why are you interested in taking this course

by Frederick Kertzmann 6 min read

Include information about your skills and natural talents in your answer. Consider mentioning how your skills align with the subject matter. Focus on your unique strengths that could contribute to your success in the course. Discuss the skills you hope to further develop through the course.

Why should all professors start off their class with a similar assignment?

One student’s testimony verifies these positive impacts: “I think all professors should start off their class with a similar assignment because it lets students know that this is not a lecture class that you can zone out in, but rather one that requires active mental participation and original thought.”.

Why are faculty discouraged?

Most faculty are discouraged by the very common “because it’s required” response. Equally discouraging is what students hope to get out of a course. Sometimes they seem perplexed by the question! The answer is so obvious—they want an A.

What is a statement of purpose?

Students post their “statements of purpose” to a discussion forum, but these statements are a private communication between the student and the instructor. The statements include discussion of overall educational and professional plans—to the extent students know them—how this course might fit into those plans; educational strengths and weaknesses, and how they might impact performance in this particular course; and, based on all of that, what the student hopes to get out of the course.

Does Trudeau grade assignments?

Trudeau does grade the assignment, but very loosely. He’s moved to a pass/fail system because the content is personal, which makes it hard to assess. However, he creates a “cost” if students fail to complete the assignment or dash off something just before the deadline. Here’s the description from his syllabus:

Why do you want to take courses?

By and large, you will always want to take courses which will future-proof your existing skillsets to better equip you to excel in your workplace and move your career path to succeed well in life.

What is the purpose of choosing a course?

Basically you would want to choose a course that will lead you to fulfill your ambition and build your future career.

Why do I choose BCOM Hons?

I choose Bcom Hons because of the several opportunities available to the students of Bcom H. It is one of the most trendy courses of today’s times and most demanded ones. Bcom hons helps you to inculcate your business and financial acumen. A major chunk of students opt for this course just because of the numerous opportunities available to them.

Why do you want to take a veterinary course?

If you like pets a lot and would want to help heal animals that are sick and uncared for, perhaps you may want to take up a veterinary course to see how you can help them medically. Basically you would want to choose a course that will lead you to fulfill your ambition and build your future career.

What is the question that you have shared?

The question that you have shared is a classic... there cannot be just one answer to such a question. There are many answers that can be given.... such as... 1. To get a strong foundation for business ... so that I can join my father's business.

What is the most important thing in an interview?

The most important thing is that there are no perfect answers in an interview. While the interviewer will expect an answer that is close to his way of thinking, what the interviewer should really be looking for, is the answer that makes logical sense, and is delivered with confidence and conviction.

What is a topic that could help anyone no matter what his job or goals are?

that’s about marketing, a topic that could help anyone no matter what his job or goals are

Why do you need a general degree?

General degree to keep your career options open. For other job seekers a more generalist approach is best suited towards your course choices. You selected your degree on the basis that it would provide you with a good academic foundation for a wide variety of potential career options.

Is it wrong to choose a degree?

There is nothing wrong with choosing a degree simply because you enjoy the subject. Not every interview answer has to be about how passionate you are about the role. If you are honest and genuine about your reasoning, its far more likely to gain the interviewers trust.

Do you need to tell an interviewer you changed your mind?

Even if you have changed your mind or you did not particularly like what you studied at university, the interviewer does not need to know this. So for all of you unsure candidates, keep it simple. In your answer you might want to explain that at the time you enjoyed the subject area and whilst it may not be directly focused to your career choice now, you’re grateful for the opportunities it has opened you up to. Find an example answer below.

How to show interest in a job interview?

If you show the interviewer that you researched the company and its business model, you demonstrate a specific interest in the position.

What to ask before an interview?

Thinking about this question before the interview will enable you to quickly answer the hiring manager, demonstrating professionalism and preparedness. To develop a response, you must first understand the responsibilities of the position. Thoroughly reviewing the job description before the interview is a good idea. Are you going to interact with customers? Will you be responsible for accounting-related tasks? This knowledge is essential to properly communicate your motivations for pursuing the role and to understand which of your qualifications are most relevant.

How to interview for a new job?

To answer this question, focus on the position for which you are interviewing. Aim to discuss the opportunities you see with the new job rather than voicing concerns about your current position or company. Positively framing the conversation will communicate confidence and professionalism.
