why are bricks soldier course under doorways

by Hipolito Anderson 7 min read

A Soldier Course is created by laying the bricks on end, side by side. The standard practice of this style of brickwork is to be applied to openings in the facade aswell as being used to create a horizontal detail band course around a building.

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What is a soldier course brick used for?

The orientation of the bricks are installed to expose the long narrow side of the brick to make them stand in a row, similar to soldiers. In many cases the soldier course is used as an accent band within a masonry facade, or as a decorative head detail for a window or door.

Can a soldier brick be used as a running bond?

NON-CONTINUOUS COURSES When soldier brick are not continuous, a problem may arise where the soldier course stops and running-bond pattern begins. In order for the running-bond course directly above the soldier course to be laid using uncut brick, the height of the soldier brick needs to match the running-bond coursing dimension.

How do you use a soldier brick wall?

Virtually all sizes, colors, and textures of brick can be used as soldier brick. Common applications include banding around the perimeter of a building, single courses above door and window openings, and multiple, adjoining soldier courses used in accent panels. CORNER CONCERNS Special concerns arise when soldier brick must turn a corner.

What is brick bonding and why is it important?

Bonding is crucial to eliminate consecutive vertical joints both in the body as well as on the face of the wall, as this will create a weak brick structure. It is also referred as the adhesion between mortar and brick or stone units and when attaching several types of masonry walls by overlapping masonry units.

What is the purpose of a soldier course?

Soldier: A soldier course is one in which brick are laid standing on end with the narrow edge facing out. This type of course is sometimes used for decorative effects over door and window openings and in fireplace facings (vertical, long, narrow).

Why is it called a soldier course?

The idea behind the name is that when one looks at the long narrow side of a brick, it is supposed to resemble a soldier standing at attention. A soldier course can be laid horizontally or perpendicularly in relation to another course of bricks, with soldier courses commonly being used for edging.

What is a sailor course of brick?

Sailor A sailor course is similar to the soldier course but with the wide edge facing out. It is used for decorative effects (vertical, long, wide). The width of a masonry structure can be measured by stretchers and joints. The height of a masonry structure can be measured by courses and joints.

How do you lay brick soldier course?

0:043:00GARDEN WALL HOW TO LAY A SOLDIER COURSE - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipBoard the most important thing with bricklaying getting that nice enough on there for for freeMoreBoard the most important thing with bricklaying getting that nice enough on there for for free making sure that's not evenly spread on the brick. Just place it on there nice.

What is a soldier course in pavers?

A soldier course is when you lay a row of pavers side to side, perpendicular to the rest of the field. In other words, you lay the long sides next to each other, and the short sides are touching the fieldstones.

What is Soldier course in construction?

A soldier course is a row of bricks laid vertically with the long narrow side of the brick exposed. You'll often see the soldier course around a door or window as way to accentuate the trim and define the transition between wall and opening.

What is the top course of a brick wall called?

COPING: The material or masonry units forming a cap or finish on top of a wall, pier, pilaster, chimney, etc. It protects masonry below from penetration of water from above.

What is a brick string course?

stringcourse, in architecture, decorative horizontal band on the exterior wall of a building. Such a band, either plain or molded, is usually formed of brick or stone. The stringcourse occurs in virtually every style of Western architecture, from Classical Roman through Anglo-Saxon and Renaissance to modern.

What is the mortar course?

This is commonly known as a chemical damp proof course injection. The system is injected in holes that are drilled into the wall at least 150mm above the external ground level. Mortar Injection Damp Proof Course – This is similar to the use of creams or liquid injected into the wall.

Are soldier bricks a lintel?

The most common type of laying brick lintels is soldier course brickwork. In this case the bricks can be both solid and hollow.

Can you lay bricks vertically?

Normally bricks are laid on their long edges and the vertical joints are offset on every row as this increases the strength of the wall and can help reduce the spread of cracks in the mortar. When you set them vertically, you minimize the amount of offset there can be from brick to brick.

Why are bricks laid in a stretcher pattern?

Stretcher bond It's easy and simple to construct and produces minimal brick wastage due to the vertical joints being staggered each time by a half brick. Another advantage of this brick bond pattern is that the bricks don't have to be cut to size to be used.

How does soldier course fall into coursing?

The soldier course will fall into coursing by matching with three courses of a running bond or commonly laid brick. In many instances the soldier course is doubled or tripled to create a wider band of dissimilar laid brick in the facade. Architects may chose to change the coloration of this band.

What is the purpose of the soldier course?

The orientation of the bricks are installed to expose the long narrow side of the brick to make them stand in a row, similar to soldiers. In many cases the soldier course is used as an accent band within a masonry facade, or as a decorative head detail for a window or door.

What is a brick course called?

SOLDIER COURSE. Bricks that are set with the narrow side exposed are called soldiers. Bricks laid vertically with its long narrow sides presented (Soldiers) in a row is called a soldier course. Usually used to add visual interest to a masonry structure.

What is a brick veneer?

A single construction material, usually brick, used on the exterior walls of buildings for its appearance of solid masonry without the weight and cost and providing a non-load bearing wall. The masonry veneer is fastened to the building's structure, but is self-supporting, and places no additional load on the building.

What is mortar on a brick?

The act of placing mortar on one face of a masonry unit with a trowel before is laid. You will want to put as much mortar as possible on the end of the brick.

What is a stretcher course?

STRETCHER COURSE. A course of bricks or stones that lie with its longest side parallel to the face of the work. The course of brickwork in which all the bricks are laid as stretchers is known as stretcher course. In the example below it is a course of bricks four stretchers long.

What is a bed joint?

If the joint is parallel to the bed of masonry pieces in a course, it is termed as bed joint. If the joint is perpendicular, then the bed joints are termed vertical joints, side joints, head joints, or just joints. You can find below the different mortar joint types.

What is a tie in masonry?

A masonry tie is a wire or sheet metal device used to connect two or more masonry single section brick walls. They are also used to connect masonry veneers to a structural backing system.

Why is bonding important?

Bonding is crucial to eliminate consecutive vertical joints both in the body as well as on the face of the wall, as this will create a weak brick structure.

Brick walkway: Gaps in soldier course edging

I've got a hardscaping job in progress, and I'm disappointed with the masonry work. The job included replacing the old, rotting wooden front steps from the front of the house, burying downspouts, regrading, and putting in a brick walkway.

Comments (15)

Not a pro, but to me that looks like crap. I would insist on fixing it. Let them know you have lots of photos and expect it fixed. Is it all like that, or just one spot?