why did iyaloja warn elesin course hero

by Donna Thompson 6 min read

With this, Iyaloja shows that she has a vested interest in making sure that Elesin follows protocol and doesn't ruin things by changing the plan, as she warns him several times that he should make sure he doesn't leave a curse behind by having sex with his new bride.

Full Answer

Why is Iyaloja so angry at Elesin?

Iyaloja shouts that she warned Elesin to not leave a cursed "seed" behind, and asks who he think he is to create new life when he couldn't even move on to the afterlife. The bride gives a heaving sob, and Iyaloja looks at Elesin with even more anger.

What does Iyaloja berate Elesin for?

She berates Elesin for knocking the world off its course and upending the cosmic order by failing to die. Iyaloja makes it very clear that women will have to bear the burden of Elesin's mistake by having the market women carry Olunde 's body to Elesin's cell so he can see how the consequences of his actions.

What does Iyaloja ask Elesin to do with the plantain?

Iyaloja reminds Elesin that she's here with a burden, which is at the gate where the white men are stationed. Before she brings it in, she asks Elesin if the "parent shoot" of the plantain withers to give life to the new shoot, or if things happen in the opposite direction.

What does Iyaloja do when Pilkings moves to close Elesin's eyes?

When Pilkings moves to close Elesin 's eyes, Iyaloja shouts at him to stop and nods to the bride. The bride steps into the cell, closes Elesin's eyes, and pours dirt over each of his closed eyelids.

What does Iyaloja show about Elesin?

With this, Iyaloja shows that she has a vested interest in making sure that Elesin follows protocol and doesn't ruin things by changing the plan, as she warns him several times that he should make sure he doesn't leave a curse behind by having sex with his new bride.

What does Pilkings warn Iyaloja about?

As the aide-de-camp runs off, Pilkings warns Iyaloja that his men will shoot if the women cause trouble. Iyaloja scorns the logic of... (full context) ...to chant with the drummer and the praise-singer. Pilkings asks what the object is, and Iyaloja says that it's the burden Pilkings made.

What does Pilkings say in Act 5?

Act 5. ...Cursing, Pilkings laments that the prince is visiting now. He approaches Elesin and says that Iyaloja came with a note from Olunde and wants to see him, but he's not thrilled... (full context) Pilkings leaves to fetch Iyaloja while Jane encourages Elesin to understand that Pilkings is trying to help.

What is the act 1 of Elesin?

Act 1. ...are afraid of this bird. As Elesin performs, more women enter to watch him, including Iyaloja, the “mother of the market.”. Iyaloja asks how Elesin feels about the Not-I bird, and... (full context) ...The women worry that they offended Elesin, and Elesin confirms that he's extremely offended.

Who removes Olunde's body?

Iyaloja then removes the outer covering, revealing Olunde's body. (full context) Iyaloja asks Pilkings why he's trying so hard to do something that nobody, not even Elesin,... (full context) When Pilkings moves to close Elesin's eyes, Iyaloja shouts at him to stop and nods to the bride.

What does Iyaloja look at Elesin?

The bride gives a heaving sob, and Iyaloja looks at Elesin with even more anger. Iyaloja asks how Elesin will deal with this catastrophe. It's important to note that fixing this situation falls to Elesin, not to someone else—or at least, that's what Iyaloja would like Elesin to believe at this point.

What does Pilkings ask Iyaloja about the object?

Pilkings asks what the object is, and Iyaloja says that it's the burden Pilkings made. Elesin wants to whisper words for the king in the ear of the king's courier (the object), but Pilkings won’t let him out.

What does Iyaloja tell Pilkings?

Iyaloja says that she's not here to explain things to Pilkings. She tells him that Elesin understands what happens when a king dies. He knows that it'll cause trouble when the king realizes that he's been betrayed; the king will wander among enemies. Iyaloja asks Pilkings to let Elesin release their king.

What does Iyaloja say about the ancestral mask?

In this exchange, Iyaloja reassumes her role as Elesin's conscience and shows him where he went wrong and where he'll go wrong in the future. Her comment about the ancestral mask has to do with the way that the Yoruba interact with the egungun.

What does Elesin tell Jane?

Here, Elesin tells Jane that as a woman, she has no right to question these things. Her job is to interpret things for the reader or viewer, not make him understand what's going on. Active Themes. Pilkings returns and asks Elesin to swear on his honor that he won't accept anything from Iyaloja.

What does Elesin say to his bride?

Elesin turns to his bride and says that first he blamed Pilkings for his failure, then the gods, but now, he wants to blame her. He's not sure that blaming anyone matters now that the world is so upset, but his bride was more than just a woman he desired.

Why did Olunde go to England?

Elesin understands now that Olunde was right to go to England to learn the English people's secrets so he can seek revenge for Elesin's shame.

Who is the horseman in the play Elesin?

Elesin Character Analysis. Elesin. Elesin is the titular horseman of the play. He's a vibrant man who loves life and, due his role as the king 's horseman, has been able to to enjoy it to the fullest. He eats the finest foods, dances with the women in the market, and has sex with and marries almost whomever he wants to in the moment.

Who are the praise singers in Elesin?

Through the praise-singer, Iyaloja, and Simon Pilkings, the reader/audience learns that Elesin is an extremely honorable man who's fully entrenched in the customs of his people. Elesin does choose to change up the customs surrounding his death a bit when he decides he must take a final wife, the young woman, before he dies.
