why do college have consprycy course

by Mr. Kamryn Hamill 10 min read

Is it wrong to conspire for good?

Gain broad understanding of psychological characteristics that make individuals prone to conspiracy beliefs and science denial Become familiar with psychological theories in the field of social psychology, personality psychology, and clinical psychology Develop critical thinking skills as applied to reading psychological materials

Why should I go to college?

Course Objective: To understand and discuss how conspiracy theories work, why they seem so persuasive, and how we can combat their most dangerous consequences. Optional Text: The Nature of Conspiracy Theories, by Michael Butter; ISBN: 978-1509540822. Apr. 5. Apr 5 - …

What does it mean to conspire?

The researchers found that reasons for believing in conspiracy theories can be grouped into three categories: The desire for understanding and certainty The desire for control and security The...

What is the difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy?

Jan 06, 2018 · The researchers found that reasons for believing in conspiracy theories can be grouped into three categories: The desire for understanding and certainty The desire for control and security The...

What is the desire for understanding and certainty?

The desire for understanding and certainty. The desire for control and security. The desire to maintain a positive self-image. Let’s look at each of these motives in turn. The desire for understanding and certainty. Seeking explanations for events is a natural human desire. We’re constantly asking why things happen the way they do.

Why do you offer counter evidence to Uncle Joe?

This is because you’re arguing facts, while Uncle Joe is defending his sense of security and his positive feelings about himself. And for all of us, self-image trumps facts every time.

Why can't I understand what I'm saying?

You can’t understand what I’m saying because you’re just not listening. We all harbor false beliefs, that is, things we believe to be true but in fact are not. For example, if you believe Sydney is the capital of Australia, you’re the victim of a false belief.

Does Uncle Joe have a sense of community?

Thus, belief in conspiracy theories gives Uncle Joe a sense of community.

Is conspiracy theory a false belief?

After all, you were simply misinformed, and you’re not emotionally invested in it. Conspiracy theories are also false beliefs, by definition. But people who believe in them have a vested interest in maintaining them.

Is conspiracy theory self defeating?

This has led some researchers to conclude that conspiracy-theory belief is self-defeating. However, as Douglas and her colleagues point out, most college students have little motivation to believe in conspiracy theories in the first place.

Do people who are marginalized believe in conspiracy theories?

Research shows that people who feel socially marginalized are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories. We all have a desire to maintain a positive self-image, which usually comes from the roles we play in life—our jobs and our relationships with family and friends.