why do french press grinds need to be course

by Arielle Kozey 10 min read

Why does French press need coarse grind? It needs a coarse grind because the water is in contact with the beans for so long, if it’s too fine too much flavor gets extracted and it gets muddied and bitter.

The French press is an immersion method of brewing, which means that the beans extract for longer than in other methods. Because of this, we usually use a coarser grind to slow extraction and avoid over-extraction. In a pour over, a finer grind can impede water flow.Nov 26, 2018

Full Answer

Why do I need a coarse grind for a French press?

 · If you want to try it I’d probably recommend a 3 minute brew time but don’t hold out, it’s just the wrong grind so it won’t be the best. Why does French press need coarse grind? It needs a coarse grind because the water is in contact with the beans for so long, if it’s too fine too much flavor gets extracted and it gets muddied and bitter.

What is the size of a French press grind?

 · Of course, you need to keep in mind the size of the grind you're using. A coarse grind, like for French press, is going to withstand a longer brewing time, like 3-4 minutes. In fact, it actually needs a longer brewing time in order to extract everything it's got. So you could say that yes, French press is stronger than other coffees.

Why is my French press so hard to press the grounds?

 · If you have a coarse grind, the total surface area is smaller, so to get a comparable extraction you need more time (minutes for hot water as in French press, hours for cold water as in cold brew). For finer and fine grinds, you brew shorter (pour over) and probably increase the pressure (espresso).

What is the Best Coffee Grind setting for French pressed coffee?

 · When you brew coffee In a French press, you should start with coarse-ground beans. You shouldn’t use a blade grinder because they don’t grind evenly and they make the beans warmer, which takes away the flavor you want in your cup. Get the press with a burr grinder or grind your beans at the store. Add the grounds into the French press carafe with very …

Do you have to use coarse ground coffee in a French press?

For a French press to work properly, you need to use rather coarse coffee grounds. If you use finely-ground coffee, you'll have issues with sediment in your brew, and that's if you're even able to get the French press' plunger to go down in the first place.

How coarse should French press grinds be?

The short answer is, grind it coarse. Similar to sea salt with grounds between 3.2 mm to 2.4 mm in diameter. A coarse grind in a french press brewed for 4 minutes will give you a great cup of coffee.

How long should grinds sit in French press?

4-5 minutesFill French Press with the desired amount of water (see measurements below). Watch the coffee bloom (fresher coffee results in a better bloom). Give the grounds a good stir. Let it brew for 4-5 minutes.

Should you stir the grounds in a French press?

You need to stir your French Press after the water goes in to ensure that all the grounds are completely soaked. If you don't stir you could get clumps of dry grounds that don't get the full extraction and leave you with weak coffee.

What is best grind for French press?

coarseFrench press coffee calls for a coarse, even grind. We recommend starting with a 1:12 coffee-to-water ratio. If you're using 350 grams of water, you'll want 30 grams of coffee. To start, gently pour twice the amount of water than you have coffee onto your grounds.

How does grind size affect coffee?

Choosing the Right Grind Size In general, if you brew coffee that is ground too coarse, the coffee can be under-extracted (weak), and less flavorful. If your coffee is ground too fine, however, the coffee can be over-extracted and bitter. Small changes in grind size can drastically affect the taste of your final brew.

Should you let a French press bloom?

Basically, it enhances the flavor of the coffee. You can always skip this step if you don't have time, but we highly recommend it! To bloom your coffee, set a timer for 4 minutes and then pour enough water onto the grounds to wet them all equally.

Can you leave coffee in French press?

Yes, you can leave coffee in the French press overnight. However, it has to be cold-brewed coffee. Doing the same with regular coffee will lead to over-extraction. We will have a deep look into immersion brewing and what it entails other than discussing the French press.

What does it mean to let coffee bloom?

What blooming is: When coffee grounds come in contact with hot water, they release carbon dioxide and often bubble and expand. Coffee blooming is the act of dampening your coffee bed to provoke this release of carbon dioxide.

Do you plunge French press?

0:513:37French Press: To Plunge Or Not To Plunge? - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSolution well the most common method being proposed is that you don't push all the way down you onlyMoreSolution well the most common method being proposed is that you don't push all the way down you only push to the surface of the water. And then carefully pour your coffee.

What do you do with coffee grounds after French press?

0:141:34Smarter way to clean a French Press Coffee Maker - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOr you can compost them if you'd like and then next again fill your carafe up your french pressMoreOr you can compost them if you'd like and then next again fill your carafe up your french press about halfway with some warm water a little bit of soap grab the plunger.

Should you filter French press coffee?

As for whether you can make coffee with something like a French press, and then pour the brewed coffee through a paper filter cone, to get rid of the cafestol... yes you can. Anyway, using a filter paper after you brew in your French press sounds like the perfect solution to everything you're trying to achieve.

Can you use medium coarse grind for a French press?

Quality French press pots have a screen fine enough to retain medium-sized grounds and coffee expands when saturated. James Hoffman is the author of The World Atlas of Coffee. He advises using medium ground coffee, stirring after four minutes, and then letting it brew for five to seven minutes.

How much coffee grounds do I put in a French press?

Press like the best: Add a heaping tablespoon (7-8 grams) of coffee to the pot per 200 ml (6.7 oz) of water. Pour hot water—not quite boiling—into the pot, and gently stir. Carefully reinsert the plunger into the pot, stopping just above the water and ground coffee (do not plunge yet), and let stand for 3-4 minutes.

What is considered coarse ground coffee?

Coarse: A coarse grind is slightly finer than extra coarse and has a consistency resembling kosher salt. The grounds still appear quite chunky and are used for French press, percolators and coffee cupping brewing methods.

How fine Do you grind coffee for drip?

Finally, you have fine and extra fine grinds, which can be as fine as anything from very fine table salt to flour. For drip coffee, your best bet is usually somewhere right in the middle, in one of the medium grinds.

Why is a French press size necessary?

This size is necessary since French press has a long steep time. The longer the steep time, the larger the grind.

How much coffee is in a French press?

So, you’ll probably end up with 180 ml/6.1 oz of actual, drinkable coffee. Which is actually plenty.

What does a coffee sifter do?

The sifter with the filter inside will catch the ground coffee and much of the silt, so you’d end up with a very clean and clear cup of coffee. Much like regular drip-filter coffee, actually. Except you’d have a longer brew time.

Why is coffee ground fine?

The reason behind this is that ‘regular’ ground coffee is usually a fine grind, which is much, much smaller than you need for a French press. You see, the way the french press works is that is traps the grinds and most of the silt at the bottom of the beaker. This happens with the help of a metal filter, which does have some wire mesh ...

How to get coarse ground coffee?

Your best bet to getting an even and consistent coarse ground would be to use a burr grinder. Those are more reliable than blades, and will break the coffee into very similar pieces.

Can you make French press coffee with a plunger?

You’d need to filter your coffee, one way or another. So you’d be making French press as usual, only with fine ground coffee. Then, once you’ve pushed the plunger, you’d need to place the filter inside a metal sifter, and pour the coffee through that, into the cups. The sifter with the filter inside will catch the ground coffee and much ...

Is French press coffee good?

French press is a wonderful coffee, and it’s pretty much the best way to brew coffee so you get both flavor and caffeine. It take a bit longer, but it’s worth it. The only thing is you have to use only coarse ground coffee. Anything smaller than that is going to go right through the press’ filter, and you’ll be very unhappy.

What does it mean to use a French press?

Using a French press means that everything except the ground coffee is in the cup. You taste all the flavors, which adds to the experience. You experience the coffee through all five senses. No impurities are there.

Why is French press coffee so good?

Many people believe French press makes the best coffee. These are some reasons why. Paper filters take out flavor and oils. When eating good foods, the flavor usually exists in the fats and oils. Paper filters in drip machines absorb much of the oil in your coffee grounds. French press doesn’t soak up flavor and adds tiny bits ...

Why is French press coffee different from drip coffee?

It’s the right temperature. French press maintains the right water temperature throughout the process, which makes a difference on how the coffee is brewed.

What does it mean when a French press is saturated?

You get complete saturation of grounds. The French press does not allow you to miss any of the grounds. This means you are getting complete saturation of the coffee and oils. A drip machine doesn’t hit all the grounds. The saturation gives the coffee a different flavor than what you get from a drip machine or percolator.

How to brew coffee in a French press?

When you brew coffee In a French press, you should start with coarse-ground beans. You shouldn’t use a blade grinder because they don’t grind evenly and they make the beans warmer, which takes away the flavor you want in your cup. Get the press with a burr grinder or grind your beans at the store. Add the grounds into the French press carafe with very hot water and let it sit for three to five minutes. You want to push the grounds down with the tough strainer and pour yourself a cup.

How long to brew coffee grounds?

Advertising. Stir it after a minute of processing because the grounds will float to the top and not be in the water. Brew for four minutes to get the best taste from the coffee. Use your kitchen timer to count the four minutes.

Does a French press soak up coffee grounds?

French press doesn’t soak up flavor and adds tiny bits of coffee grounds in the coffee that percolates flavor. French press allows for steeping. When you get a good cup of tea, you use bulk tea that steeps for several minutes depending on the type of tea. The end result is a mouth-watering cup of tea.

What is a French press?

The french press is a manual brewing method, which means you’re not letting an electronic device do everything for you. You get to measure your ingredients, grind the coffee, pour in the water, time the brew yourself, and press the plunger.

Why do you need a coffee grinder?

There are two main reasons why having your own grinder is essential to brewing stellar coffee with your french press. 1. It enables you to brew with uber-fresh beans. Whole coffee beans are only at peak freshness for 2-3 weeks aftering being roasted. Once ground, the coffee only has 20-30 minutes.

What happens when coffee beans are ground?

However, when coffee beans are ground, they inevitably shatter into extra-small pieces (sometimes microscopic) that are tiny enough to get through the filter . We call these “fines”. It even happens with the world’s most advanced coffee grinders.

Why do you pour coffee out after plunging?

When you let your coffee keep brewing after plunging, you risk overshooting that sweet spot of flavor bliss. And that’s why you should always pour out all the coffee once the brewing is complete and the plunger is pressed down.

How long does it take to grind coffee?

Grinding coffee and boiling water takes about 2 minutes. Brewing takes roughly 4. It’s 6 minutes total of a relaxing, aromatic process. Not bad at all! But here’s what you get: Richly aromatic coffee. The french press metal filter lets through the coffee’s natural oils to your mug.

How often does JavaPresse send beans?

Our JavaPresse Coffee Club sends you beans every other week. We hand-pick beans from some of the best coffee farms in the world, roast them with care and precision, and ship them to you on the same day.

What is a French press metal filter?

The french press metal filter lets through the coffee’s natural oils to your mug. These oils are vibrantly aromatic and add lots of flavor to your brew. A Full-bodied brew. The metal filter also lets some microscopic coffee grounds into your mug. These boost the flavor and give your coffee a “fuller” feeling that leaves you satisfied.

Why do we use a French press?

Because of this, we usually use a coarser grind to slow extraction and avoid over-extraction. In a pour over, a finer grind can impede water flow.

What is French press coffee?

French press brewing is one of the most simple and inexpensive methods to prepare coffee. Even a complete newcomer to coffee can follow the method and produce a decent cup. But can you turn a decent French press coffee into an exceptional one by using a finer grind?

Why is it important to adjust the grind size?

When you adjust grind size, you should also consider the water temperature. Because a finer grind has more surface area, it will extract more quickly. Lowering the water temperature can slow the extraction and help avoid bitterness from over-extraction.

How long to brew coffee in stainless steel French press?

James Hoffman is the author of The World Atlas of Coffee. He advises using medium ground coffee, stirring after four minutes, and then letting it brew for five to seven minutes. He says that “the French press is one of the most tolerant ways to make coffee.

How to make coffee with James method?

James’s method includes using a digital scale to make sure you know exactly how much coffee and water you are using and can adjust as needed. Grind your coffee medium to medium-coarse, using a quality grinder. If clear coffee is important to you, try coffee sieves to remove the fines and boulders (the large particles).

What is inconsistent grind?

Inconsistent grinds contain a range of particle sizes. A low-quality grinder can produce a lot of fines that coffee sieve producer KRUVE likens to coffee dust. Too many of them can create muddy or bitter coffee.

How long to boil coffee in French press?

It’s generally agreed that a French press is best used with coarsely ground coffee and water just under boiling temperature. Allow three to five minutes of immersion time, and you have a decent cup of coffee.

How much coffee should I use for a French press?

A general rule of thumb for French press coffee is in the range of 1:10 coffee-to-water ratio: that is to say, 1 gram of coffee for 10 grams of water. This ratio can vary — some say a little more, some say a little less — but I find that 1:10 works great, and is also a very simple ratio to remember and calculate.

What are the common mistakes people make when brewing French press coffee?

Here are three common mistakes people make when brewing French press coffee. (Image credit: Oleg.) 1. Not grinding the beans properly. Grind is very important when it comes to making good coffee — the most important thing some would say. For French press, you want your beans to have a coarse, even ground, as seen in the photo above.

What happens if you leave coffee in the French press?

If you leave your coffee in the French press after it has finished brewing, you’re probably going to drink over-extracted, bitter coffee. That’s because even though you’ve pushed down the plunger, it will keep brewing.

Is French press coffee good?

While not everyone is a lover of the French press, it’s one of the most classic methods of brewing coffee, and if you do it right, it can produce a great cup.

Can you brew coffee in a French press?

But even with a simple tool, things can go wrong; despite its simplicity, brewing in a French press isn’t always easy. Here are three common mistakes people make when brewing French press coffee. (Image credit: Oleg.)

What happens if you use too fine of a grind in a French press?

If you use too fine of a grind in a French press or for cold brew, you’ll end up with a lot of unpleasant sediment in your coffee —and that’s if you can even get the plunger to go down in the first place. If you’re using a French press or making cold brew, either grind your own coarse grounds or find a place to buy coarse ground coffee nearby ...

Why is French press coffee so popular?

The French Press is greatly enjoyed by many coffee drinkers because it allows them to customize their coffee so specifically. Not only can you decide what type of bean you’d like to drink, you can further customize the flavor by adjusting the way you grind the coffee. A finer grind allows more of the coffee to be extracted, ...

Why is coffee finer?

A finer grind allows more of the coffee to be extracted, allowing more of the beans flavors to develop.

What is the best grind for coffee?

Using a fine or medium grind, you will find more of the fruity and acidic notes of the coffee are able to develop. With the right temperature and brew time, you can decide how much bitterness you want your coffee to develop.

How long to brew French press coffee?

It is often best to follow the standard instruction for optimal French Press brewing, and use a medium to coarse grind, brewed at 180-200F for 2 to 3 minutes. Ultimately, the choice is yours on how to grind your coffee and how long to brew it at which temperature. Try customizing your coffee flavor by adjusting these simple settings.

Why does coffee taste bad in French press?

Finely ground beans for a percolator, moka pot, or drip coffee maker will taste less than optimal in a French Press due to over-extraction.

Can you use a French press to brew coffee?

While it is possible to use a French Press to brew a finely ground coffee, it may not always be the optimal choice. A finely ground coffee will be too fine for the mesh strainer of your French Press to be able to remove the coffee particles. So, unless you enjoy a mouthfeel of coffee grounds, you’ll need to add an additional filtration step ...

What is a French press?

The French press, also called the cafetiere or coffee press, is a cylinder-shaped beaker (usually glass, but often plastic or steel) with a plunger. The piston of the plunger is made of mesh, allowing liquid to flow through it but not the larger coffee grounds.

How long to brew a French press?

You can brew in 3 to 4 minutes if you want, but to get good flavor results, you'd be grinding a lot finer, and you're not getting the most out of the unique qualities of the French press. Give 6 to 8 minutes a try with the coarse grind, and see if you can dial that in. 5.

What are the phases of coffee brewing?

As you may recall from our discussion of the pourover method, I like to talk about coffee brewing as having three general phases: wetting, dissolution, and diffusion.

How long to wait to pour coffee in French press?

With French press, you're good to pour your water right off the boil unless you've got an insulated (or double-walled) press, in which case you should wait about 30 seconds off of boil. If you're brewing dark-roasted coffee or decaf, it's better with water about 10 to 15°F lower.

Is French press brewing finicky?

Put it all together, and French press brewing is less finicky than most other methods and can result in a more full-flavored brew with a deeper sweetness and syrupy body.

Is French press coffee good?

As with all methods of coffee brewing, you'll need to experiment and tweak the variables a bit, tasting your results before you settle on your ideal settings. The good news is that French press is a good bit more forgiving than the faster brew methods.

Do French press coffee grounds have mesh filters?

French presses have mesh filters that do a good job of holding back the grounds, but there will be a small quantity of powder-like coffee grounds, called fines, that will make it through the filter and remain suspended in your brew. Don't let those distract you too much.
