why are you applying for this course

by Ms. Bridie Lubowitz 6 min read

why you are applying for the course – show your enthusiasm how your current skills, experience and qualifications will help your application relevant engagement with your chosen degree subject, such as work experience (if you have it) or extracurricular activities details of anything relevant you plan to do before starting your degree

Focus on positive reasons
Emphasize that you were the one who made the final decision to enroll in the course. While you may discuss others advised you on the choice, your answer showcases your decision-making skills. Try to avoid mentioning that you enrolled in the course because of potential financial benefits.
Apr 5, 2021

Full Answer

Why do you choose a course?

If your reasons to choose a course to study is to gain a degree to qualify you for a skill set you perceive to possess or have a strong inclination towards then that’s a good start to pursue your dreams.

How to answer “why do you want to take this course?

Consider mentioning how your skills align with the subject matter. Focus on your unique strengths that could contribute to your success in the course. Discuss the skills you hope to further develop through the course. 4. Focus on positive reasons Ensure your answer focuses on the positive reasons why you chose the course.

Why did you apply for this position?

When employers ask, “Why did you apply for this position?” or "Why are you interested in this position?" It might seem obvious to the job seeker. Of course, the job seeker applied to the position because they need an income.

How do you answer “why are you applying?

Your answer to “Why are you applying for this position?” should depend on the position for which you’re applying, your experience and your knowledge of the company and job opening itself.

Why do students choose a course?

Most often student chooses a particular course of study because they perceive a career opportunity in the industry the course relates to. It is quite up to you to make a decision on why you would choose a course if your interest lies there because you know you could form a career out of it, then it is settled that a profession in ...

Why do I choose a course to study?

If your reasons to choose a course to study is to gain a degree to qualify you for a skill set you perceive to possess or have a strong inclination towards then that’s a good start to pursue your dreams. If it’s also because you would like to make a job change to another industry which will effectively change career path, ...

What is course scheme?

Course scheme: Every course of study for possible institutions has the likely scheme of works always in display on their websites and prospectus. It will be an advantage if you know a student already in that institution, you could ask for the scheme of works and how the course is supposed to run all through the duration of the study. ...

Why is happiness important?

Happiness is surely a feeling, but an important one, because almost every man’s endeavor strive to achieve this feeling and do things having this feeling within them. So it is important for every student to identify the career path that will bring satisfaction and happiness so that whatever you do, you will be happy doing it. ...

What is the question that you would like to be in the future?

The question, that you would like to be in the future becomes a reality of your decision, after high school or secondary education. It is a question, not every child could answer outright or found difficulty choosing a career of interest. Over time this decision could also be influenced by a peer group, parent or guardian, teacher, ...

Why is it important to check your academic strength?

It is of utmost importance that your performance in academic works has a very strong foundation in order to help boost your morale to pursue your dreams.

What is e-learning in college?

E-learning is a new way to learn remotely for many students. It is a solution that can also be considered if your type, of course, would not demand so much of your physical presence than you could choose from the fleet of universities available offering this opportunity. college courses.

Why do students choose to study a particular course?

Students could choose to study a particular course due to the discovery of their personal strength. Every student has their area of strength and to major in your area of strength is a good decision made to ensure you get going while things seem tough.

Why do students choose a particular course as their field of study?

Opportunities available in such field of study: One of the reasons students chose a particular course as their field of study or major is because of the opportunities available in such field of study. Some students already got the opportunity available to them even before they applied to study the course while some applied for the course because ...

What is your driving force to studying a course?

Your concern for its impact on you or mankind: One of your driving forces to studying a course could be your concern about its importance or impact on you or mankind. E.g. a student could want to study medicine and surgery or other related courses because of its impact on their health and their society.

What is your concern about the future of the field?

1. Your concern about the future of the field. 2. Your concern for its impact on you or mankind: 3. Based on the discovery of Personal Strength: 4. Your interest/passion/dream: 5.

Is studying based on your interest good?

Studying/Majoring in a course based on your interest is also a good choice or students . Students who study a course based on their interest have also being discovered to be among the best top students in their class.

Why do you need a general degree?

General degree to keep your career options open. For other job seekers a more generalist approach is best suited towards your course choices. You selected your degree on the basis that it would provide you with a good academic foundation for a wide variety of potential career options.

Is it wrong to choose a degree?

There is nothing wrong with choosing a degree simply because you enjoy the subject. Not every interview answer has to be about how passionate you are about the role. If you are honest and genuine about your reasoning, its far more likely to gain the interviewers trust.

Why do I feel like an in demand candidate?

You’ll seem like a more in-demand candidate because you’re asking great questions and evaluating them, not just trying to get the first job you’re offered. It’ll make the whole interview more conversational and less like an interrogation.

Can employers hear you name the industry you want to work in?

No employers want to hear that! You can name the industry you want to be working in. The type of role. The size or type of company (for example a start-up). There are so many things you can talk about here, but you need to have something to demonstrate you’ve thought about what you want to be doing in your next job.

Do employers want to hire someone who is applying to every job they can find online?

Employers don’t want to hire a candidate who’s applying to every job they can find online. They want someone who’s thought about their career goals and wants a specific type of job (or at least a few different types).

Why do job seekers apply for positions?

Of course, the job seeker applied to the position because they need an income. But that’s not what the employer is looking for nor asking. This standard first interview question initiates the conversation between the candidate and the hiring manager and can guide the interview's remainder.

What is the purpose of conscious reasoning?

Insight into what value they will receive if they choose to provide a job offer. But to get that step, the candidate must display conscious reasoning for why they are applying for the position. The reason needs to consist of career aspirations, an opportunity to develop skills or experience in the job opportunity.

What is the first step in answering this interview question?

The first step in answering this interview question is determining our career aspirations as a candidate. The goal of the aspirations is to have a career path in mind that the candidate will share with the potential employer.

Skills and achievements

Write about anything you have done that might help with your application.

Work history

Include details of placements, work experience, voluntary work, or jobs, especially if it is relevant to your chosen course (s).

Career plans

Use this section to tell the provider what you might like to do in the future as a career after completing the course. Explain how you would like to use the course (s) you have applied for to help you reach your goal.
