, 2017

Should students have choice in what they study the classes they take?

Giving student real choices in the classroom — having to do with the material they study, the assignments they complete, the peers with whom they work, and so on — can boost their engagement and motivation, allow them to capitalize on their strengths, and enable them to meet their individual learning needs.Oct 1, 2017

How you should choose a college course?

Knowing what your likes and hobbies are the first steps in determining which course you should choose but you also have to think of what you got and what you can offer. When selecting a program to pursue, you have to think about whether your skills and experience align with it or not.

What factors influence you in choosing a career?

Factors that influence career choicesPersonality.Interest.Values.Perception of careers.Skills abilities and talents.Culture.Socio-economic factors.Other career related factors.More items...

What is important in choosing a career?

Skills. While passion is one of the most important factors when choosing a career, skills come second, as skills can be taught. Someone, who is passionate about something but doesn't have the skills, can become so much better than someone who does have the skills, however, lacks passion.

What are some self reflection questions?

Jay McTighe offers these questions for self-reflection: 1 What aspect of your work do you think was most effective? Why? How so? 2 What aspect of your work do think was least effective? Why? How so? 3 What specific action (s) would improve your performance based on the feedback you received? 4 What advice would you offer to next year’s students to help their performance on this task? 5 What did you learn from working on this task — about the content, topic, process, and/or yourself?

Why is it important for teachers to be in charge of their students?

And paradoxically, in providing greater autonomy for students, teachers are more important than ever because only a skilled teacher can set up the scaffolding for this kind of learning experience and thoughtfully guide students through each step of the process.

Why is student choice important?

According to a study by Hanover Research, “Student choice makes students active participants in their educations, thereby increasing levels of engagement. Notably, researchers highlight the fact that such autonomy is generally associated with greater personal well‐being and satisfaction in educational environments as well as in terms of academic performance.”

Why do students feel autonomous?

Students feel autonomous when they understand the value or relevance of a task, particularly if they believe that the task aligns with their values, interests, and goals. It comes not just from participating in the process of choosing but, rather, from having a sense that the choice is personally meaningful.

What are some ways teachers provide choice to students?

Teachers have described to us any number of ways in which they provide choice to students, including giving them opportunities to choose work partners, seating arrangements, homework problems, assessment problems, and ways of being assessed.

How does choice affect students?

Choice can influence student’s feelings of relatedness differently depending on their beliefs. Students with more collectivist beliefs value relationships and making contributions to group efforts and can see individual choice as a threat to group harmony.

How might Ms. C learn from her disappointing experience in providing choices to her students?

C learn from her disappointing experience in providing choices to her students? First, she could have conjectured why students might not have associated feelings of autonomy, competence, or relatedness with the choice she provided them. Reasoning as described above, she might hypothesize that the process of choice was too complex, and students might not have had good strategies for choosing appropriate problems. To check her thinking and get more ideas, Ms. C could then ask students why they responded to the worksheet as they did. For instance, she might ask:

Why do people dread change?

So, I find it fascinating and somewhat baffling that by the time young people have reached adulthood, many have not mastered the art of decision-making. In fact, many people dread change because this means they will have to contemplate something different from what they’re used to and maybe even be required to make change.

How to make decisions for children?

Teach the decision-making process. Define the issue. Include the need/reason for the decision. Brainstorm for possible options and/or solutions.
