why avoid magic during oid of course moon

by Prof. Freida Hickle PhD 10 min read

You see, the Moon is like a big, magical satellite. Normally, it reflects the energies from the other planets and zaps them down to us on Earth… except during a Void Moon! It’s usually up to the Moon to trigger events in our lives and move us forward, but during a Void Moon there is no energy to trigger the events along.

DON'T: Do magick.
While the void of course period is good for spiritual awareness, it is not good for doing energy work, casting spells, or manifestation. Any ~vibes~ you send out now might backfire or else just fizzle out.
Mar 31, 2021

Full Answer

What should you not do during a void moon?

During a void Moon you should not sign a contract, make plans, close a deal, or start a project. Basically anything which you want to have a concrete real-world result should not be started, signed or sealed.

How do astrologers know when the Moon is void of course?

Some astrologers include the minor aspects along side the major aspects, thereby shortening the length of time that the moon is Void of Course. Some astrologers will ignore the Moon's transiting aspect patterns altogether, and use specific degrees within each sign as being the point in which the Void of Course Moon will begin and end.

Does Moon tracks have a void of course dates table?

Thank you! Although Moon Tracks Astrology Calendars already has Void of Course information on one of its calendar systems, it has been decided to bring the Moon's Void of Course Dates Table onboard to provide current information quickly, efficiently and concise.

Is the Moon void-of-course on your Android?

Or, if you have an Android smartphone, you can get a similar result with iLuna for Android : Now you should have an idea of what a void-of-course period of the Moon is . There is a widespread misunderstanding that when the Moon is void-of-course, it is in no Sign of the Zodiac but in some kind of hole, an empty space.

What happens during moon void of course?

The void of course moon occurs when the moon makes its final major aspect with another planet before changing signs. In general, it's ideal to plan ahead so you can avoid big events happening during a void of course moon phase and also avoid needing to make big decisions during the time.

How long does a void of course moon last?

This means that, depending on where the moon is within the sky, she takes on the “mood” of each zodiac sign. Because it takes roughly 28 days to move through all of the 12 signs, we can expect her to remain within each for about two to three days at a time.

How do you know when the moon is void?

The Moon changes signs every two or two and a half days, and passes through all 12 signs of the zodiac every 27 and 1/3 days. So, that means that every two or three days, the Moon is going to spend some time void of course.

Why is the moon magic?

Moon magic is associated with the Moon. There is a belief common to many cultures that working rituals at the time of different phases of the moon can bring about physical or psychological change or transformation. These rituals have historically occurred on or around the full moon and to a lesser extent the new moon.

What should we not do during Void moon?

Here's what to do—and what to avoid—when the Moon is void of course.DO: Self-care.DON'T: Launch a new project or go on a first date.DO: Brainstorm.DON'T: Make major decisions, sign any contracts, or make any big purchases.You're obsessed with all things astro. Same. ... DO: Stick to your routine.DON'T: Do magick.

What does a Void moon mean in astrology?

In simple terms, the void-of-course moon (sometimes just called the void moon, or abbreviated as VC or v/c) describes a period of time before the moon moves into a new sign during which it doesn't form any significant meet-ups with any of the other planets.

What phase of the Moon are we currently in?

The Moon's current phase for today and tonight is a Waxing Crescent Phase.

What is moon in Scorpio?

Born with the Moon in Scorpio, you are likely to be sensitive and loyal, but have intense emotional needs. Scorpio is a Water sign, which relates to the emotional, psychological and spiritual dimensions of life. You are likely to give the impression of being perceptive, powerful, and transformational.

What moon is today?

The current moon phase for today is the Waxing Crescent phase.

What are moon powers?

Lunar Powers As his name goes, Moon Knight is known to get power enhancements through the moon. When there is a full moon, Moon Knight's strength, endurance and speed is increased tenfold. This power was gifted to him by the Egyptian God of the Moon Khonshu, but was later taken away as a punishment.

Which moon phase is the most powerful?

The Moon exerts a strong gravitational pull that causes the changing tides in our oceans and seas. This gravitational pull is at its strongest during the New Moon and Full Moon, so here we experience the highest and lowest tides.

What is the luckiest moon phase?

According to Moon lore, in many cases the full Moon brings good luck. But not always! Read on about full Moon superstitions and folklore.

Can you be born under a Void moon?

People born with the Moon Void of Course sometimes amble through life without a strong sense of purpose. They are usually of a spiritual bent, or concerned with bringing things to a conclusion. Check the nature of the last aspect the Moon makes as it turns Void.

What phase of the Moon are we currently in?

The Moon's current phase for today and tonight is a Waxing Crescent Phase.

How long is the Moon in Taurus?

Moon in Taurus is a time, when lunar sky path is crossing the second sector of the zodiac - between ∠30°-60°, where is located the constellation of Taurus. Waxing Moon visits Taurus zodiac sign only in the period from November to May and Waning Moon transits Taurus only from May to November.

What moon is today?

The current moon phase for today is the Waxing Crescent phase.

How often does the moon turn void?

So, the Moon turns Void of Course once every 2-1/4 days. Void periods of a few minutes to a few hours are not uncommon. Void Moons of a half-day or more are rare. The longest Void Moon I've ever seen was almost 48 hours — we may only see a few of those a decade.

When was the magic moon invented?

Our Magical Moon. So let's start at the beginning. Back in 200 BCE or so when the Hellenistic Greeks were inventing “horoscopic” astrology, planets, signs and houses didn’t mean exactly the same things that modern astrologers are familiar with today. The planets were Gods. Or at least, they were avatars of the gods.

How often does the Moon travel around the solar system?

So, let's imagine the Moon performing her duties, pouring the planetary rays down to the Earth. She makes a trip around the solar Zodiac every 27 -1/4 days (called a sidereal month). That means approximately every 2- 1/3 days she enters a new Zodiac sign.

What is the third house of the moon?

(Truly, the mistress of magic she was!) When those early Greek astrology innovators envisioned a system of 12 houses, each of the seven planets took their “joy” in one of them. The Moon's Joy was the Third house — which became known as the “House of the Moon Goddess.”.

What to do if you don't have a calendar?

If you don't have a calendar easily accessible, just Google “Void of Course Moon Tables” for the month or year you need. There will always be several websites with tables available.

What is the moon's joy?

The Moon's Joy was the Third house — which became known as the “House of the Moon Goddess.”. (And here you probably thought that the Third House was the house of messages and messengers because of Mercury (or Gemini). Nope. It's because it's the Moon's Joy.

Is the moon retrograde?

In a sense, Void Moons are like the Moon's equivalent of a retrograde. Of course, the Moon can't actually retrograde. (It would be a very bad day for all earthlings if it did.) But it carries a similar tone — one of Nature's built-in times for reflection and consideration.

What to do during a void moon?

During the void-of-course moon, pamper the moon-ruled sides of yourself. Up the self-care, prioritize introspective time alone, and take time out to process what's happening in your life at the moment.

What is void of course moon?

As mentioned, the void-of-course moon is the moon flying solo for a short stint — during this time, the moon lacks support from the other planets in astrology that it is usually in contact with, making us feel a little hazier and less grounded than usual.

How long does the moon last in the zodiac sign?

The moon spends a little more than two days at a time in each of the 12 zodiac signs as it travels through the zodiac wheel (it completes its rotation through all 12 signs in about 28 days, which is a full moon cycle). As the moon moves through the zodiac, it forms planetary aspects with the other major planets rather frequently.

What does a void moon mean?

But knowing what a void-of-course moon means in astrology can actually be super helpful — and while you may not be able to define it just yet, I can guarantee you've felt its effects. In simple terms, the void-of-course moon (sometimes just called the void moon, or abbreviated as VC or v/c) describes a period of time before ...

How long does it take for the moon to move through the zodiac sign?

The moon spends a little more than two days at a time in each of the 12 zodiac signs as it travels through the zodiac wheel (it completes its rotation through all 12 signs in about 28 days, which is a full moon cycle). As the moon moves through the zodiac, it forms planetary aspects with the other major planets rather frequently. Aspects are actually just angles in an astrology chart that are formed between two or more planets, and these angles represent different types of relationships. There are "hard aspects," which can result in challenges and tensions between the planets' combined energies, as well as "soft aspects" which are easier and more harmonious. Because the moon moves so quickly through the signs (it's the fastest moving of all the planets in astrology), it's constantly forming aspects with other planets, which ignites its power and subsequently affects our moods, our emotions, our energy levels, and more. But once the moon has completed the final aspect to another planet within a certain sign's realm, it's considered void-of-course until it enters the next sign. This marks a period of time when the moon is totally on her own, floating through the zodiac without any influence from any of the other planets that are usually there to bounce their energy off her. And that's why when the moon is void-of-course, we tend to feel a little lost, hazy, and scatterbrained ourselves.

How long does a void moon last?

Usually, because of how often the moon forms aspects to planets, the moon doesn't end up void-of-course until it's reached the very last degrees of a sign (if it even voids at all) — meaning the void moon will only last for a few hours or less at a time. But occasionally the stars align so that we have a whole day under the influence of the void-of-course moon. This makes for a slightly dizzying period that's not necessarily productive, but a good time to lean into your imagination, make time for solitude, and reflect on your own feelings and emotions. If you have an astrological calendar, look for the symbol VC or v/c to indicate periods when the moon is void-of-course — that way you can take a break from blaming Mercury retrograde for your mix-ups and shake your fist at the void moon instead.

What is the moon void?

In simple terms, the void-of-course moon (sometimes just called the void moon, or abbreviated as VC or v/c) describes a period of time before the moon moves into a new sign during which it doesn't form any significant meet-ups with any of the other planets. It's sort of a planetary siesta for la luna, or a period of respite between all ...

How to stay grounded during the moon?

Taking a walk after completing breathwork and prior to starting any work for the day can keep you feel grounded. Save important communication and meetings until the void of course moon is complete. Miscommunications can occur, causing you unnecessary tension and stress.

What happens during a void of course moon?

The void of course moon occurs when the moon makes its final major aspect with another planet before changing signs. In general, it’s ideal to plan ahead so you can avoid big events happening during a void of course moon phase and also avoid needing to make big decisions during the time.

How often does a void of course moon occur?

Now comes the tricky part: Due to the moon being the fastest-moving celestial body in the universe, a void of course moon transit occurs quite frequently. The moon changes signs every two to three days, which means a void of course moon can happen multiple times a week and can last anywhere from two hours to an entire day.

What is the moon's emotional center?

I n astrology, the moon is your emotional center (remember, your moon sign refers to your “emotional personality ”); it’s your instinctual nature and represents the cosmic mother. Through understanding the moon’s divine rhythms, she can help you live your daily life with less resistance and more flow and ease. Along those lines, by planning with intention around the moon’s cycle regarding when and how you do certain things and make specific choices, you can also maximize your own well-being. And while you may already be familiar with certain components of the moon's cycle, like the new and full moon, details about those recurring lunar phases are just the beginning of the valuable information you stand to glean from moon cycles: The void of course moon can also be an extremely useful planning tool.

What is the moon's energy?

The moon is a life force that creates action and propels time forward. When it’s floating without the influence of another planet, the energy is similar to a pause where the world around you seems to move slowly and feels unclear.

How to calm the nerves of the moon?

Spend time in nature next to the moon’s natural element, water. Water rules our emotional intelligence, so when its ruler is on light break, confusion can set in. Nature can also have a calming effect on the nerves. Revise, plan, or brainstorm your next move rather than taking action now.

What happens when you are floating without the influence of another planet?

When it’s floating without the influence of another planet, the energy is similar to a pause where the world around you seems to move slowly and feels unclear. Beyond planning ahead of a void of course moon, know that while the transit occurs, it’s crucial to take care of your physical body via rest, meditation, and breathwork.

What to do when the void moon is over?

Once the void moon is over, then you’re good to go with investments, cooking, or styling your home or yourself to the top! When the void moon is heading INTO Gemini, AVOID presenting your ideas to others, networking with next-tier targets , and even writing something important for public consumption.

What is a good time to work on a void moon?

In general, void moons are a good time for quiet, head-down, solo work . You’re not going to have a lot activity showing up unexpected. Take advantage of the space in your life.

What to do when the moon is in Aquarius?

Yes, these are all great things to do when the moon is fully in Aquarius and no longer void of course, but ’til then, take to your journal, visit a cat café, go for a walk, or… you guessed it… nap! When the void moon is heading INTO Pisces, AVOID giving advice. I know.

What to do when the void moon is heading into cancer?

When the void moon is heading INTO Cancer, AVOID settling emotional situations with loved ones. It’s not the time to invest in family matters, bear your soul, redecorate your home, or even have people over. Instead, use the void moon to take a big self-care session (preferably involving a soak and steam at the spa).

How long can a void moon be in play?

Again, a void moon can be in play for a few minutes or a few hours. I designate those occurrences of more than 10 hours because that’s enough time to really impact my day sometimes. Just like everything else astrological, there’s nothing BAD about any of it… just something to strategize for getting the most out of.

How long does it take for the moon to stop being void?

The Moon stops being void of course once it enters the next sign. The Moon changes signs every two or two and a half days, and passes through all 12 signs of the zodiac every 27 and 1/3 days. So, that means that every two or three days, the Moon is going to spend some time void of course. What does that mean for you?

How often does the moon change?

The Moon changes signs every two or two and a half days, and passes through all 12 signs of the zodiac every 27 and 1/3 days. That's one Sidereal Month. So we have ample opportunity to experience how the sign that the moon is in affects ourselves and those around us. This article explores the influences of the 12 signs of ...

How often does Mercury reverse its course?

Mercury, planetary muse and mentor of our mental and communicative lives, appears to reverse its course three or four times a year. We may experience less stress during these periods by taking the time to pause and go back over familiar territory and give second thoughts to dropped projects or miscommunications. Breakdowns can help us attend to the safety of mechanics and mobility. It’s time to “recall the now” of the past and deal with underlying issues. Leave matters that lock in future commitments until Mercury goes direct.

Can you schedule full moons in advance?

year-at-a- glance calendars with full and new moons for both the current and following year, so you can schedule your full and new moon circles well in advance.

Can you get married on the moon?

Don't schedule important meeting for times for these periods. And for heaven's sake, don't get married while the moon is void of course!

Can you use the strengths and characteristics of your sun signs to reduce stress?

You can. In this article, Mary Cole of 7Tarot, outlines how we can use the strengths and characteristics of our sun signs to reduce stress.

Is the moon void?

Many believe that while the moon is void of course, you shouldn't take part in activities that are materially "important," and that these are periods of time are best used to meditate or relax.

Who wrote the Void of Course Moon Guide?

Void of Course Moon Guide by Alex Kay#N#At the Astrology Dictionary#N#At Lunarium (Also check out their awesome customizable calendar and aps to keep track of what the moon is doing in your neighborhood)

What happens during the void of course period?

During the void of course period, it can be said that no major planetary energies are dominant and available to affect your magical workings. Some believe that working magic during this time will yield, at best, no results and at worst chaotic and unpredictable results. However, other schools of thought see the void of course period as a time when there is nothing to interfere with your magical or mundane workings or when it is easier to be subtle, allowing your actions to go under the radar.

What does it mean when a planet is void of course?

The term void of course is usually applied to the moon and refers to the period of time when the moon is no longer aspecting any planets in the last sign it was in but has not aspected any planets in the sign it will go into next. This void of course period may last only a few minutes or it may last several hours to a day. During this time, the moon is still in its previous sign, though some treat this period as if the moon is in no sign at all.

What happens if the moon is void of course?

There, if we find that the Moon was void-of-course at the moment when a question was asked, we might decide that it is not appropriate to answer such a question. Or, if some of us will still decide to proceed with the answer, they will most probably say that nothing will come out of the matter in question (which, depending on the question, might mean that there is nothing to be afraid of).

What are the downsides of the Moon Calendar?

The downside is that it might require a little bit of effort to figure out what all those symbols mean, and the information in the calendar is somewhat dense. Another downside is the platform on which the Calendar is built, which is Google AppEngine, is a bit flaky. You might need to reload the page a few times until it will stop reporting a weird error and start showing the real stuff.

How does the Moon affect the zodiac sign?

Moving through each sign, the Moon makes contacts with the planets. It isn't really important what are those contacts and how they are made, but it is exactly those contacts who provide the content of the sign's story. The exact number of the contacts and their distribution in time depends on where all the planets are in the Zodiac, and this arrangement changes eternally.

How many degrees are there in the zodiac sign?

The Signs of the Zodiac are the 12 sections of the ecliptic, the imaginary path of the Sun around the sky. The ecliptic is a circle, so there are 360 degrees in it. Each sign is a 30 degrees section, 30 x 12 = 360. There are no holes and no empty spaces in this system.

What is the void of course period of the moon?

So here is a more or less precise definition: The void-of-course period of the Moon is the period of time from the moment the Moon makes the last contact with any planet in the current Sign of the Zodiac, and until it enters the next sign.

How long does the moon last in the void of course?

What the Void-of-Course Moon Is. It's a common knowledge that the Moon circles around the Earth, and it completes the circle in about 27 days, the lunar month (there is another lunar month called synodic which lasts almost 30 days, but it's of no interest to us here). The Moon moves all the time along the Zodiac, ...

What happens when the moon enters the next sign?

Each sign is like a chapter in the book of life, and moving through it the Moon is telling a story. When the Moon enters the next sign, it starts a new story. We still remember the old one, but we are not deeply involved into it anymore. Whether we notice it or not, each time the Moon enters the next Sign of the Zodiac, something substantially changes in our life, some context, or the emotional background of events. Most of the time we aren't aware of this change because the Moon is strongly connected to our subconsciousness, not to our consciousness. It is the subconsciousness who is deeply aware of the change.

What degree is the VoC Moon?

This may work for them based on their interpretation. What some people consider to be the VoC Moon may be more closely associated with the Anaretic Degree of the sign. The Anaretic Degree is the last active degree of any sign; aka 29th degree. This degree should NOT be confused with the Void of Course.

What happens after the Moon moves into the next sign?

In simpler terms, immediately after the Moon forms the last Major Aspect to another planet from the sign that the Moon is transiting, until the Moon moves into the next sign, the Moon is considered to be Void of Course.

How to change the time zone in VoC?

You can adjust the time zone to your region with the plus (+) or minus (-) radio buttons and the hours in the drop down window. If you live in the Western hemisphere, use the minus (-) radio button. Eastern hemisphere residents will use the plus (+) radio button. Let's use the Pacific Time Zone as an example. During the Standard Time (PST) the time difference from UTC is -8. Click on the minus radio button and select 8 from the dropdown window then click the "Change" button to adjust the time. During the Daylight Saving Time (PDT), the time difference from UTC is -7. Same operations with a slightly different time outcome. If you do not know your region's Time Zone calculation, you can visit Date and Time | Accessible The Time Now * (The link will open in a new window). Once you find the area closest to your region and convert the time, look for the UTC offset for your timezone. That will be your clue for the time zone offset on this Moon Void of Course date list.

Why is the VoC period important?

Yet, the VoC period is useful if we have the ability to kick back, postpone making important decisions, and simply enjoy being "one" with the Void Moon. A great article to refer to on the Moon's Void of Course energies can be found on The Mountain Astrologer . Return to Top.

What is the void of course table?

The Void of Course Date Table now provides adjustable UTC-based information. You can adjust the dates/times to coordinate with your particular timezone. The adjustments are in whole hours only. There are no 1/2-hour time zone adjustments. You can easily adapt for Daylight/Summer Saving Time based on your particular region. The VoC table covers two months of VoC events; the current month and the next month. [UTC = Coordinated Universal Time, aka GMT Greenwich Mean Time] Learn More about what it means when the moon is void of course.

Can a moon transit be a void?

Yes, it can occur on rare occasions. When the Moon transits through an entire sign, without forming any major aspect, Julius Firmicus Maternus deemed that type of Moon's transit to be a Void Moon throughout the entire transit.

Is it advisable to learn during the VoC Moon?

It is not advisable to initiate new concepts during the VoC Moon. For example, many students complain of not being able to remember what was taught during the Moon's Void of Course transit. From a psychological perspective, Learning and Memory are both closely associated with Emotions.

What degree is the VoC Moon?

This may work for them based on their interpretation. What some people consider to be the VoC Moon may be more closely associated with the Anaretic Degree of the sign. The Anaretic Degree is the last active degree of any sign; aka 29th degree. This degree should NOT be confused with the Void of Course.

What happens after the Moon moves into the next sign?

In simpler terms, immediately after the Moon forms the last Major Aspect to another planet from the sign that the Moon is transiting, until the Moon moves into the next sign, the Moon is considered to be Void of Course.

How to change the time zone in VoC?

You can adjust the time zone to your region with the plus (+) or minus (-) radio buttons and the hours in the drop down window. If you live in the Western hemisphere, use the minus (-) radio button. Eastern hemisphere residents will use the plus (+) radio button. Let's use the Pacific Time Zone as an example. During the Standard Time (PST) the time difference from UTC is -8. Click on the minus radio button and select 8 from the dropdown window then click the "Change" button to adjust the time. During the Daylight Saving Time (PDT), the time difference from UTC is -7. Same operations with a slightly different time outcome. If you do not know your region's Time Zone calculation, you can visit Date and Time | Accessible The Time Now * (The link will open in a new window). Once you find the area closest to your region and convert the time, look for the UTC offset for your timezone. That will be your clue for the time zone offset on this Moon Void of Course date list.

Why is the VoC period important?

Yet, the VoC period is useful if we have the ability to kick back, postpone making important decisions, and simply enjoy being "one" with the Void Moon. A great article to refer to on the Moon's Void of Course energies can be found on The Mountain Astrologer . Return to Top.

What is the void of course table?

The Void of Course Date Table now provides adjustable UTC-based information. You can adjust the dates/times to coordinate with your particular timezone. The adjustments are in whole hours only. There are no 1/2-hour time zone adjustments. You can easily adapt for Daylight/Summer Saving Time based on your particular region. The VoC table covers two months of VoC events; the current month and the next month. [UTC = Coordinated Universal Time, aka GMT Greenwich Mean Time] Learn More about what it means when the moon is void of course.

Can a moon transit be a void?

Yes, it can occur on rare occasions. When the Moon transits through an entire sign, without forming any major aspect, Julius Firmicus Maternus deemed that type of Moon's transit to be a Void Moon throughout the entire transit.

Is it advisable to learn during the VoC Moon?

It is not advisable to initiate new concepts during the VoC Moon. For example, many students complain of not being able to remember what was taught during the Moon's Void of Course transit. From a psychological perspective, Learning and Memory are both closely associated with Emotions.
