For more information and registration instructions, visit the Registration webpage. All CU Boulder students register for classes through Buff Portal, where they can also check their assigned registration periods, view any holds that may prevent registration (see "Holds"), see to-do lists and obtain their advisor's name and contact information.
Be taken at CU Boulder for a letter grade (i.e., not taken pass/fail or for no credit). Not be a special topics course or any other course designated in the catalog as repeatable for credit (e.g., independent study, field experience, dissertation hours).
While the majority of attendees at CU Boulder are traditional students, the university serves the needs of a wide variety of nontraditional students as well. Each registration program or student type may have different registration and enrollment stipulations.
In addition, some courses at CU–including mathematics, engineering, language and all graduate-level courses–may be restricted. Proof of completed prerequisites or departmental permission may be required to enroll. Contact an academic advisor with any questions you have about the course (s) you intend to take.
How to Get OneUse Buff Portal's enrollment verification card (you may be prompted to log in) to request an enrollment verification that includes your expected semester of graduation.Contact your college or school to request a letter of completion.
In two new sets of rankings, CU Boulder placed in the top 100 among best universities in the U.S. and worldwide, continuing to hold its position among some of the world's most highly regarded institutions.
a 3.600 semester GPADegree-seeking undergraduate students in the College who complete at least 12 semester credit hours taken for a letter grade on the Boulder Campus during the Fall or Spring semester, and earn at least a 3.600 semester GPA, are automatically placed on the Dean's List.
The most popular majors at University of Colorado Boulder include: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Engineering; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Social Sciences; Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs; Psychology; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; ...
As one of the nation's top-ranked Tier 1 research institutions, CU Boulder offers forward-thinking graduate programs that produce groundbreaking research, economic opportunity and a positive impact.
CU Boulder's College of Engineering and Applied Science is a tier-one professional school—one of the top-ranked engineering schools in the nation.
Grades of D+, D and D- are considered passing grades of P. Grades of C- and above are considered passing grades of P+. Classes that are graded on a pass/fail-only basis are not eligible to be taken for letter grades, and do not include the P+ grade.
3.66Average GPA: 3.66 The average GPA at University of Colorado Boulder is 3.66. This makes University of Colorado Boulder Strongly Competitive for GPAs. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA.
The award is given to a top percentile of students, like the top 10% or 25%. The exact dean's list GPA requirements will depend on each particular pool of students, but is usually at least a 3.5 GPA. To be eligible, you'll also need to be a full-time student taking a minimum number of credits (often around 12 credits).
11 Colleges With the Lowest Acceptance RatesSchool (state)Fall 2020 acceptance rateHarvard University (MA)5%Stanford University (CA)5%Columbia University (NY)6%Princeton University (NJ)6%8 more rows
It is possible to move from Arts & Sciences to Business, but it is extremely difficult to transfer into Engineering. The profile of the middle 50% of accepted students into Engineering is weighted GPA of 3.87-4.0, ACT of 29-33, new SAT of 1290-1470.
The majority of students here come from middle to upper middle class families and there is an interesting split between extremely liberal and very republican students. Most greek life members come from affluent families many of which are alums.
On the class schedule card: To export your class schedule, open the card menu and select "Export to calendar.". To see your schedule for the next 10 days in calendar format, select the grid tab. To see your schedule for the next 10 days in list format, select the list tab. In CU Boulder Class Search.
Law Students. During the registration period, law students can register for up to 18 credit hours. To identify how many credits you need to take to be considered full time, see Check Your Enrollment Status. Grad Students. During the registration period: Graduate students can register for a maximum of 15 credit hours.
During the registration period, undergraduate students can register for up to 19 credit hours, including waitlisted classes (some programs have lower limits). During open enrollment, non-engineering undergraduates can register for up to 21 credit hours, including waitlisted courses. The College of Engineering limits its students to 19 credit hours.
Submit the form to the home campus registrar's office on or after April 1 for fall semester and on or after Oct. 1 for spring semester. Students in certain graduate programs are exempt from registering at their home campus. For details, see the CU Intercampus Enrollment Form and Policy.
Colorado residents age 55 or over are eligible to listen in on regularly scheduled lectures through the CU Boulder Alumni Association's senior auditors program. For more information, visit Senior Auditors or contact the CU Boulder Alumni Association at 303-492-8484 or [email protected]. Current Students.
High School Dual Enrollment. The high school dual enrollment program offers high school students the challenge of completing college courses. For information on eligibility and registration, follow the link below or call 303-492-5148. Learn more about the program. Intercampus Enrollment.
Community Auditors. Community members age 18–54 who aren't registered students are eligible to listen in on regularly scheduled lectures through the Division of Continuing Education's community auditors program. For more information, visit Community Auditors or contact the Division of Continuing Education at 303-492-5148.
Dependents can register for class (es) during their assigned enrollment dates (degree-seeking students) or the open enrollment period (nondegree students). Faculty and staff must wait to register until the first day of the semester or the first meeting day of the class, whichever comes first.
The intercampus enrollment program enables students to take a course on another CU campus ( excluding Anschutz Medical Campus ) if they are unable to take the course at CU Boulder. If students plan to take at least one class at CU Boulder, they are able to request to register on another CU campus as well.
Current students are not eligible to audit a class; however, they may enroll in a class and change the grade mode to "No Credit Basis (Audit).". The student would pay tuition and be officially enrolled, but would receive a grade of NC for the class, which does not impact GPA.
Eligibility to Enroll in Credit Courses. You need a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma to enroll in credit courses. If you are under 22 years of age as of Sept. 15 for fall or Jan. 15 for spring and not officially admitted or enrolled in a CU Boulder degree program, you must meet criteria similar to those ...
CE Evening Credit courses are offered only during the fall and spring semesters. If you are interested in taking courses during the summer, please visit the Summer Session website to learn more.
Please fax copies to 303-492-5335 or mail them to us at 1505 University Avenue, 178 UCB, Bou lder, CO 80309.
Graduate: Up to 6 credit hours of grade-replacement coursework. Student Requirements. To apply for grade replacement, students must: Be an active degree-seeking undergraduate or graduate student at CU Boulder (law and nondegree students are not eligible).
Changes in credit registration are not permitted after the third Friday of the regular 16-week fall or spring session, or after the add/drop deadline of any special fall or spring session or Summer Session. Tuition is the same whether or not credit is received in a class.
When a final grade has been assigned , the transcript states, "Originally graded as Incomplete.". Requests for incomplete grades must be initiated by the student and only when, for reasons beyond their control, the student is unable to complete the class requirements within the semester of enrollment.
Students who have graduated cannot use grade replacement for a course taken in a completed career. Have earned a C- or lower (undergraduate students), or a C+ or lower (graduate students) in the most recent prior attempt of a course. Invoke Grade Replacement.
Use the search panel on the left to find and narrow down classes of interest. Need help? Submit a help request. We also welcome your general feedback on the Class Search tool.
If you're looking to improve your cumulative GPA, schedule an advising appointment to discuss whether you'd benefit from retaking a course for grade replacement. If grade replacement is right for you, you’ll need to register for the class and then submit a grade replacement request form by the posted deadline for that semester or session.
After adding classes to your cart, you can continue enrolling right here. You can also drop classes and change your grade mode. If you prefer the old method of registration you can continue with classic registration instead.
Apply to CU Boulder before the semester begins. If you are taking classes informally, complete the non-degree application by April 26, 2021. If you are taking classes toward a specific degree, complete the degree application by published admissions deadlines.
Employees Register: Aug. 16, 2021. Employees who are enrolled as full-time students cannot use the benefit during the fall or spring semesters. Dependents of Boulder campus employees may register for undergraduate and graduate courses.
If your dependent is not listed on your CU health, dental or life insurance, you must submit a Dependent Eligibility Verification Form. When you fill out the Tuition Assistance Benefit Application, attach and submit it with your application.
Employees can register on the first day of the semester.
If you are taking classes informally, complete the non-degree application by Dec. 31, 2020. If you are taking classes toward a specific degree, complete the degree application by published admissions deadlines. Use the Tuition Assistance Benefit Application for employee and dependent submissions for all campuses.
Colorado resident undergraduates - Apply and authorize for the College Opportunity Fund. Application deadline: April 29, 2021. Authorization deadline: May 5, 2021. If you or your dependent are taking undergraduate courses and are a Colorado resident, apply for the College Opportunity Fund (COF).
Colorado resident undergraduates - Apply and authorize for the College Opportunity Fund. Application deadline: Aug. 18, 2021. Authorization deadline: Aug. 19, 2021. If you or your dependent are taking undergraduate courses and are a Colorado resident, apply for the College Opportunity Fund (COF).