why conservatives are up in arms at the college board’s advanced placement course in history.”

by Prof. Steve Crooks V 6 min read

Conservatives, including the Republican National Committee and 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson, slammed the 2014 Advanced Placement history course, saying it overemphasized negative aspects of U.S. history, portrayed historical events as “identity politics” — a series of conflicts between groups of people as opposed to explaining historical events through shared ideals — and did not fully explore the unique and positive values of the U.S. system.

Full Answer

Why did the College Board release a sample test?

The College Board also released to the public a sample test based on the new framework, to prove that they are not excluding anyone from being taught in APUSH courses. But when Newsweek reached Krieger by phone this week, he said the sample test in no way allayed his concerns.

Why does Krieger say the framework fails to mention most of America's greatest historical figures by name?

But Krieger is convinced that the fact that the framework fails to mention most of America's greatest historical figures by name means that they won't be on the test and therefore won't be taught. And he's aghast that events and themes he always considered part of America's greatness appear in the framework as, well, not so great.