whose line pick up lines on golf course

by Justen Kub 3 min read

Do you line up your golf shots correctly?

56 Golf Pick Up Lines. Many golfing terms sound naughty. Use these pick up lines to your advantage in starting a chat with your guy or girl. We have compiled the best list of pick up lines with references to golf style, golf clubs, golf course, and various famous golf celebrity. Are you a Nike One Platinum ball because I'd like to see you on a T?

How to make Dr Seuss inspired pick up lines work for You?

I’m still working on my approach, but I think I have a pretty good swing. I’m still working on my approach, but I think I have a pretty good swing. Golf Pick Up Lines. Damn, girl. You’ve got the nicest boobs I’ve seen outside a PGA Tour locker room. Damn, girl.

What to say to someone on the golf course?

Jul 26, 2016 · Aisha Tyler: [in "Scenes from a Hat"] "Pick-up lines on the golf course." Wayne Brady: [shaking Colin's hand] Hey. Just call me "Tiger". Ryan Stiles: Three strokes, and I'm in. Wayne Brady: [to Greg] Damn girl, you like it rough. Greg Proops: Try to work your way out of my bunker. Wayne Brady: [hesitantly] With my... nine iron? [Aisha buzzes]

How do you know if your golf alignment is correct?

Mar 31, 2021 · “Pick up lines on the golf course” Ryan: “3 strokes and I’m in…” Greg: I love how Greg is still able to crack up Ryan after all these years. Greg, with Wayne: “try to work your way out of my bunker.” Wayne, who knows nothing about golf: “with my….nine iron??” Aisha: BUZZ Wayne: “I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT GOLF.” Ryan: “REALLY??”


Keeping it Real - with guest star appearance by TAMERA MOWRY-HOUSLEY - Hosted by comedian Aisha Tyler, cast members Ryan Stiles, Wayne Brady and Colin Mochrie, along with guest comedian GREG PROOPS, put their comedic skills to the test through a series of spontaneous improv games that are prompted only by random ideas supplied by the studio audience.

Did you know

Aisha Tyler: [in "Scenes from a Hat"] "Pick-up lines on the golf course."
