why chose an online course

by Filomena Fisher 8 min read

Top 8 Reasons Students Choose Online Degrees

  • Balance. . Online degrees let you fit classes into your crazy, jam-packed schedule, making it easier to keep up with...
  • Anytime, anywhere studying. . One of the benefits of online study is that you don’t have to get dressed, get in the car,...
  • Accelerated courses. . Learn at a fast and convenient pace with accelerated online...

More Reasons to Study Online
Convenience and flexibility: As an online student, you can study anytime anywhere. There are no physical class sessions. Online learning a good option for students who need to balance their work and family commitments.

Full Answer

What are the pros and cons of taking online classes?

The Pros of Taking Online College Classes

  • Online classes offer more flexibility. Because classes are offered online, depending on the course, there is no set time to sit down and take a lesson.
  • Work while earning a college degree. ...
  • Play a college sport while taking online courses. ...
  • Study anywhere you want. ...
  • Eliminate commute time! ...

What are the best online classes to take?

  • Training, consulting, and appointment of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors (DGSA);
  • Risk assessment;
  • Process management and reviews;
  • Dangerous goods training for road, sea and air; and
  • General consulting in dangerous goods.

Are online classes worth it?

Courses don't need to be directly applicable to the world of business, either. Take an online writing course with Roxane Gay or stand-up comedy class from Judd Apatow—your boss isn't likely to ask you to craft a personal essay or do improv in the office ...

What courses can you take online?

Wayne County’s intermediate school district, Wayne RESA, helped develop the course. It allows school bus drivers-in-training to take a theory portion of entry-level driver’s training fully online. That’s required for all new school bus drivers by federal law as of this week.

Why did you choose online classes?

Flexible schedule. Another reason why students prefer online learning is because it gives them the flexibility to create their own schedule, allowing them to make more time for themselves and the things they love to do.

What are the top 3 benefits of attending online classes?

There are many benefits to learning online, but the biggest ones are:The freedom to learn whatever you want.Comfort of learning from your own home.Ability to work a job while you study.They offer ultimate convenience and flexibility.Earn bonus points for your resuméReduced education costs.More items...

What are 5 advantages of online learning?

Benefits of Online Learning for AdultsFlexibility. Many people turn to online learning for its flexibility. ... Ability to Advance a Career. ... Wider Range of Courses and Programs. ... A Broader Range of Perspectives. ... Immediately Applicable Coursework. ... Affordability. ... Time Management Skill Development. ... Virtual Collaboration Opportunities.More items...•

What are 3 benefits of online learning?

Seven Benefits of Online LearningAdded Flexibility and Self-Paced Learning. ... Better Time Management. ... Demonstrated Self-Motivation. ... Improved Virtual Communication and Collaboration. ... A Broader, Global Perspective. ... Refined Critical-thinking Skills. ... New Technical Skills.

What are the 10 benefits of online classes?

10 Advantages of Online ClassesVariety of programs and courses: ... Lower total costs: ... More comfortable learning environment: ... Convenience and flexibility: ... More interaction and greater ability to concentrate: ... Career advancement: ... Continue in your profession: ... Avoid commuting.More items...•

What is your opinion about online class?

Students are simply not motivated in online classes. They are usually easy A's and are time efficient, but student learning outcomes tend to be lackluster. Students simply complete their assignments to receive credit for a passing grade, rather than genuinely engaging with the course material.

What is interesting about online learning?

IBM have found that participants learn five times more material in online learning courses using multimedia content than in traditional face to face courses. Because online courses give students full control over their own learning, students are able to work at their own speed.

What is exciting about online learning?

The findings revealed that 88.77% of participants valued fun in online learning; linked to well-being, motivation and performance. However, 16.66% mentioned that fun within online learning could take the focus off their studies and result in distraction or loss of time.

What are the strengths of online learning?

Strengths of Online LearningAnywhere… ... Anytime, Any Pace… ... Synergy. ... High Quality Dialog. ... Student Centered. ... Level Playing Field. ... Access to Resources. ... Creative Teaching.More items...

Why do online courses require new skills?

The truth is that most of the basic online course requires the development of new computer skills. This is because students learn to navigate different learning management systems (LMS) and programs.

Why is online schooling better?

Most of the students report better concentration in online schooling. This is mainly due to no unnecessary classroom activity. Advancement in career. Most of the students can take online courses while working, whether in-between jobs or while taking up family responsibilities.

Why is online education important?

Here Are Some Interesting Reasons. Online education is commonly considered to be a one-stop solution for all. It is true to a great extent. The thing is that with the flexibility of online learning comes to a bunch of responsibilities. So, students need to inculcate certain life-skills at the time of taking online classes.

What is the best part about online classes?

The best part about taking online classes is that the online courses offer shy or more reticent students the opportunity to participate in class discussions more easily as compared to face-to-face class sessions. Most of the students report better concentration in online schooling.

How to make the most out of online courses?

Online students need to make the most out of their courses by networking with their peers. This is one of the smartest ways you can develop excellent references as well. It might help you in the long run. You can connect with people who can later help you find a career in a similar field.

Why are online schools so hard?

Online schools work really hard to provide a healthy and nurturing learning environment for kids. There are no physical class sessions involved. Most of the students listen to lectures and complete assignments sent to them virtually. Thus, there is no need to hustle through traffic or miss a major family event.

What is self pacing in online education?

Self-pacing. Most of the online education programs enable students to work at their own pace. There are certain students who follow the pace of a traditional course with the rest of the students, even if they are inconvenienced. However, this leads to frustration eventually.

Why do we need online degree programs?

Online degree programs take advantage of online’s inherent ability for self-paced instruction, flexible adjunct faculty and student mentors to help adult learners save on tuition, instruction or other costs.

What are the benefits of online study?

One of the benefits of online study is that you don’t have to get dressed, get in the car, fight traffic, commute to campus and attend class. Study in your pajamas on the couch. Nobody cares. Honest.

What is self paced learning?

Self-paced learning. Going at your own pace is shown to be a more effective learning method for independent learners. With online classes, you’re in charge of when and how much to study within the course framework.

Is online college degree as good as traditional college?

In the eyes of future employers, your online degree from an accredited college or university is just as valuable as a traditional degree while being a much more flexible option for your current lifestyle. Self-paced learning.

Is it easier to get an online degree?

Availability of certain credentials. The explosive growth of online degree programs means that it’s easier than ever to earn an online degree through an accredited institution (one deemed by a third-party agency to have met established educational standards).

Why do people take online courses?

Many of the students who opt for online study are those who are in full-time employment, and who are taking further education to advance their career or are perhaps studying a subject simply because they want to gain more knowledge. In some cases, employers will sponsor employees to take online courses that will result in the employee becoming more knowledgeable, perhaps with a view to them stepping up the ladder.

What are the advantages of online study?

This is a choice you will always regret. An advantage of online study is that there will be a course that suits you available, and even if it is run by an establishment a long way distant, that does not matter! The sheer choice of subjects and levels of education that you can choose from with online learning is simply unending.

Why do people choose remote learning?

A lot of remote-learning students choose the method because it gives them greater flexibility. Enrolling at a physical college means committing to the timetable that is put in place. The student needs to be in classes and tutorials at given times, regularly throughout the week and across the academic year.

Do you need to be disciplined to study online?

It’s a fact that to get on with studying at home, and you need to be able to enforce a strong level of self-discipline. You need to complete your given projects when required and stick to a schedule, and not be tempted to slack! However, research has shown that, in fact, people who are committed to online learning exhibit greater self-discipline than those who are attending university.

Is online study good for self discipline?

The self-discipline you learn while engaging in the online study will also stand you in good stead for the future, where you may find it necessary in your work and other areas of your life.

Is online learning good for working people?

Online studying is perfect for working people as it allows for study in their own time, and often at their own rate. With many online courses, there is no time limit on the duration of the course, so should something get in the way – a child perhaps – they can break off and resume studying later. A good resource regarding the online study is www.educationspeaks.org, which you can check out.

Can you study online for a qualification?

Online learning and its flexibility also appeal to people with families. Mothers who want to study can do so when the children are asleep, at school, or at other convenient moments, in their own time, and with no pressure to complete by a given time. If there are deadlines, they can usually be extended if circumstances require. This is the perfect way to study for a qualification that is not related to your current line of work – say you want to move to a different area of work – as the current employer need not be aware.

Learning in Isolation

During this time, governments are recommending that we learn online and stay away from large groups. It is what is best for the health and safety of all of us.

Easy to Use

Online platforms make it quite easy for you to put your content online and make it accessible for students. Even if you are new to technology or are not strong with it, you will find the tools that the website provides will make everything easy for you.


If your students have already graduated from university or college, there is a strong chance that they are currently working full time or have some sort of job to sustain themselves. They also might want to go back to school to acquire skills to further their career, however, that might be difficult with the current job that they work.

You Can Teach Anything

If you plan on teaching online, you are able to teach a much wider variety of material to your students. Often at educational institutions, courses are based upon projected enrolment numbers and the amount of funding the school can receive.

Why do students prefer online learning?

Tailor your school day to fit your needs and match your work style. Not to mention, students prefer online learning because they can work anywhere in the world. That means never having to miss a family vacation!

Why do students prefer online learning to traditional schooling?

Similar to the flexibility component, many students prefer online learning to traditional schooling because they are able to work at their own pace. You don’t have to be afraid to work ahead or feel discouraged if you want to take more time on a particular subject or topic.

How many students are in a high school class?

In a traditional high school, you are normally in a class of 20-30 students, making personalized learning difficult. Many online high schools, including ASU Prep Digital, leverage technology and individualized teaching models to address specific student needs, strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. At ASU Prep Digital, you are also assigned a Learning Success Coach who will help you achieve success in and out of the classroom by providing you with the tools and support you need. You can read more about personalized learning here.

Is online learning more popular?

Online learning has become more widely accepted and sought after in recent years. More and more students are finding that the traditional brick-and-mortar style of learning doesn’t fit their needs and they are looking to make a change that benefits them both in and out of the classroom. If you’re looking to take charge of your education ...

What does it mean to take classes in person?

Taking classes in person means being some place at a set time. That also means that you have to restrict your work hours and schedule your job around schooling. In contrast, online courses often allow you to schedule schooling around your work instead.

Do you have to commute to classes?

No Commute. Driving to and from classes can be a real pain. With Internet classes, the longest commute you have to make is from your bed to your computer. You don't have to pay for gas, parking or any added fees to keep your car in good shape.

Do you have to write in blue books to take a test?

To take tests, some schools still require you to write in blue books. You can usually pick them up at your school bookstore for a small cost, but if you take your tests on the computer you don't have to pay a thing. Tests tend to be multiple choice, and if they do require writing you can always submit your essays and answers online.

Can you get up with coffee?

Sometimes trying to get up takes a little help. Coffee, energy drinks and tea can become a regular routine that you need in order to function. The cost of those early morning helpers can really add up. With online courses, you may not need to attend class at a specific time, so you can put away the coffee and get a few extra hours of shut-eye.

Is online learning cheaper than on campus?

Most online classes have the same tuition (or higher tuition) than traditional classes, but in some cases, online learning can be cheaper than on-campus learning. That's because some schools that specialize in online learning don't incur the same overhead as traditional brick-and-mortar colleges. You can even find the occasional free online class on some websites, though you won't interact with peers or professors, and you won't usually won't receive a grade or credit, either.

Why is online learning important?

Here’s why online learning is more beneficial: 1. Enhance Your Professional Skills. Online learning is a vital means of updating your skills, knowledge, and attitudes. In a fast competitive world, you need to go through a learning experience that is tailored to meet global demand.

Why is online learning so beneficial?

Not only that, online learning is an excellent way for subject matter professionals and experts to pass on their skills, aptitudes, and knowledge in an impactful way. Here’s why online learning is more beneficial: 1.

What are the benefits of learning online?

A significant benefit of learning online is flexibility. You have the privilege of engaging in some other rewarding activities. You can care for your family, work full-time, and earn a certification or degree. You can set academic goals on how many courses you want to take next year now.

What is a learning style?

A textbook definition of learning styles is: [1] “Characteristic cognitive, effective, and psycho-social behaviors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment. ”.

How do learning styles affect the brain?

They affect the way you internally represent your experiences, remember information, or even dictate the words you choose [3]. Research suggests that each learning style makes use of a different part of the brain.

Why is planning important for learning?

Planning will help you to incorporate your learning goals to align with other schedules better.

How does online learning affect the environment?

Online learning minimizes the negative impact on the environment, which emanates from transportation and manufacturing. The infrastructure and the materials required in the traditional education establishments (buildings, desks, electricity, textbooks) are significantly reduced. This goes a long way in conserving natural resources.
