why andrew ng course is the best

by Ms. Edwina Price 10 min read

Andrew Ng is a gifted teacher and able to explain complicated subjects in a very intuitive and clear way, including the math behind all concepts. Highly recommended. The only problem I see with this course if that it sets the expectation bar very high for other courses.

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Is Andrew Ng's Machine Learning Course on Coursera enough?

Andrew Ng courses are a public service. The style is engaging, the content well motivated, and he does not hide the maths - without being hard to follow. But it's like watching a Chef doing one of his famous recipe on TV. Very exciting, it looks simple, we want to …

Why did Richard Ng create Coursera?

Dec 01, 2019 · deeplearning.ai with Andrew Ng. Anything Andrew Ng releases, I engulf. My learning style is very aligned with his teaching style. I learn best with a combination of text and visuals. Andrew does both of these in his lectures. Often drawing examples over the printed lecture notes. This course taught me the fundamentals of deep learning as well as how to …

Who is Andrew Ng and what did he do?

Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning Collection. Courses and specializations from leading organizations and universities, curated by Andrew Ng. Andrew Ng is founder of DeepLearning.AI, general partner at AI Fund, chairman and cofounder of Coursera, and an adjunct professor at Stanford University. As a pioneer both in machine learning and online ...

What is the difference between Ng and Coursera?

Andrew Ng is Founder of DeepLearning.AI, General Partner at AI Fund, Chairman and Co-Founder of Coursera, and an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University. As a pioneer both in machine learning and online education, Dr. Ng has changed countless lives through his work in AI, authoring or co-authoring over 100 research papers in machine learning ...

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Ng’s goal is to give everyone in the world access to a great education, for free. Today, Coursera partners with some of the top universities in the world to offer high quality online courses, and is the largest MOOC platform in the world. Ng also works …

Is Andrew Ng course still good?

8 years after publication, Andrew Ng's course is still ranked as one of the top machine learning courses. This has become a staple course of Coursera and, to be honest, in machine learning. As of this article, it has had 2,632,122 users enroll in the course.Nov 13, 2019

Is Andrew Ng course best?

If you are a beginner in the field, this course will definitely be recommended by almost everyone. Andrew Ng is a great teacher and if you do all the exercises and watch his lectures you will have a very intuitive understanding of some of the fundamental concepts in Machine Learning.

Is Andrew Ng course good for beginners?

If you are interested in machine learning (you should) and you are a beginner or know very little about it, Andrew's course is the best investment of your time that you can make.Jan 19, 2017

Is Andrew Ng's course outdated?

Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course on Coursera is not 100 years old. It is as relevant today as it was 5 years back. However, it is possible that it is not the best suitable for you at this stage.

Is Andrew Ng course enough for ML?

No it's not enough to complete a machine learning course by Andrew Ng from Coursera or any other website. Andrew Ng course is one of the best foundational course for machine learning. The course is intended for those who want to start learning Machine Learning.

Are Coursera certificates worth it?

Are Coursera Certificates worth it? On the whole, yes. If you're seeking promotion, looking for a career change, or the skills you are learning are highly sought after, then a Coursera Certificate is definitely worth the investment. Coursera partners and course providers are world class.

How long does it take to complete Andrew Ng course?

How long does it take to finish Andrew Ng's Deep Learning Specialization as fast as possible? I have spent roughly 2 weeks on all 5 courses at that specialization taken together and working on lectures and homeworks for about 4–8 hours a day (including weekends).

What language is machine learning by Andrew Ng?

Andrew Ng has used Octave and MATLAB in his course on machine learning. The reason is that these languages allow you to better understand the mathematics behind machine learning algorithms. They make things intuitive for beginners. However, Octave is not the best programming language for practical machine learning.

Is machine learning by Andrew Ng?

Ng is an adjunct professor at Stanford University (formerly associate professor and Director of its Stanford AI Lab or SAIL)....Andrew NgFieldsArtificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision15 more rows

Is Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course good?

This course provide a lot of basic knowledge for anyone who don't know machine learning still learn. Once again, I would like to say thank to Professor Andrew Ng and all Mentor. Excellent starting course on machine learning. Beats any of the so called programming books on ML.

Does Andrew Ng still teach at Stanford?

Andrew Ng is Founder & CEO of Landing AI, Founder of deeplearning.ai, Co-Chairman and Co-Founder of Coursera, and is currently an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University. He was also Chief Scientist at Baidu Inc., and Founder & Lead for the Google Brain Project.

Is Machine Learning a good career?

Is Machine Learning a Good Career Path? Yes, machine learning is a great career path if you're interested in data, automation, and algorithms as your day will be filled with analyzing large amounts of data and implementing and automating it.

Applied Data Science with Python by the University of Michigan

When I started as a machine learning engineer, my skills for exploring a dataset were subpar. I’d spent too much time building deep learning networks for prepared datasets rather than getting into the trenches and exploring data from scratch.

deeplearning.ai with Andrew Ng

Anything Andrew Ng releases, I engulf. My learning style is very aligned with his teaching style.

Bonus: Learning How to Learn by Barbara Oakley

This course should be compulsory for all students. I’ve left it until last but if I was to start again, I’d do this first. It’s worth doing yearly to update yourself.

Because is enough of a reason to learn anything

It’s amazing to have such resources available online. And Coursera is only one of many. There’s YouTube, Udemy, edX, Towards Data Science, a plethora of free documentation.

What are the problems that slow down AI adoption?

For AI to be meaningful, companies need to feed their algorithms vast amounts of data, which isn’t always readily available. In fact, Ng says some large companies launch products for the payout of data, not revenue, and then later monetize it through a different product.

Will AI control the human race?

AI has an image problem, one deserved and one not. No, it will not someday control the human race. “I think that there is no clear path to how AI can become sentient,” he says. If it does, it might take hundreds or thousands of years.

Who is Andrew Ng?

Stanford professor Andrew Ng teaching his course on Machine Learning (in a video from 2008) " New Brainlike Computers, Learning From Experience ," reads a headline on the front page of The New York Times this morning. The article focuses on machine-learning algorithms, known as a neural networks, that are becoming increasingly important in computer ...

Who is Ng in Google?

Ng is the director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab and one of the founders, with Jeff Dean, of Google Brain, a deep learning research project at Google. He is using machine learning as a step towards the "AI dream of someday building machines as intelligent as you or I.". It turns out that artificial intelligence and the robotics ...

How do neural networks work?

Neural networks wire together many processors and the connections between the processors are "weighted" based on data that is input. As more data is added to the system these weightings change and, in effect, the new configuration is a form of learning.

What is machine learning?

Simply put, machine learning is the part of artificial intelligence that actually works. You can use it to train computers to do things that are impossible to program in advance. Ng uses the example of handwriting recognition as a classic example of a problem that can only be achieved through machine learning.

Who taught Coursera?

Taught by the famous Andrew Ng , Google Brain founder and former chief scientist at Baidu, this was the class that sparked the founding of Coursera. It has a 4.7-star weighted average rating over 422 reviews. Released in 2011, it covers all aspects of the machine learning workflow.

What is machine learning?

A popular definition originates from Arthur Samuel in 1959: machine learning is a subfield of computer science that gives “computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.”. In practice, this means developing computer programs that can make predictions based on data.
